Study Finds Common Steroid Improves COVID-19 Survival | MSNBC

Joseph Fair discusses a study that found that a commonly used steroid can help improve COVID-19 survival. Aired on 06/16/2020.
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Study Finds Common Steroid Improves COVID-19 Survival | MSNBC


    1. @Russian Bot let’s be honest, normally it takes one to know one, but you’re really the only moron here, soooo….

    2. Let’s be more clear – it isn’t done washing over the country, which has been his only plan all along

    3. @Shawn Corbin Wanna go down that road? follow the money or in this case power – you sonsabitches impeach me? I’ll show you.
      Two can play that stupid game, let’s not

    1. @Shawn Corbin How’s the weather in St. Petersburg? Are trolls still crammed into shared cubicles? Do you need to borrow some masks?

    2. @Tiber Zeek Apparently you suffer from “Daltonism.” Do you have trouble finding socks that match, too?

    1. @Russian Bot Thanks for reminding us of Trump’s debts to foreign dictators with every comment you make, Russian Bot!

    2. @Tiber Zeek Biden and Obama were both public servants while Donald Trump was serving only Donald Trump, his only purpose for living.

    3. athena icaria: They both got rich in the government turd. Trump created jobs and Biden and Obama were corrupt. Btw, clown, how many years did you serve?

  1. Trump will say: “Don’t give the coronavirus steroids! That will just make it stronger!”

    1. BooRock OMamba: Why are democrat states so much worse than red states with CV-19 deaths clown? Why is that?

    2. @Tiber Zeek Because people live in “democrat states.” The so called “red states” are pretty much just empty with hardly any people

    3. Ever heard of harbors? They’re places where blue oceans lap up against the coastlines of blue states.

    1. And then there’s herpes. Malaria has a vaccine for one strain of malaria, and it only partially works for about a year.

      Early days…

  2. The coronavirus has the date of Trump’s rally marked down on its calendar in big words and three exclamation points.
    It wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  3. “It has credibility because it’s coming from Oxford….”

    Sure, for any sane person. Trumpzombies will angrily dismiss it because they’re offended by science. They’re also offended by clowns, “science” clowns, things that predict things, gender types, the number 75, the number 50, and mathematics, overall.

    1. Tiber Zeek it’s statistically significant so yeah you can… it’s actually a very large clinical trial.

    2. @Eddie L: “Very large clinical trial” doesn’t prove anything. If you don’t know the experiments design, independent variables (factors), confounding variables and so on, then you don’t know if it’s a good trial.

    3. Tiber Zeek ffs, I think I trust the clinicians and scientists from oxford uni over some chump on YouTube who knows nothing about it.

  4. The US/Canada border is staying closed to non essential traffic until at least July 21.

    After that, all bets are off.

  5. He cheated on his taxes.
    He cheated on his wives.
    He cheated on his loans.
    He cheated his charities.
    He cheated on his contractors.
    He cheated trump U students.
    He cheated to get elected in 2016…..and
    he’s cheating NOW

  6. Could you just mention that there was not just one bubonic plague? It recurred every few years for over 100 years.

  7. And there’s hardly any side effects :
    Blurred vision
    Cataracts or glaucoma
    Easy bruising
    Difficulty sleeping
    High blood pressure
    Increased appetite, weight gain
    Increased growth of body hair
    Lower resistance to infection
    Muscle weakness
    Nervousness, restlessness
    Stomach irritation or bleeding
    Sudden mood swings
    Swollen, puffy face
    Water retention, swelling
    Worsening of diabetes

    1. @Puttentane Same I took steroids for My Ulcerative colitis. They kept me alive .

      Steroids don’t reduce your lung capacity , clot your blood or inflame your organs .

      Which COVID does . It can leave you needing amputations

      Does that sound better the the side affects of steroids ?

    2. @Hannah Dyson Yes, Hannah…steroids f*** your body up in a completely different way. The legions of sports & body builders & others who’ve died from steroids would concur…if they weren’t…well, DEAD.

    3. You wouldn’t take this unless you’re in ICU and on a ventilator so you’re likely to die anyway. Those side effects are irrelevant in this case

  8. When will it magically going to go away like Trump keeps telling us! Maybe after Mexico pays for the boarder wall!

    1. He thinks it’s gone……. he won! Economy is great, unemployment is great – all great in Trump world.

  9. If we see people dropping like flies because no one wears a mask, we will be forced to close again.

  10. The British discovered steroid treatment dexamethasone drug help when people are very ill to survive covid-19 whilst on a ventilator. Its NOT a cure, its been proven to help save lives if they take it compared to those that did not take it. Britsh PM and his science guys made it public on TV at UK 5pm today.

  11. I am shocked to find this video! I was basically dying from Covid 19. I was given a steroid immediately upon entering the ER room. Within hours of taking this steroid (pill), I was improving. I did not have to be on a ventilator. Then I was switched to steroids via nebulizer, then to a inhaler steroid. Yes. These steroids saved my life. I am very grateful I had an awesome doctor in the ER. Until you are under the command of Covid 19, you cannot understand just how deadly it is. Stay safe.

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