Ont. PC Leader Doug Ford and Ont. Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca sparred over affordability concerns in Ontario during the provincial election debate.
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Del buca has no lips lol
1Ford doesn’t either so what your point
@Mom Tur he does though
Promises promises, No lips Del Buca
He needs a beard.
@amgclark and huge sideburns
Fire Marshall Bill
Ford is playing the classic “buck a” again. Slogans aren’t policy.
And so is DeLuca. A buck a ride.
This was a gong show… painful
The pride of life
is not of the Father
1 John 2:16
King James Version
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Who asked
del duca is the most boring dude i’ve seen in my life.
That’s what you want. Boring politicians make the best government.
@Perry Masonic no I want a competent politican not a boring bozo
Cut from the same cloth like their suits
Doug is Justin’s robot, corrupt
Guy is worth 50 million literally overnight and nobody seems to care.
Did he say liberal, ohhh he’s out a there
i dont think ive ever seen anyone with that little lip to their name
Andrea has more integrity than either of them.
Except the ndp will spend spend spend. Alberta hated them
Boosting minimum wage only creates more income for government. If you make more money, you pay more taxes. We need the tax CUTS Dougie is saying.
Minimum wage workers barely pay any taxes
. What are you on about
Hate them both But the new guy‘s worse
the hell is wrong with this Del Duca guy? Is he missing the top row of his teeth?
All these candidates are absolutely awful. Ford is a snake though. What’s worse is no one cares about the issues they’re talking about. HOUSING COSTS ARE UNAFFORDABLE, INFLATION IS RAMPANT!
We’re fucked
Vote New Blue Party!
Populist vs Polical correct guy , we are going in to recesion but was totally preventable !
“the economy was going downhill quicker than the canadian bobsled team”
I want more lockdowns and more inflation.
Doug Ford gets my vote.