With the U.S. vaccination rates slowing down, medical experts are at odds over whether this could lead to another Covid surge in some parts of the nation over the summer. MSNBC's Brian Williams talks to Dr. Murtaza Akhter.
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#MSNBC #CovidVaccine #Summer
“I think time will tell what’s going to end up happening” Wow that’s genius.
@Teardown Dan you may want to watch the Bret Weinstein podcast it’ll clear up your confusion on this issue
@atheist28403 do you understand that the immune system will revert back to producing the antibodies from the first vaccine… So if you need a booster that booster will have no effect at all because the body reverts back to the first vaccine when confronted with any virus in this family of virus(s)
@THINGY says who? Have a source on that? There are boosters for many other vaccines. Why would this one be any different? Have you never had to get say, a tetanus booster for instance?
@Max Schwartz check the above mentioned bret weinstien Bossche youtube video- both are phd’s in the field
Gov getting hella desperate
They promising guns and drugs if you get vaccinated like wtf is their plan and what’s really in the vaccine
“The people are on to us. Better try to scare them with more nonsense.”
– the Left and MSM
Fear is the currency of control
“The pandemic isn’t over until I can retire really well on my book deal. Or until I get tired of being an unelected authoritarian ruler, whichever comes first.”
– Dr. Anthony “Faustus” Fauci
@Max Schwartz all 3200 pages are available to read there. See for yourself
lol, too funny.
@E E Fauci is already the highest paid federal employee. How much do you think he makes?
@Max Schwartz Here’s the damning evidence: People get sick. People die. The PCR tests will tell you, if you read it like they want you to, that you are sick with covid and die with covid. The covid-19 virus has never been isolated.
It’s not a fight, Brian Williams. It’s a ruse.
@Robert Douglas I can post more if you want but I think this should be plenty to convince any sane person.
Wow more speculative fear mongering.
Wait!!! You can’t stop being scared yet!!!

@Fletcher Christian what does that have to do with blatant fear mongering? Wierd flex but ok.
@Fletcher Christian stay afraid Karen

Don’t tell Colorado that! Things here are miraculously opening up in time for the MLB All Star game. What a coincidence.
Come on, SELL IT!
Ever get the feeling you’re being lied to?
@Nanner Swain The vaccine is the pandemic, the earth is round, and humans are not monkeys.
DeanK_68 – Every time the mainstream media opens it’s mouth. Where are the articles about the smashing success Ivermectin had in India? It wiped out their COVID in rapid fashion.
@Jamey Lane Why are they crying for more vaccines then?
People get sick. People die. The PCR tests will tell you, if you read it like they want you to, that you are sick with covid and die with covid. The covid-19 virus has never been isolated.
It’s not a fight, Brian Williams. It’s a ruse.
@Robert Douglas There are studies showing that the PCR test is only reliable with a cycle threshold of 17, and higher and you’ll just get a false positive. Cycle thresholds of 30 and up are common (accept when the CDC lowered it for vaxxed only!!). Scam.
Your Covid positive patient was at home. You had to call her to inform her that she was positive. That pretty much sums up the danger she (and the rest of us) are exposed to. How many have had the flu multiple times in a single season, or over consecutive years? Why no mention of these facts?
They need to keep the hysteria going until next election for those mail in ballots.
Video on Brand New Tube. Com….. Plandemic parts 1 and 2….video: Vir uses are not Alive! Video: Crimes Against Humanity Reiner Fuellmich….Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr Rashid Buttar tell the truth about the v a x on Brand New Tube. Com….try Duck Duck Go as a search engine….Bill Gates Eugenics de pop ulation agenda….it’s about five g radi ation not a v irus….
Vera Fallen – I wonder if they’ll remember to fold the fake printed ballots this time.
People in the Congo are walking straight past vaccination sites.. I wonder why?
They’re tired of being the lab rats.
Be afraid everyone and vote the way we tell you to vote!
Time for Fauci to make a new march madness virus bracket

Baa-hhh!! Bahhh, bah bahhhh bahhh-ahhh-aahh baa-ahhhh!!!! – anonymous sheeple
What about the 8 Yankee ball players that got the vaccine but got the virus after. These masks are never going away.
What’s the recovery rate for a person infected with covid? Does it make sense to panic and be scared?
the vaccine itself is probably going to be the most problematic element of this going forward
It’s part of the design. Never let a lag in vaccinations (crisis) go to waste. It’s happening.
I thought a spike could only happen in unvaccinated people; your messaging is confusing people. I also thought if people like censoring their enemies, then wouldn’t they like their enemies to die from Coronavirus?
But think, does the falling viewership of MSNBC mean that they need to help induce a panic so that their ratings don’t completely tank? I think so