The president is missing in action as the Covid-19 pandemic rages out of control in multiple states and his team is blocking critical information to the incoming Biden administration. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#Trump #Election #MSNBC
Stewing Over Biden Win, Trump MIA As U.S. Covid Deaths Top 250,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The worst and most disgusting president in America’s history has been fired by American citizens
@hopndon you bozo’s have your own set of facts… Trumps trash appeals keep getting thrown out but you think hevis winning?
@hopndon I feel bad for you..

Sooo filled with hope and faith!!
You still expect Trump to win after a major Monstrosity of a landslide victory. Biden won MASSIVELY….. Poor little man
That’s right, horrible horrible orange lunatic
One hundred percent right you are !
Search creepy joe video’s
Donald Trump is evil.
Morning I wished it was Just Conspiracy .
6 Corporations own 90 % Of the MSM .
They sure arn’t out for you , me or anyone else .
The Government is Infiltrated the Schools & every aspect in Society.
I never thought I would ever see the Day that the Leftist find Socialism as Romantic .
They don’t have a clue about the Horrors of Socialism Then Communism !
Look at how they want to get rid of the police .
Schools haven’t tought about History , then they are tearing down Monuments that should remind everyone .
Hitler & Nazis did the same thing .
It’s obvious how Corrupted the Election was .
Voting Machine’s.
They did it in Venezuela
To place Dictators that the Deepstate & Globalist could Control !
SMARTMATIC Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger is on Biden’s Transition Team .
Come to find out President Trump had more than 80 + Million Votes .
Common Sence Says look at Biden’s Rallies , China
Was talking to Empty Rooms , Empty parking lots
Looking around like their was a Crowd there .
Then look at President Trumps Rallies some 60 thousand + , then those that was outside of the Rallies .
Look at how the Deepstate Media’s are trying to make it look like Joe Biden Won , are you starting to get the picture ?
Don’t be decieved , it isn’t about Democrat V Republicans it’s Literally
Good V Evil .
The Deepstate Globalist Elite
Wants to put in place those they can Control .
Did you notice how the Deepstate Media’s hid the News about Hunter Biden’s Laptop ?
$ 1.5 Billion.
It shows Joe getting money from CCP China
$ 3.5 Million from Mayors Wife .
Barisma Undisclosed amount of money in the millions .
Rosemont Cendica .
Joe Biden’s Brother James on Housing in the Billions $$
needs to stand up against the Deepstater’s
On & on A reporter from OAN
Watched the Videos & looked at the Pictures of Hunter involved in Crimes against Children , Natalie was only 14
Something needs to be done about these people .
No more 2 tare Justice Systems !
& Globalist Tolatarian Marxist Socialist. no matter what Party They are in before it’s to late !
The Deepstate Media’s was hiding all the Riots not Protests !
ANTIFA & fake BLM walking down the Streets burning up Buisness’s & Communities ,
Hitting Elderly People , Families , the Deaths from the Riots !
Ask yourself why ?
Ask yourself are some in the Government uesing China
Flue to keep us imprisoned
& Sequestered at Home ?
Ask yourself how many thousands or millions of small Buisness’s are ruined
& will never be able to come back ?
Ask yourself did they ues the China
Flue to Control the Election’s for Mail in Votes too cause Chaos with the Counting along with their
” DOMINION & SMARTMATIC Voting Machine’s ?
Don’t let these Deepstater’s & Their Media’s Destroy Our
Beloved Country !
Raise awareness Protest peacefully at every Capital , Cities & Towns !
Call your Senators & Congressman let them know how you feel !
Some of them are getting Money & Benifits to Sell us people out , if they are get them out of Office !
For God & Country .
God Bless .
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@Gerry S.S EVIL period
@Rebellc how about Don-The-Con ?
@LD81bcd AL72 Affirmative! Now that guy is in a class all by himself. Gotcha!
The biggest surges are taking place where trump had his recent rallies.
@TheUser7062 he says what his base wants to hear and they’re so blinded by thinking they are actually getting what they want, they’re #1 The overturning of Roe v Wade that they have completely shut out common sense. He has not overturned Roe v Wade, the virus did not magically disappear, things are not beautiful, he did not make America great again, etc etc etc. #2 Building a wall to keep the “rapists & murders out” t-rumps words, which is falling down at great expense to tax payers. Unbelievable how gullible his supporters are and the anger he has stirred up in a people who believe in what the Bible says, but have not learned to Love their neighbor as themselves.
@Tosca Tattertail And still you miss the point.
@Vic M Your fellow American United States of America Republicans – is that what you mean? They have acted dumb while being conned by a loser POTUS but just sticking it to them for being stupid does not fix the problem.
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
We all get it, he doesn’t care. Whatever was inside him died or never lived.
@Lene Danielsen look at all the people dead. The Rallies his refusal to wear a mask or back science. Your reasoning is nothing more then acceptance to a liar and fraud. Good for you, you racist silly follower. Learn how to lead and not follow because your so weak willed. Science beats Faith in God during this crisis. But then I bet your a Karen and believe its 99.9% recovery rate you Trumpublicans seem to believe… the shame is so many Americans drank the Kool-Aid. Shame racists have such a loud voice.
Nothing was ever inside him regarding helping others. He’s is and have always been about SELF!
@Lene Danielsen How embarrassing for your lack of critical thinking skills.
Trump is a Sociopath it never lived. He does not have the capacity, or ability for caring , empathy, love. He uses issues that matter to others to manipulate his base for his own objectives and gain. He has no real caring about the issues he supports except votes and recognition. He’d turn on a dime against those very issues if he saw greater gain or when he’s used those supporters up.
@Lene Danielsen look guys, even the bots know that you become what you consume
Trump is the bigliest political disaster we’ve ever faced in this country!
@J It’s okay to complain about Democrats but first learn what the party is called: DemocratIC Party.
Obama sucked , Truman sucked , Carter , Nixon, Ford ,……..
@J what about ivan-ka’s rigged voting machines?
@Sam McCormack sadly it’s totally true.
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
He only cares about one thing and that is himself not the people who he was elected to protect, he has failed them full stop.
Every single person in his administration Should go to Prison!
The only American bunkerboy cares about is himself. Proven daily
Heil trump Autocratic rule now
@Fupped Uck hey deplorable it’s spelled hail, please go back we’re u came from
Biden won by 6 million votes. This was not close. Only the fact that Republicans in PA refused to count mail-in ballots in advance of election day made it seem so and dragged out the results. If they had started counting earlier, the race would have been called on election night.
Trump is a lethal weapon. His failure to serve the people of America is criminal. . He is responsible for thousands and thousands of dead and dying.
Is he though? Bush invaded the middle east for ‘weapons of mass destruction’ even though everyone knew it was for oil and profit and Obama started selling weapons to the middle east, thus profitting from the genocide in yemen. Warmongering profiteering and genocidal profiteering gets a mulligan, but trump is the worst? Gosh and youtube keeps censoring everything. I don’t understand youtube, how is a talking about a globally renowned war and UN recognized genocide violating your terms of censorship?
@Octavius Chan youtube wants to be like North Korea’s staterun media. In NK they only have the current days news paper posted behind a locked cabinet. You can’t get access to any older new papers, even from the day before, because the authoritarian government doesn’t want to be held accountable to anything they did the day before. Youtube is censoring conversations about the yemeni genocide and the Iraqi war cause, like North korea, americans never want to be held accountable for anything ever. Its dictatorship 101 and american companies like youtube are pioneers in using technology to censor the masses from ever talking about anything negative about america. There’s no free debate on youtube cause they censor facts to protect america.
@Octavius Chan of course they gave mulligans for Bush and Obama. They didn’t embarrass america. Americans don’t actually hate trump, they just don’t like how he makes them look bad. America will give unlimited mulligans for any crime, even war crimes and crimes against humanity, but trump crossed the line when he made americans look bad. That expression “like father like son” for america its “like trump like americans”. The apple doesn’t drop far from the tree.
On the other hand he exposed the ignorance of all those who support him!
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
“…the two counties with the worst irregularities”.
Trump: “votes against me are irregular. Meeyuns and meeyuns of people love me. Everybody loves me. Nobody would vote against me!”
“The world will not be destroyed by those evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything “ – Albert Einstein
I’m just fascinated to see how much more Americans can take before they storm the white house and drag Trump and his Junta into the street.
If America was a third world country, they would have sent Trump into exile months ago. Americans just bend over and take it dry.
Trump doesn’t care about the virus
he just care about him
If Trump were talking, he would say how great we are doing with covid.
Trump does nothing just like his boss ,Putin tells him,the US may be Russian before Jan. 20/20.
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
I’m more disappointed in the 70 odd million people who voted for him. Way to go.
That 70 million are in charge of this country right now.
NEVER FORGET it is the republican party that are enabling this massive harm, death, & destruction of the country! They all must go.
Trump abandoned post, he’s become a squatter. A lame duck President.
He has been a squatter for 4 years.
Lame duck or lame brain? He ain’t leaving until they drag him out. Even then you won’t shut him up.
Don’t hold your breath – Kayleigh McEnany is a disgrace.
This is so sad,people have died because of trump and his cronies!!
This man was never for America.
He was for himself.
And most of us knew that in 2016. Time to seriously re-evaluate the Electoral College.
Fact: The only person Trump ever showed ANY loyalty to was Vladimir Putin.