Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters that sending checks to Americans was being considered as part of a proposed coronavirus relief plan. MSNBC's David Gura has details on the economic impact this could have. Aired on 3/17/2020.
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Steven Mnuchin Considers Sending Checks To Americans As Part Of Coronavirus Relief | MSNBC
Who get money ? Rich those who own business?
What about mothers with children that cant work from and need to stay home with them?
@WARWEAPONX That is the biggest job on earth! you are the perfect example of why being a stay at home parent is needed these days,to prevent future adults like you.
@WARWEAPONX hows life as a human turd?
@WARWEAPONX they still think the 1950s applies to them.
@William H Music 2020 Good for you. Now you can shave your face and apply make-up freaker.
@WARWEAPONX im a college student not working am i qualified?
Give everyone a check, working or not, home or homeless because everyone is affected! God knows this sorry country wastes money on far less important things!
@Youtube Admin Yeah, it technically came from the working class as they were working and paying into it their entire lives. They spent like 45 years paying into it, so they earned it. You’re one selfish SOB wanting money for yourself but thinking that elderly shouldn’t get any when they’re struggling to get by.
If you want an every man for themselves society, maybe you should have saved money yourself for emergencies instead of thinking you should get a handout and leave others out.
@RonTheDawn Putting the homeless in jail would be pure stupidity. Some prisons and jails aren’t even allowing visitors because of how hard it would be to control outbreaks in that environment. Dragging in a bunch of people off of the street during a pandemic would just be asking for an outbreak in jails.
@Youtube Admin Sorry but your actually wrong on that one.
Are at least wrong in your conclusion.
As a person who is disabled and has been since I was a child I get off of what my dad paid in for me.
As in the money I get is my dad’s money not the government’s money.
This is the same for every person who was disabled from childhood.
Then people that get disabled as an adult make off of what they pay in.
@BeBrave Yea from what they paid in or their spous paid in or what their parent’s paid in.
As in people with disabilities either get money that was there money or what their husband paid in or wife or parent’s paid in.
So either way the person is getting there own money back or people are getting money there family paid in for them.
So it’s not the government’s money nor is it the money of people that you are not related to.
Because as a person who has been disabled since 5 i done had this explained to me because I asked about it.
1:17 perfect timed “haha”
Hahahaha, too funny…..
That was perfect
Thank you I was about to post that myself!!!
No sh*t
Note the word “considers”
@Walt Schmidt Yep. Work smarter. Not harder. For sure. I’m working on my bachelors right now because I hate stupidity and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life insulting the poor and disabled like an old uneducated and clueless boomer.
@Carrie’s Revenge 2018 The Bachelors? Lol! That’s a prerequisite for working at McDonald’s.
@Mark Zoobkoff I was extremely tired when I wrote that. Big deal. Proof that I’m human.
@Mark Zoobkoff It isn’t. I’m excused.
He’s so generous!!! With our money!!!
kstars That’s kind of the point. Corrupt lying bigot is a malignant narcissist who’s into crony capitalism. What could possibly go wrong? I’m more conservative than tЯump. Conservatives believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. They used to believe in fiscal responsibility, not setting records with exploding deficits (during an economic expansion?) They used to respect good, peer reviewed, science and understood that they were in opposition to authoritarian regimes. They used to champion human rights. He and his gullible cult aren’t conservatives.
@Face2wake – Yes, however when a government takes in less money in one area they need to collect in another area. Therefore, the citizens will either have services taken away, prices will go up or taxes for citizens will go up. One way or another, the citizens will pay for the shortfall of funds being collected by the government. Lowering taxes for the rich and wealthy corporations is allowing them to keep billions of dollars.
@Mary Jean Jones Incorrect. First off, everyone got a tax cut. Not just the rich like you all like to say. Second, when people get to keep more of their own money they spend more, that is why you saw higher tax revenue after the tax cuts. Third, hundreds of companies took their tax cut money and put it directly back into their businesses. many giving raises or creating new jobs by opening new areas and in some instances both. People getting paid more and more people employed equal higher tax revenue for the government. With all of that being said the government still has more money than they know what to do with. Trump said he was going to cut the budget and hasn’t. That is one of his shortcomings.
@Face2wake – When you have more money than you know what to do with, you do not have Trillions of debt. The debit is getting out of control. If people were getting paid more, they would not be complaining about how low the minimum wage is. If the people were doing as well as you claim, why have so many farmers gone out of business? Why has the cost of goods gone up? Actually Trump advised that he is going to cut services in healthcare. That will save him some money collected from tax payers.
@Mary Jean Jones The latest budget was over 5 trillion dollars. The USA keeps on accumulating debt because we spend more money than we actually have. The government still gets and spends that money on nonsense and redundancies. “If people were getting paid more, they would not be complaining about how low the minimum wage is. ” Wrong. If people spent within their means they wouldn’t be complaining about how “low” the minimum wage is. Furthermore, if you want a higher minimum wage just vote in one of the morons that wants to raise it to 15 or 20 or 1000 dollars an hour. This doesn’t have to be done on the federal level. Have fun watching all of your small businesses fail. “If the people were doing as well as you claim, why have so many farmers gone out of business?” They haven’t……… very very few farmers actually went out of business. They were hurt because of the trade war with China. A trade war that was completely necessary. The cost of some goods went up because of the trade war. The vast majority of good are down in price. A) The healthcare cuts won’t make it through Congress. That’s how this stuff works. You ask for much more than you want then negotiate down. B) Most of those cuts were from programs that are largely taken advantage of. If you want these programs there to help the poor and disabled that’s fine. But they need to be regulated much more heavily. I work in a hospital and see medicare patients come to the ER on a regular basis who have a soar throat or a mild cough. Why wouldn’t they come to the ER? It’s free.
Hahahahahahahahaha Call JG Wentworth 877-cash-now
I was the 200th like, lmao
8-7-7 Cash nowwww….Call now!!

I’m still waiting for the $300 check that George Bush Junior sent out to everybody
chubberone – I got mine back then. Why didn’t you get yours? Not working? Behind on your taxes? Didn’t file or what?
You aren’t working now and you weren’t working then..
I got mine. He did it twice.
@Pootie Putin shut up stupid commie
300 isnt even one month of rent in 2020
Andrew Yang looking real good right about now.
Democrat Party: Who?
They should not be billing ANYONE AFFECTED by this all bills should be held until further notice
File your taxes, but if you owe money, we’re going to give you a little breathing room, right?
Uncle sam: 1:17
@Bill Randleman same here, I wonder if I can get my 5200 back then pay it in December
Buggabones hilarious!!!!! This is gold
Penalties and interest for paying late are not that bad. I pay every year in October bc it allows me to have enough positive cash flow right now.
Right after that was said someone laughed
The guy laughing in the background is the only honest thing on tv
Yeah really!Wtf??
I just heard the laugh as I read this comment… That was Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang laughing in the back ground.

precious jacob they’re laughing because idiots still think there’s two different sides of government and your favorite side is just sure to change things, THIS TIME.
I’ll believe him when the check is deposited in my account and cleared. Until then all I hear is blah blah blah.
@Little Dikkins trump has never call covid19 a hoax… try again
@David Mason He most certainly did, you try again.
@Little Dikkins Thats so strange you say that.. cus you see what I had heard was the president calling the “Democrats response to how his administration is handling covid 19 virus” a hoax . NOT that the virus its self is a hoax, like youre trying claim he said. Go ahead rewatch the real video, you cant find anywhere where that he called the virus itself a hoax… what exactly about that statement makes him a liar? This is really the proof you give me? So many lies you cant even count you say yet you cant even provid me with a truthful lie. Lol you literly had to lie about him Lying just to try and be right.. wow
@Hyyprr Hyypprr the gaslighter
David Mason yes he did, his exact quote on national tv was “I think it’s kind of a hoax”.
They really should, a LOT of people are going to be without income for a while.
I don’t understand how or why these corporations still need a bailout when they aren’t paying any real taxes?
Why wouldn’t they have a little money saved Al ? Answer : lazy and don’t want to work.
Toughen up buttercup.
“We should send Americans a grand a month to help survive.”
*Andrew Yang laughs heartily in the distance*
@TheM0joDoj0 your the ” oh but i didnt read the whole article guy “
@ByWhatDesign you provided a website that literly says on it that its not endorsed by Andrew wang lol
@IDKMYName OK why are you telling me about vacines what does that have to do with the OP?
@TheM0joDoj0 first of all we didnt give any airlines 600 billion dollars. Tf you talkin about…and second if just printing money worked then why wouldnt we print enough for everyone to be millionaires? Thats cus printing money DEVALUES it you moron… all these suggestions on here sound like something a child would think of good lord
@David Mason money machine go brrrrrrrrrr
Lady: “If you owe money we’re going to give you a little bit of breathing room, right?”
Guy in the backround: “…Haha!”
Green Scene Freedom I heard that too.
I heard him laugh just now
Otherwise you’ll see millions of repossessed cars, millions of power shut offs, and evictions, I already can’t pay rent in two weeks
US ARMY VET 11B 96-14 this an AR15 wym cheap junk? Lmao
I hope things work-out for you. Sorry to hear of the situation you’re in.
@classic Pontiac37 people that voted for trump get 4000
The President signed into law, you cannot be evicted or foreclosed on
Direct deposit is the only safe way . Mail gets stolen all the time .
Don’t hold your breath citizen.
We all go down to a location to pick up our checks and get the virus while there.
Translation: “Since we mismanaged the business cycle and are all out of tools to fight a recession, we’re going to borrow some more money from your grandchildren.”
reminds me of winning a class action lawsuit for $1.75 while the lawyers got 10s of millions.
Americans on normal weekends: “I’d just Netflix and Chill”
Americans now: *It’s my God-given right to go out and lick whatever I want*