Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 9/4/16 Full Episode: Hillary Lied 40 times to the FBI by claiming she doesn't remember or recall when answering every single question she is asked by the FBI during her interview! Clinton Email Scandal Update! Hillary Clinton is destroyed in this episode. Maria Bartiromo talks to border police about Donald Trump's immigration policy.
Fox News – Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo – September 4, 2016 – Full Episode
trump all the way
Never hillary
Never ever
+Omoh 87 ever ever to infinity
Clinton is going to jail…. simple. ……
I agree. She won’t go to jail. If the FBI or the DOJ finds her indictable,
they’ll have to indict about 2-300 other politicians that have done worse
than her over the decades. The whole judicial/political system has been
made corrupted and is decayed beyond repair. All this BS on Hillary or
Trump for that matter, is nothing but a dog & pony show.
Let’s hope so!
People,” listen” to what James Comey said during the Congressional Hearing
after the decision was made not to indict her. He said, “The American
people will have to decide in November.” The head of the FBI is telling
you that he can’t do his job for whatever reason and you and I will have
decide her guilt or innocence in November. When the head of the FBI can’t
bring his evidence forward because Obama is protecting her, we have a real
problem. Register to vote, get your friends to vote. If our elections are
still real, this is our last hope.
How can we decide when our votes really do not count and haven’t in years.
Voting is a facade for the government to cover up their corruption.
Corruption meaning they want themselves to look like they have done nothing
wrong and we made the mistake of voting for some loser. The elites have
already chosen Killary as president long long before we vote. Why can’t
people see this.
I would love to hear about her record of what she accomplished while she
was the Secretary of State. Everything she did while in office was a
criminal act or treasonous activities. Selling the State Department for
personal gain or giving away State secrets. The Woman Stole the Silverware
of George Washington and Sold Nitely Stays in the Lincoln Bedroom. I mean
how low can a person get. Not to mention all the dead bodies that surrounds
the Clinton’s. This is the best person that the Democrats were able to find
to support to the Whitehouse? The nation is in serious trouble if she’s
+Erik Nielson Lets have a look into some of those things she accomplished
as Secretary of State and some other facts in her 30yrs of politics.She
approved the sales of 84 F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. Which they used
in an air campaign against Yemen killing thousands of civilians and leaving
thousands more civilians as refugees. Wonder who Saudi Arabia will choose
to use our F-15 fighters jets on next? She took money from 4 Arab king’s
Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, & Morocco. Sitting in an offshore account. She
ignored 4 military men as pleaded for assistance (well within her power to
give at the time) than after the brutal deaths of those men she lied to
their families & to the American people about their deaths. She according
to her ex secret service hired private investigators to hunt down women
that her husband sexually assaulted and have then threatened into not
speaking about their assaults. The women that got a little to loud about it
have died very premature deaths. She has 47 ex employees in their 30’s and
40’s dead today, including 3 that were working on her current campaign
(Seth Rich) a director in her current campaign was murdered ,report read it
was a robbery but he had all his possessions on him wallet money in it,
keys, laptop, watch on wrist. He had just access to a whole lot of damaging
evidence against it appears. She advocated her husbands friendship with
convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein. Her husband visited Epstein’s house in
WPB over 22 times and has flown on Epstein’s private jet over 11 times (He
is on the official fly list) Where children were in fact trafficked to that
private island from South America to lose their innocence at the hands of
their captures. Please See Conchita Sarnoff and her daughter Cristina
interview with Sean Sttone on BuzzFeed. Listed as Peodophile Billionaires:
Jeffery Epstein , Bill Clinton & Sex Slave Island Cover-Up. It is chilling.
She claims to be for the rights of women and children then stands by and
does nothing as her husband sexually assaults them. She refers to African
American youth as”Super Predators” She calls Robert Byrd her “Friend and
Mentor” a man who recruited over 150 men to the KKK,. I do not consider
that a brush with the KKK. What is left of the secret service that has
worked with her claim she is a disaster of a person. And behind closed
doors she has harsh racial slurs. She deleted some 30,000 emails. Or so she
thinks. I got a feeling some of those are still lingering in internet space
for the time being and will resurface when she least expects them to.
Damaging information between her deals with Arab nations the way I see it.
I am a registered Independent and I always do in depth research before I
help put our Commander in Chief in office she will not get my vote or many,
many people I personally know. This list is endless my friend. But you get
the picture here. She would sell our country up the river and has already
begun to any Arab nation willing to pay her and we know there are plenty.
Hope that helped answer some of questions.
+laynn10 Si mami, we on the left have separate bones to pick with her,
which I will only broadly describe. Malfeasance to direct corruption in
State’s handing over billions for the rehab of Haiti, administered by her
hubbie and now huge amounts of money not accounted for. Lying about the
protection of the military in the coup Honduras, resulting in the slaughter
of indigenous activists; probably the largest case of election fraud in 4
identifiable forms in the primary campaign in 2016. Your list could begin
with her sevice way long ago on the Senate Watergate Committee as a green
law school grad. I’ve not deeply researched the details, but I saw one
report which indicated that her boss thought so little of the Yale Law
Grad, not because of lack of competence, but because of her arrogant tone
with her supervisors and her having lied in some communication with her
Many of the things she did while Secretary of State are in “Clinton Cash”
. read about the author who studied it he uncovers corruption that is his
job. The emails are bad but the things she did in third world countries
takes an even more devious mind.
Some serious accomplishments. Liberals hate you. Lol.
Shouldn’t she be arrested for selling Americas secret information? This is
nuts,if it was any of us we would have been executed by now.
she should have been arrested 20 years ago for lying about under oath and
her investment frauds..ending in murder of her closest staff member and
(boy)friend Vince..she should have got arrested when she used executive
forces (FBI) to intimidate the witnesses in the investigation of her
husband’s sexual assaults and his affairs..ending in the death of two
teenagers who became by coincidence witnesses…she is indirectly selling
natural resources to US ” enemies ” ..she should have been arrested for
knowing and not informing authorities about the Sex trafficking by Epstein
. there are sooo many violations of law and criminal misconduct that she
would have to live 500 years to sit up her sentence
+Mimi Tsiakas Looks as if she may be hedging her bets, getting ready to
plead insanity if Justice starts to hamper her.
+Marira lol
good point I haven’t thought of that 

but you are
probably right
yes. But it proves the fbi ‘s s corrupt to.
+Change InTheAir Think about what you’ve been taught to say : Whistleblower.
They don’t want you to say :
Person of Conscience.
How you label a thing can define or redefine a thing.
People who spoke out against corruption were Celebrated and now we call
them traitors or more affectionately known as whistleblowers. Change the
Soros needs a new Puppet ,they are out there watch ….& See . Hillary is
good bye sheesh
She’s also has got a condition of Selective Amnesia. She remembers only
what she wants to remember and forgets the rest, and she wants to be our
President? Also when confronted with proof of her disastrous decision
making, she turns it completely around and blames someone else. She also
tries to make common sense out of disastrous and completely stupid
judgment. Also shes been absent for most of her scandalous campaign.
America must have a President that is able to remember.
The best one for me out of the FBI interview is that she didn’t realize
that Drone Strikes are classified information. No wonder James Comey
painted a picture of her being mentally challenged.
+E. Harris yup, if she doesn’t succeed rigging the election, see could join
special Olympics!
+highpocket888 she*
The most corrupt politician, presidential candidate, secretary of state,
senator, seller of state secrets, lying, stealing, cheating, thieving,
racketeering, money grubbing prostitute in history. Please let’s stick a
fork in this evil witch and put her and her husband the rapist pedophile
Slick Willy Clinton in prison and start a new chapter in the United States
where people like this will be hunted down and jailed for screwing the
Do you remember when perjury was a criminal offense?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
The beast sounds like a mobster I don’t recall and the fact that she’s
running for president is proof America is in a sad state.
But there above the law.
You are absolutely correct!
it’s looking bad for H. ever since she threatened, If I go down, we all go
good recap… everyone forgot about that quote!
that was a clear threat she was making to the compromised people, i can’t
wait to see exactly who she was referring to. that will be interesting.
Well where are our leaders that are suppose to be looking out for our well
being? we need trump to clean up the mess this country is in.. Obama has
turned this america upside down his policies and have hurt americans all
americans in some form .Many have lost their life for this country. Are
people living in fantacy world ?. Clinton has shown she is corrupt and the
media just looks away. She said she takes responsibility for what she has
done. Well what does that mean? nothing. She should step down from running
for the highest position of our land. She is phony ,corrupt, and a liar.
The only thing she has doe as sec of state is put frequent miles on the
jet. Oh yes one more thing she enhanced her bank account and added more
money to the clinton foundation.
Only idiots vote for the same party for decades and expect this time to be
different. Democrats are NEVER going to allow the poor minorities to
succeed that would remove them from their control.
Clinton, both are criminals to the extreme
Secretary of State and this. How blind are the
American people. She is not competent
she is corrupt and on the end of her road
I’m sick of this dude backstabbing our candidate and it’s likely Murdoch
putting him up to it, FAUX news
The TPP is not free trade Gary, and your running mate choice is a gun
You are not what we need. :(
I am a Libertarian, but Gary Johnson is a MORON!!!!! He himself said he
polled 72% of the time with Bernie Sanders. What a joke he is.
every body email trump a plan to secure the border
They nit pick trumps policy but never talk about Hillarys policy which is
much worse. Where is the story here .
Obviously Hillary’s mind is not capable of presidency or she lied 40 times,
either way she does not qualify to be pres. And ALL the other federal
investigations she’s under…lying under oath on video IS a felony, charge
so all that experience is irrelevant since she cant remember anything
People, she hit her head. Give her a break. Send her to prison so she can
rest and recover.