An enormous container the length of the Empire State Building remains stuck in the Suez Canal. Shipping experts believe it could take days or even weeks to free the 224,000-ton vessel that is blocking one of the world's busiest waterways.
#CNN #News
Stuck ship shuts down Suez Canal traffic

10% of global commerce blocked. That’s consequential.
@Mekhi Tristan testing it out now. Seems to be working.
Warning Detour: Please use cape of good hope route
estimated delay: 150 days
@John Brick . . . . Give or take a thousand or more/less miles, it is about 11,000 miles from where the ships are waiting, around the Cape of Good Hope and up to Gibraltar. At an average speed of 18 knots that would take about 25 days. Do the math bozo.
@Brandy Courvoisier lmao
@Mohamed Faliq One ship Engineer (Chief MakoI) I follow on You tube said it would cost them $369,000 more to go from turkey to Mumbai India around Africa than pay to go through the Suez Canal. Good explanation video:
@David Wang One: Be nice on the comment section here or get out of the sandbox. A lot of factors go into the cost more than the distance like ship speed which may not be 18 knots. Two: Watch this video for a seafarers actual computation based on the bulk carrier he is an engineer on.
@David Wang second great comment from you
( “simple physics” the other one) , it’s about 3 weeks , I doubt you’re sailor (I use to be) but you have paid attention at school 
The Japanese succeeded in what then Nazi Germany failed to do.
Blocking the Suez Canal.
The Japanese succeeded “in Panama”, what the nazis failed to do to the sues canal.
80 years too late!
company is taiwan-owned, ship is japan, register is panama.
(that said: lol for good history joke)
@David Wang The ship was made in Japan.
Well now we know all someone has to do is just run a ship aground…
Talk about a Mega Screw up

Nothing to see here, just a staged bunker fuel operation. Expect some “freak” weather, storms any day now…
There aren’t enough shipping containers on board, surely they could load another thousand and that might fix it.
The Evergreen Group (Chinese: 長榮集團) is the organizational designation used by a Taiwan-based conglomerate of shipping, transportation, and associated service companies.
It’s enormous !! Hard to believe that thing even floats.
Is this a Bill Burr reference? hehehe
@David Wang YA DONT SAY. you should consider going back to…
That’s buoyancy for ya…
That’s what she said
Melanin rich people in that drawing. How’d they turn so pale in less than a century? Rhetorical question.
Pardon my naivety, but what’s the answer to your rhetorical question?
@Chuck Scott he is angry
Yes, Chuck has piqued my curiosity too. Please do tell….
They havent……i lived in middle east….ive seen…….chill. Also the effect of slightly easier lives…with less time in the direct sun maybe, like a reverse tan
To let everyone know how serious this is, the last time the Suez canal was closed there was a serious spike in oil prices
From 1967 to 1975?
Oh, it’s coming.
In 1956, the USSR threatened to nuke Paris and London if the canal wasn’t given back to Egypt. This is a serious piece of real estate.
Good thing that we already are in home office or locked down. Limiting the fuel availability shouldn’t be an issue.
I haven’t refueled my car in months.
US doesn’t get its oil from there, its self-sufficient and wouldn’t be impacted either way. Most countries don’t have that level of lockdown and life there is pretty much normal, specially in Asia, and oil prices already gone up significantly.
@Alex Xander yes but 65 million people in the uk are
@Alex Xander and the us isnt the only country in the world europe will have massive oil price rises and the middle east will loose buisness and the us is 86 percent self sufficent so it will have an impact on the prices in the us
After this “accidental accident”, they might rethinking to make the whole canal from both sides more wider than it is today.
Just in case,….you never know!!
Have they tried turning it off and then on again???
@Pro Video * have been running the ship
pram is needed
@Pro Video you missed the joke.
sit down.
@Shaft sleeping
@Elizabeth Grogan
George Carlin brought up an interesting question way back when.
Whatever happened to the vertical hold problem on TVs?
Boomers know what that was about.
A chance for all nations to work together!
This is where I belong these comments bring me amusement. Thank You ALL. stay Safe and have a Wonderful day.
Everything man does is fragile and liable to fall apart at any moment:
A canal
A democracy
JFC: We know that the ship is the size of the Empire State Building.