National security adviser Jake Sullivan tells CNN's Jake Tapper that the US believes Russia could launch an invasion of Ukraine before the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics this week, but is still holding out hope diplomacy can prevail. #CNN #News
Sullivan warns Russia could potentially invade Ukraine ‘any day now’

I get the impression that this invasion is essentially scheduled.
@John Boettcher that’s good 👍😁
@Gordon Henning Ukraine is not an ally, a nato member or even an EU memebr ..
I wonder if we will here about a vehicle crossing the border or a shot was fired. Some type of Gulf of Tonkin thing that ends up starting a war but was in fact a big lie. I.E. WMD’s in Iraq.
@Cyndy Butler
Well – since nothing you said qualifies as a sentence: no. It told me nothing.
@Cyndy Butler
In fact – now that I think about it – your English is sufficiently bad so as to suggest to me that you’re not a native speaker. You a Chinese asset? Working for Putin?
Thank God CNN always gets trustworthy honest people the tell us about important situations that someone might die in this guy said Afghanistan was going to be a clean easy operation and declared it a success so I think thinking the opposite of what this guy says probably a good idea
@Jock Young omg! How can the vast majority still think propaganda matters?? It’s like a miracle that someone else sees that they are incapable of thinking for themselves. Thank you. I guess we are two out of probably a hundred million. It’s better than one though.
Grey zone check the. Out
@Mary Gray that’s exactly what I’m saying I was utilizing sarcasm
I dont belive anything CNN says. They will gleefully lead us to Ww3 for profit.
“We still believe that Russia … ” is not doing a single thing we say!
@Jock Young what about the Nato invading Europe? We dont need or want your wars in Europe, protect your own borders.
@Jock Young And who does have moral foundation? The D* side? Plenty examples there.
@JSB He will be heading the peacekeeping mission. If sober…
@Tex AJP Arguing with you will do little to abolish, mitigate or dial back the horrors I live with every day in the American terror state. I, of course, would not be any happier living in the EU, the UK, Canada, Austrailia or New Zealand … just to name a few. However, and if all The World Improvers chirping the Utopia that never materializes, if these where to evaporate overnight into the mists, Mankind would stand a better chance.
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson maybe it’s easier to launder money in Ukraine as there’s sufficient chaos
Much respected in the US citizens that training the territorial guard of the Ukraine
@Motoko that’s a false narrative you just set up. Don’t send anything about this being a peace Mission. You’re just trying to set up a paper tiger. Clearly it would be War. It would just be one that we can’t avoid through no fault of our own.
@5 Russia and Ukraine have been locked in a bitter conflict since 2014, when Ukraine’s Kremlin-friendly leader was driven from office by a popular uprising. Moscow responded by annexing the Crimean Peninsula and then backing a separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine, where fighting has killed over 14,000 people.
@Cropper Copper The UN peace keeping force is not the US force. It should be formed by a third part neutral country, definitely not the US, and under the control of the UN, not the US.
@Cropper Copper Yeah its me by telling your, watch your own Border, leave Europe alone and there will be no war. Its not like the US is doing this for many many Years in many different countrys. Whats the problem with Nord Stream? Please explaine me the World! Why is it your Business if Germany gets Energie from Russia?
@Daniel Bracken I often find conflicts have history. Kievian Rus is interesting.
Sullivan? Jake Tapper? They better be concerned about their own selves.
Remember when y’all said trump would start ww3…. Lol good job Biden
Trump was dumb and nacrcissistic enough to do it.
I wish peace for the Ukrainians, I do not want them to live in the atmosphere of the war that I saw in Iraq 🇺🇦🇮🇶
i wish for war.
i wish for war.
Human traffickers and fentanyl flowing into the US from our southern border.
Democrats could care less about Americans.
The literal comment you decided to talk under is talking about peace and not an atmosphere of War. Yet you guys can’t help the bicker like school children. Irony
Peace be with you
Wonder when are we, I mean Russia gonna pull off this FF event.
Instead of just making stuff up, bring some evidence otherwise I’ll just do what you did.
The Moon Landing was to make you think they didn’t have microchips in the middle ages and actually that the Canadians had settlements on Pluto in 1905.
Why do you think they declassified it as a so called planet? Thats what they want you to thing, it’s actually a GiGaWorld with 17.3 billion Canadian citizens readying to claim all of Earth and launch it into Pluto’s orbit as a slave planet
I think Biden’s puppet masters are waiting on the Biden to completely destroy the economy first. Just a guess tho.
@D.O.A_ Unpossibles betcha I can prove you’re just staining outrage about the economy with a few simple questions.
Lmao 🤣 ohhhh RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!! We still don’t believe a word of it
Lmao 🤣
CNN should be dead soon
@Vinny Narbone CNN will destroy the world for profit and raitings.
Russia Russia Russia, Trump Trump Trump , jan6th jan6th blablabla CNN is dying live.
Reminds me «Wag the Dog». “Highly likly”, 99% procent, that Russia will invade sooner or later in this decade. *Strong music plays*. I just can’t imagene how stupid all thouse “media” thikns we are.
Where’s your proof..? Just like criminal Sullivan you ain’t got none.
There is a real chance that Democrats and their BLM, woke and Antifa mobs might bankrupt and collapse America. America would still exist, but broken up and divided.
@Save 🇺🇸
I suppose there might be people stupid enouth to beleive that.
Credibility? That’s a laugh. If I want actual credibility I’ll get it from my barber better than these buffoons.
“The 80’s called and it wants its policy back!”
Romney was right.
That comment went right over the heads of most vaping cnn viewers and Romney has never been right about anything EVER!
all usa needs to do is promise NATO will stop expanding to russian borders and implore ukraine to abide by the minsk agreements, simple, problem solved, but usa is the aggresor and wants a conflict with russia to hurt their development
check out channel Breakthrough News, The Untold History of NATO and Case for Its Abolition
this video is on my ukraine debunked playlist, this is the true leftist/socialist perspective you wont hear in right wing corporate MIC funded usa msm
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is moving ever closer to Russia’s border. Russia views this as an existential threat – and a historic betrayal of key guarantees it was given by the west as the Soviet Union disintegrated. As Biden sends thousands of additional troops to Eastern Europe, the threat of war is growing by the day.
Brian is joined by Eugene Puryear, author and activist, host of the BreakThrough News podcast The Punch Out, and co-host of the BT live video show The Freedom Side.
The Socialist Program with Brian Becker comes out weekly on BreakThrough News’ Youtube, Wednesdays at 7pm ET. Subscribe now to never miss an episode.
The show also comes out three times per week in podcast form — including weekly news round-ups and segments with economist Richard Wolff. Subscribe on your preferred listening platform
uyghur genocide = iraq wmd
checkout Kim Iversen reporting on this, Pakistan Prime Minister Says China Is NOT Committing Abuses Against Uyghurs
also i have a playlist titled “uighur genocide debunked” for more info
the lies and the sanctions from usa hurt the uyghurs
check out this documentary about NATO in yugoslavia The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010)
The movie Canadian Bacon. This looks about the same.
@Colorad no t rump voters should fight
This is a great way to distract us all from our country collapsing from within.
Okay, but how many of these, “Any days,” has it been now?
Idk but I’ve lost count.
If Russia finally invade Ukraine: we ToLD yOu SO !!
They have no Intelligence. How ‘bout that for a double entendre😂
Perhaps Putin wants to test the resolve and capabilities of Europe. At this point there is opportunity, later if NATO inducts Ukraine the opportunity will be lost to invade without a full scale war with NATO. Success would cripple Europe I think and provide opportunity to Russia concerning Poland and other vulnerable Nations.
NATO is not getting involved un less a NATO country is attacked.
“If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.” – Julian Assange
Dumb quote
Kirby is a joke, Blinken is a joke, Sullivan is a joke, Price is a joke. The biggest joke on the American people is to think Biden is leading out of anything. If I hear the phrase “as the President has made perfectly clear”, I’m going to scream!
Truth, your on the wrong channel.
@John Clayton Hi. It would be beneficial for you to listen to the other side and not just CNN and other news that work for the government. Listen to some of international news. Google and research . Look how history shows the dealings by of US , Russia, Putin. I am telling you we are being lied too. And because of our governments reckless lies we may very well end up in WW3 and likely nuclear war.
Putin has legitimately valid concerns for Russia and it’s people security. Please try to have an open mind. Listen to the President of Ukraine who has been pleading with all the media to stop with the fear mongering.
I hope you seek the truth, and good luck 🙂
“WAR is a Racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” – USMC Major General Smedley Butler (1935)
War is a racket. Yes. And it is always going to be a racket. If you’re smart: you’ll find a way to profit from it.
And Dems love war and US companies profiting off them. Let’s not forget Crimea was taken under Obama and Biden. Same crap now. Look into also Hunter Biden and President Biden’s involvement. This should have been covered by all media, but unfortunately it was not.
Ukraine is not NATO!!!! If you listen closely, notice how he tries to imply that Ukraine is a full member of NATO.
Sullivan whined “We are desperate to keep ‘wagging the dog’ because Brandon keeps getting more and more unpopular”