Time is officially running out for acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to turn over documents to Congressional investigators and all signs show that he does not plan to comply. NBC’s Leigh Ann Caldwell, former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman and NBC’s Jonathan Allen join Stephanie Ruhle to break down what happens next. Aired on 10/18/19.
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Subpoena Deadline Today For Docs From Mick Mulvaney, Perry | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
….imagine if Obama just tried half of this crap
@P V Now I know you’re a member of KKK, pull your panties up little person you’re getting emotional. Racists and Bigots are good at rallies, you know the ones you go to with your hood in hand, burning crosses and trying to lynch everyone with brown skin. Goodbye to you sad person and may god have mercy on you and your 2 years old president.
Trumpanzee. Low educated deplorable. You parrot the talking points from hannity and Alex Jones. Always whining like a snowflake crybaby.
You’re so dumb. It’s funny but also scary. That’s what happens when the white trash uses meth and inbreeding.
Poor little snowflake, you’re mad because Pelosi is the boss and she stood up to baby trump. Look at his face on that picture. So weak, a little chicken. Pelosi won in 2018, and trump is losing every court cases. Judges are patriots, defending the constitution.
guilty….. so long Mr. Trump
good riddance pretend president
Yeah yeah
They have been
Saying that for how long now?
Mick “better get over” being in jail
@Richard Owens – Thanks Richard. That’s the best representation of my own suspicions that I have read in any comments. I fear you are spot on with your analysis.
Prosecutions will be dropped in the name of ‘national unity’ or some such nonsense. An impeached and indicted Trump will be pardoned by the incoming Democratic president. There will be no justice.
Which all sets a terrible precedent and leaves things open to future abuses. The Constitution becomes worthless and so does the cry that “In America, no one is above the law.” I hope I’m wrong and the Dems step up and do what has to be done.
@Richard Owens
Pretty sure Congress (at least the House) can direct it. But they have a bigger fish to fry…and get ready for the sizzle, hehehehehe.
@Richard Owens Hopefully the Serjeant at arms… only person able to enforce the subpoena I think? Let me know if I’m wrong pls.
@Patrick A Yes, the Democrats could use the Sergeant at Arms to arrest those who are thumbing their noses at their subpoenas, but they are CHOOSING not to do so. And, I would like to know why! They just seem pathetic and weak, to me!
@Richard Owens I’d put my money on them hoping that they won’t/wouldn’t have to… Frankly, you and I both know that using the SAA *has* to be the absolute last resort… That said, I’m convinced, the information given already is sufficient to draw a vote on impeachment… I only hope all involved vote with conscience, and/or for their constituents.
Trump and his own administration openly admitting their crimes. Impeach and remove. Hopefully, imprison Trump in 2020.
Seize assets
make rumpos hotels – low income housing.
@DK Workwise have to get rid of the bed bugs first.
I would find it hilarious if trumps prison number ended with the four digits 2020.
If people had only listened to Trump speak, without looking at the color of his skin, without looking for him to save the white race, they would have realized how criminal he has always been.
@James Dunn I really wish I were as confident, but I don’t believe the GOP will find the courage to impeach him. They’re in too deep now and too afraid of him. This is all because of their greed and need to maintain power.
Prior to throwing his hat into the ring, Trump was a registered Democrat (let that sink in), but he knew Democrats would never endorse him because he was too dirty, so he slinked over to the republicans. If the RNC had not endorsed Trump, he would have run as an independent, and HRC would have won. Republicans knew and feared this. The GOP choosing party over country (as Paul Ryan admitted during an interview) is what brought Trump to power.
And as time goes by, things will only get worse.
It was obvious in the 2016 Presidential debates that he was not presidential material.
@Barry Guyer
What about the Asians that support him?
What about the Mexican that support him?
What about the Muslims that support him?
What about the Jews that supported Hitler?
What about the Christians that support Satan?
What about homosexual Russians that support Putin?
What about them? There’s always going to be people who worship their enemy.
@Pat McCann And it pretty crystal clear now, yet here we are!
@Barry Guyer I don’t believe that everyone who supports him does it out of hidden racist leanings, even a lot of the white supporters. The average trump supporter is a mixture of willful ignorance, blind defiance, personality worship, and yes, even some conspiracy and racism in there.
the rats are scattering left and right
Mostly right.
@Jonny Sevent yes all the trump people are resigning and a new investigation in trump kids
@Mark Watney thats what the white house is looking like
This is what shameless fascism looks like!
@Shoichleach74 Callum
They should not get protection and human right democracy offers:/
@jeck jeck they abuse it. Look at the way Trump and his crooks take advantage of appeals…..fascism you don’t have that option. Dictators don’t allow appeals or trials for that matter
@Shoichleach74 Callum its only a facist nation for the outnumbered in power. The house can’t do literally anything with Mitch in power and barr suckin trumps checkbook
What’s even more shameless is nearly half of Congress saying, “Nothing to see here.”
Richard Owens trumps truly a fascist and he’s one step away from killing people who disagree with him. It’s exactly why he praises dictators because he wishes he had that much power.
Giuliani sure has been quiet.
He knows SDNY IS no joke. He knows better than anyone.
good,he was bouncing off the walls,,,,he needs a term in prison.
My impression was that Team Trump wanted to throw him under the bus. That’s why he showed all those evidence in public. They wanted to make it look like that he was the one who was trying to insert himself into the process. The White House put such a statement out, it’s out there. That was the plan to shut Giuliani and blame him for everything. People laughed about how he is showing all this in front of cameras, thought he was stupid. But he was not, he was protecting himself.
Cory Lee yeah now that he’s under investigation
Sounds like this Ukrainian business has been a long project for Trump
ISTAN_ BUUULL….as dumpty puts it
@Todd Jenkins not constantinople.
He is taking advice from 9/11No Planer Jerome Corsi again of course!
That’s kind of the funny part. If they werent so determined to cheat, they probably wouldn’t have gotten caught.
Been his playground with Putin. They must have a big signpost out there. With instructions on how to put America in disarray and destroy it. Champagne bottles must be popping up like mushrooms in Moscow. Celebrating America self destruction by their asset in Trump. Sad.
Just get’em all out of OUR WHITE HOUSE!
send out the EVICTION NOTICES already and get ready to send out the dumpsters and the sheriff cause you know trump and fam are gonna wait until the last minute and still need to be escorted off the property
Yesss… Trump YOU’RE FIRED!
The Trump meltdown has begun.
*I did NOT say what I said…*

too, but I’m usually wasted. 

I use THIS same
And we’re here for it!!!

The Jingle Bell Rock has begun.
Hmmm – remember that TV series The Invaders? They used to ‘melt down’ when stessed or threatened. Maybe they will find a small puddle of plasma where Trump was enjoying his last breakfast?? WWoooo!!
@8alot4tIf only.
The Republican party is a disgrace to continue to defend this President. What more has to happen before they grow some balls and speak out. The American people deserve better we put you there to do what is right for us.
ALL Republicans should be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE! Vote Blue ALL THE WAY!
@Maina Fridman
eh comrade, how is weather in moscow tonight? it is very cold, yes?
@Maina Fridman bet you wish you had some freedoms over in Russia. bet you like to impeach your President. O yeah they shoot you for thinking thoughts over there.
@Maina Fridman If you want to pretend to be an American, you should learn to speak better English. Tell Putin he’s a dead man.
Impeachment and prosecution is just something we do. Get over it.
Well played Benjamin, well played!
nailed it
Lol!! That’s awesome!
boosh – you win
Steamboat Willie Mulvaney blowing his whistle.
Who needs Halloween ? We’ve got Donald Trump playing President.
@Walter Parris He will when he’s thrown out the white house
The difference is Halloween is only 1 day a year…
@Ray B. trump has made it every day
elect a clown expect a circus…
With a full Monster Mash compliment, Ghouliani back in his crypt and Skellytor Conway, sleeping upside down, hanging from her toenails.
Enough with the non-cooperation crap. They defy a subpoena, lock them up and fine them.
“The Goal Posts” being moved, is the empty space between Trump’s ears.
American history should not include Tump at ALL he never existed.
I disagree. Let it be a reminder of what can happen if you don’t hold people in power accountable.
I disagree too!
” I have confidence in mulvaney” is code for I’m about to fire him and distance myself
Let’s call a spade a spade. The man is a crook, politics and parties aside.
Donny tiny hands likes tax payers paying for his holidays. Let’s send him and his friends and family on a really nice long vacay at club fed
or maybe Turkey….he can have a turkey in Turkey,, or maybe a firing squad