Efforts are ongoing to free a huge container ship blocking the Suez Canal, which is responsible for 30% of the world's seaborne traffic and billions of dollars in trade a day. CNN's John Defterios and Ben Wedeman discuss what the economic impact of the event could be.
#Suez #CNNBusiness #FirstMove
Suez Canal shutdown impacts billions of dollars in trade

So who was the one at the wheel when all this happened? Hell even bitcoin is taking a hit from this.
Never be on yo phone while piloting a cargo vessel
He was practicing his tictok routines
Even bitcoin. We got hit the hardest! And as much as people want to say otherwise btc hasn’t decoupled from traditional markets.
It was a pilot who works for the canal company or used to work for the canal company.
Oil prices are going to spike because of this
Britain is sending Austin Powers to maneuver the ship.
You won !
send Yoda
According to the picture, was the captain trying to do a handbrake turn.
He wuz lookin up chicks on tinder and then this happened
@Siberian Husky

Practicing tictok routines
its not the captain but a pilot in command inside the canal
@ULF THE STORM Lighten up. It was ment as a joke.
The technical nautical term: “D’oh!”
Everyone should go to rumble and watch shadowgate
Was Homer at the helm?
Never fear. President Potato head is here to solve problems.
@Pixxie Twitt Probably
This is a job for Superman.
It really is.
But woke mob will send superwoman.
This is a job for trumps black Sharpie marker. Just draw it out.
@Sssstt Eghjksj It’s Supergirl, not Superwoman. And Kara could pick up the boat just as easily, probably with more pizzazz too.
He better come out if he real
Somebody made a U-turn where they weren’t supposed to.
It’s just a blocked movement. Like the one I had this AM. Feed it some Enchilada’s, it’ll work out by tomorrow. No worries.
Everyone should go to rumble and watch shadowgate
@Brandy Courvoisier Lmaoooo
“But where’s the no U-Turn sign officer ?”
@Drumer16 XVI Hence. Why he said. “Wasn’t supposed to be”. Meaning. There’s no sign to do any turn
A perfect metaphor for what the Petroleum Industry and the countries that control it are doing to the planet.
You must be gay
All ikea’s furniture must be up there cause I still can’t get the linnmon 59×29 table top
Hey, don’t rock the boat…You’ll turn it over
Big bold word on the side EVERGREEN =HC
Saw a little clip about this yesterday from AP and thought “Uh Oh: This is BADD”
Being Dutch, we got this.
But if we don’t, don’t Suez.
AHAHAHAH only the dutch to solve this kind of mess
Who thinks that this was intentional
???? Global economic impact.
How many humans in those containers???
Evergreen =HRC
My day may be bad but it ain’t “I got a ship stuck in the Suez Canal” bad.
That’s why we love you. Always looking on the bright side……..
President Potato Head said he was here to solve problems. So just ask him how to fix it quickly. He has the answers according to…..himself.
I KNOW my toothbrush in the toilet dont count
Wild how this is such an essential canal to so much trade and no one thought to come up with a plan B for such situations?
Yeah like the birth control
I cant help but think of the people who have been fired for some small infraction and then I look at this.
WELL, looks like I have to wait another week for my Hello Kitty lunch box and selfie stick.
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