Why is it so hard to file for unemployment?
RELATED: The coronavirus task force updates on the threat of a second wave
Find out the latest on the stimulus package, unemployment benefits and why you still can’t find toilet paper after 10 a.m. at most stores.
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#stimulus #unemployment #panicbuying
The government is trash. The NWO is coming.
Rex Scipio https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Cambodia Got Talent amazing person cut the fruit don’t look it (https://youtu.be/yLZfW6GLwPs)
Seriously, but it’s not in a nefarious way. I think this system has hit its peak and it’s time to try something new.
I AM WHAT I AM https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Cambodia Got Talent amazing person cut the fruit don’t look it (https://youtu.be/yLZfW6GLwPs)
*America needs to get back to business as usual NOW. I never-ever thought the end of America would come from willful economic suicide. What a paper-tiger the so-called “home of the brave” is*
reelreeler https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Listening,,,, learning,,,,,,
Mark Wathen https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
I hope this pandemic will disappear forever!!!

Gothic Dragon warrior Queen https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
I’m 71 living in the criminally crooked state of Illinois. Soc Sec benefit by direct deposit is my sole income. Still no fed stimulus check in my account. Illinois is fiddling the money and hoping people will blame Trump. IRS & SSA won’t answer their phones.
AdroitWaterBear https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
So what’s up with how much you make. Are they going off by AGI of 2019 0r 2018? Still no stimulus in my account and my state tax refund came Wednesday but wondering when federr al will come. Still no check in my account. ALL GOOD TO BE NOT TRUE
Munchen Bayern https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Anerican covidiots seem to want to die first.. thats the only proof they will accept. Their own death. On the other side because america makes it so hard to get money your left with a choice starve v work = death. Here in the uk everyone is garunteed £100 pw if unemployed or 80% wages if working.
Mud Yuppy https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
don’t worry kids im sure many will get the stimulus checks this century for sure, if your lucky cuz many more wont get anything.
lovelove https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
I work for my state. I work around constant danger fixing pavement, bridges, guardrail, and many times am first on scene of accidents calling for emergency services and helping people. I am still employed and i first felt a moral obligation to give my stimulus check to someone who needs it. Then i thought about it…..
after the ripple effect of lost toll revenue puts me out of work in 3 or 6 months i decided to stimulate my safe because by the time i get laid off nothing is going to be left. It is sad that the largest countries in the world spend more money on preparing to obliterate each other and laying in bed with corporations the investing in their own people. Wealth trickles up not down. The wealthy will always get theirs. Who thinks that donald trump is actually smart enough to be where he is if he was born the son of a used car salesman?
turd sandwich https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
My coworkers and myself have been deemed essential to keep doing are jobs but mean while there are people out there collecting unemployment and an extra 600 dollars a week adding up to 1,000 dollars take home a week. Hate to say it but that’s bullshit. I can see the government given them there unemployment and some more to make up the difference but to be able to sit at home and get double the money than some of us ESSENTIAL workers isn’t right. I’ll take a layoff, seems to be more lucrative than being deemed essential. Thanks Cuomo.
Robert Bigelow https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Sorry we are closed for Corona virus … what?
Maestro Jeff https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA
Trump three years ago said stock up for a disaster, we did, and we are glad we did in spite of our family making comments.
Sharann Bray https://youtu.be/vm168WGuiDA