Student attacks teacher over Nintendo Switch in Florida | USA TODAY

This video was blurred by Flagler County Sheriff's Office. A student attacked his teacher allegedly after she took away his Nintendo Switch.

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The attack lasts about 25 seconds, according to the footage, and in the video a handful of people are seen pulling the student off the employee and restraining him.

The employee was taken to a hospital to get treated for "severe injuries", according to the release.

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#student #teacher #attack


    1. @Tblackwido Pks I didn’t watch who had to be the hero that’s a hole another subject , We’ve already gotten rid of the police presence because they make everyone feel scared so I don’t know who is expected to be the hero I thought women were now

    1. And when they finally pulled him off, they did it so slowly he got another kick in. Ridiculous. He could have unalived that teacher at that rate.

    1. @JaMarcus Washington we showing our family history by justice in old fashion way. Why not let his Mother beat the butt at Police Station

  1. Ahhh. The generation that is definitely going to sh*t
    .. way to go on teaching your kids how to disrespect their teachers 😡
    It’s what happens when you spend your time on your phone instead of focusing on how to teach them manners

    1. The kid is autistic, his brain is probably equal to that of a 4-5 year old. He shouldn’t be categorized with normal functioning kids/teens. Not only is he autistic but he probably is bipolar or has some other mental disorder as well as being autistic

    2. ​@FYet teachers who’ve been teaching for decades ALL agree this generation is the most difficult in all their years of teaching

  2. Love how the Marine just strolls along like nothing is happening. A little hustle, maybe? Of all the bystanders, shouldn’t he be prepared/trained to spring into action? If I found myself needing help, I’d want the redhead girl on my side. Hope he’s ashamed of his pitiful response.

    1. I noticed him at first then I saw the red stripe on the pants and I was like wtf that marine not stomping his guts out

    2. I agree to an extent. It all happened so fast, probably a bit of a shock. I also believe he was acting out of caution. Does this massive guy have a weapon? Will he overpower me too? How best should I handle this? A lot to consider in 10 seconds.

  3. That teacher had every right to take his Switch from him probably because it was during class hours when he should be listening and learning.

    He can play his video games all he wants during Lunch break session at the cafeteria. Not when it’s class hours.

    1. No she did not! You have no idea what you’re talking about! You can’t just do that to “Special needs” children! It was a stupid thing to do, taking that away, it triggered him!

    2. @Day Vision I don’t care if he’s Special needs. He still knew full well what he was doing attacking that teacher.

      I was put in Special Ed class back in my High school days and this has never crossed my mind.

    3. Those who don’t know don’t get it!!!!
      That device was probably his calming mechanism. Even though he is probably not to have it but if there was a lot going on to him it affects them in a different manner.
      Dealing with a special needs person the approach should be different. People don’t understand that it’s dealing with a different type of mental comprehension. There are different levels and types of special needs.
      It’s good to treat them as normal as possible but not be oblivious to their differences.

  4. he should be put in prison and see how he like it when someone dose that to him! that pour woman. no one deserves that!

  5. That Marine should’ve rushed in there and neutralized that suspect,, instead he calmly walks over and pushes the suspect out of the way all the while the suspect continued to assault the victim with kick strikes

  6. I bet, and I know this as a fact. As a teacher myself, when there was a problematic student, you met he parents, and then everything is crystal clear.

  7. I hope these types of actions dont build anger to the daughter and the son of the teacher, god give them strength!
    For the student I hope he gets help for the best of his future

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