Years ago this substitute teacher was there for his students. When they found out he was living in his car, they were there for him.
RELATED » Rapper quits career to rescue cats: When Steven Nava discovered his former substitute teacher was living in his car, he went above and beyond to help Mr. V get back on his feet.
When Steven Nava discovered his former substitute teacher was living in his car, he went above and beyond to help Mr. V get back on his feet.
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Wow first comment
Wonderful. We need to help each other.god bless you all for the effort
Mr. President, I know there is a plan and understand it’s in God’s timing. I’m waiting as patiently as I can while the plan is being executed but all the while watching this country and it’s patriots loose just a little more faith each day. We have all lost so much already and desperately need our true President, our true Leader of this country to return to his rightful place. Mr. President, God Bless you and the FLOTUS!!!! God Speed!!
The true president is busy playing golf .
@Hamid Ahlouch I right , good joke

& I thought My life is sucks..
Today I learned a lesson from that Strong old man. Thank You.
Great work , everyone stay safe from the coronavirus , and may God bless you and never feel depressed and if you feel depressed it’s ok to talk to someone to listen to you

Because applying for unemployment benefit literally was too complicated.
There were a lot of people having problems getting their unemployment this past year after the covid shut down started .
Will the USA Today be issuing an apology video for helping Stacey Abrams silently edit her op-ed to hide the fact that she supported the short, ill-fated Georgia boycott which harmed black owned businesses there?
God bless everyone involved
How in the world does he even have a job how can he recieve his pay check?etc idk don’t sound right
God bless you
C-SPAN democrat-controlled from top to bottom.
KINDNESS….it goes so far. Most important thing to me. Love this

“I’m not lucky, I’m blessed…there’s a difference in the word.” Amen brother, blessed indeed! May God continue to bless you my friend
The teachers am the CDC are working behind the students back to stay close until 2022!!

new documents were released Sunday

How can a teacher be living in their car with unemployment and $400 a week??? Why is the teacher’s Union working with the CDC to keep schools closed?????
The teacher needs to learn how to handle his money!! The teacher who taught him how to handle his money needs to be fired!!!
We should be careful on money disposal , if you’re not spending to earn or get back money, then stop spending.
Text Her here
@Willa L Harris Thanks am really happy for seeing this comment thread.