Stocks plunge into bear market territory

US stocks plummet after President Trump announced new travel restrictions between the US and Europe. The New York Stock Exchange halted trading for 15 minutes after stocks fell by more than 7%. #CNN #News


    1. Sux_2_B_U ,And what’s gonna happen to have those homeless people? You know the ones that are going to lose their house because they live from paycheck to paycheck. if you have a husband and a wife and two children two of the children get sick ,And end up in the hospital on respirators for 14 days. Then the mother gets sick and ends up in the hospital for 14 days. What do you think is going to pay the bills? Most people are 7 to 14 days away from poverty in United States of America!

    2. @Cornelius Vath i got a 401k with my union in charge each day it drys up. who knows when this virus will pass? u or i have no idea just like drumpf. i got cannabis stocks but they have lost coz the drumpf adm. wont reclassify it from a #1 to a schudle #2 also visa stock and i got tim apple stock. i bet it will take some time to normalize? as the way things are going this virus travels more each day. look at airline stock cruze line stock in the shitter. look at the vagus bets on the ncaa canceled! i say just think as you say. you wont get rich over night.

    3. i am not real concerned only on the 401. thats the prez of the union 20 yrs just to see 400000 dollars turn to about nothing.the USA under drumpf is 1 big hoodwink! they have no idea how to handle such issues as a virus. its worse than the flu some say then others said its nothing. i worry for the sick and older folks.i got little from the tax cut what i did get was more taxed. then this trade war game. you dont think china is smart think again.1 cant suspend income tax with out adding more debt.

    1. @UnforrmedBeast you should know that it was 9 trillion after bush, then obama doubled it. Added more debt than every president before him combined.

    2. @William Burgess I hate Trump but the Coronavirus is not his fault , the virus could effect his presidency he even said it himself , but by the end of the year the virus could be contained , hopefully by election time

    3. @Dillon’s Den either the Coronavirus takes trump out or people will try to assassinate him their all mad at trump, theirs a divide going on and chaos in the world

    4. @Zach Addington Well I agree with divide and chaos part. What i dont understand is why people hate Trump blindly because opinionated journalists tell them to. Dems dont beleive Fox. Repubs dont beleive CNN. The sooner people start doing independent thinking the sooner they will stop going insane. Personally I find most of my generation looks to independent sources online to come to a balance. Still the fact remains no one can answer the question beyond one word adjectives to why they hate Trump. Not really all that enlightening for anyone.

  1. China built two field hospitals in 30 days. We are still struggling with test kits. Yeahhhhh MAGA.. such empty words.

    1. Sean Green Blame everything on someone else. Why isn’t someone else doing something for me, waa waaa waaaa. CNN and the welfare kings in the democrat party have you hook line and sinker

    2. Shipwreck78 Trumptarts playing victims are becoming so natural, they don’t even know it. When I did I said that I was a Democrat? Just so quick on blaming.. it is so natural to you.

    3. Sean Green you are arguing with people who have been brainwashed by propaganda since birth. It might be a little to late to reason with them.

    1. @JR N read the first line in my last comment…..I. repeat, Trump said it during his first press conference on the virus.
      Regardless of anything there is no issue period. Unfortunately mother nature does this sometimes and we do what we can. All you complainers always complaining about every damn thing when it doesn’t help the situation at all.
      If you cannot tell the media is pushing a Trump bashing narrative you don’t know the media or politics.
      Yes it’s all Trump’s fault…..grow up!

  2. Well, at least Trump used the last 3 years of good economy to pay down some of that national debt like he promised. …wait a minute…

    1. @Stealth Mode you are thinking of bush puting two wars on credit card and the financial collapse.. the majority of the debt was accumulated before Obama’s policies even happened

    2. @Harry Surtees America was never great by pretty much any metric. Trump is just making it worse.





      Coronavirus disease 2019/

      Simulation exercise

      Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) training: Simulation exercise

       Section navigation

      To support countries’ preparedness effort on the COVID-19  outbreak, WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed a generic COVID-19  tabletop exercise package.

      The exercise aims to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities to manage an imported case of 2019-nCov and targets the health authorities at the national level.

      The simulation package consists of different elements including:

      A participants’ guide and a facilitators’ guide to explain what is expected from the different people involved in the preparation and running of the exercise.  

      A PowerPoint presentation to support the facilitation of the exercise and its subsequent debriefing

      A set of reference documents and technical guidance on 2019-nCov

      The package highlights clearly where some minor adaptions are needed to make the simulation country-specific and more relevant to the participants. 

      If you need technical support to implement this exercise, please contact your WHO country office or regional office focal point.

  3. Remember, this is the man who said “I guess I have a natural gift of understanding virus science” right before this pandemic happened here in the US. LMAO

    1. I Will Dare – what a beautiful time to be unemployed and own my own home and all my cars. Work smarter, not harder.

    2. @Drake9Draconiangar you can only educate yourself so much though… when scientist around the world tell you its a pandemic then maybe you should take it more seriously…

    1. *lol thats 21000 A SHARE. thats a year worth of salary to some ppl. id wait till it hits 5 dollar a share to buy.*

    1. Kind of off subject, but I’m sick of the “roll counts” on toilet paper and paper towels. The package will contain 6 rolls, but they put some riddle on the package that says “6 rolls = 12 rolls + 2 extra rolls”. No, its 6 rolls, that’s it.

  4. The problem with taking credit for everything is that when something goes wrong, you get all the blame.

    1. @Magical Frijoles 22 million infected and 12,000 deaths under obama’s watch with H1N1..the one where the media played it down because they didnt want to make him feel like the incompetent moron he was..

    2. @Jeff Woods and a blithering idiot who thinks his hunch n a miracle can erase an pandemic. Maybe if he didn’t cut the CDC budget n the FEMA budget we would be in better shape.

    1. @Proud violent Libtard no, the virus regardless whoever in charge say 6 years before trump, say obama, bush, etc. Etc., nobody would be able to avoid the economic decline, the virus is a factor that cannot and wouldnt have been avoided, so you cant put the blame on trump, we can put the blame on the decline on the virus, not trump

    2. @Bellicose Ataraxia got me thinking, scarey I know. Theories are sound but when you factor in Reagannomics and getting away from the gold standard it all falls apart. Bottom line it was an open check book. Not good. So you finally end up with a real problem and the past deficient now it’s unmanageable. Print more money but in the long run the piper has to be paid. Just a thought.

    3. @Meesta Meesta
      Watching as your TRUMP economy implodes suggests I am elated. Even if I lose a little money, I dont mind, because my investments in things like Netflix is making me rich. No ones going out, they’re staying home and making me rich. You on the other hand have only your disability checks and that’s probably not enough to help you. Stop being so triggered and accept your lot in life, flipping burgers.

  5. Maybe, as a starter, a financial relief package for the “common” citizen, plus making 50 million reliable test kits available for immediate use, to ease Wall Street’s concerns. Ya think?

    Short-term social relief is not “socialism”

    1. Vidchemy Don’t kid yourself, it is socialism. But who really cares at this point? The US is chock-full of socialist programs, policies and laws.

    2. Yes, it is socialism, and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH SOCIALISM! Capitalists and Capitalism is the problem, always has been. SOCIAL SECURITY is social, SOCIAL people are social, capitalists are SOCIOPATHIC>

      I am a PROUD DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST and I am here to say, you should be too. Especially if FDR is in your memory as he is in mine.

    3. VA more communist than socialist. You only get 3 choices of docters. Larry, Curley and moe! Paperwork for you to get a civilian docter only the docters no one wants to go to takes that! We pay farmers to let land sit idle plus keep post offices open in communities with no schools. While they drive to the county seat and Walmart.

  6. Being poor…the only stocks I could afford are the celery in my fridge. I’ll keep an eye on them… I hope they don’t shrivel up! 🤔

    1. @corthew You’re overconfident. You think this is the bottom. This is not the bottom. We’re far away from the bottom still.

  7. I find that when current events start to stress me out, watching sports helps a lot. If you’ll excuse me I think I’ll go watch some basketball.

    1. Bryan Meekins ,Good luck with that because all sports events have been postponed or canceled for the next six weeks

  8. Democrats are really blaming the global economic meltdown caused by an unprecedented viral outbreak originating in China on Trump? Wow

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