Steve Schmidt reacts to Trump's Constitution Day speech, criticized as one of the darkest of his presidency, where Trump leveled political broadsides at 'the Left' and talked about 'patriotic education' all while inside the National Archives steps from the Bill of Rights. Aired on 09/17/2020.
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Steve Schmidt: Trump Is A ‘Dime Store Slurring Mussolini’ | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Warped, distorted, and defiled… sounds like, Trump.
Remove T. It’s t and we are generous.
Trump is high on drugs, slurring his way through his perverted interpretation of US history
He’s a mess.
yes he is a drug addict , horrible human being and i cannot stand him speak, take him out
Trump just denounced his Presidency.
With the announcement of his Dictatorship.
@thom wessels I hope you get the covid.
@thom wessels you are delusional
@thom wessels Begone TROLL.
@thom wessels you
He does not deserve anything American.Much less to be human.
As a war time president he should be charged with war crimes
244 years isn’t long enough in my book…. but this may well be it—Unless some Generals and Admirals decide to live up to their oath to uphold the constitution of The United States.
Got that right
After Traitor Trump’s speech, he burned that copy of the Constitution.
Stupid trump, it was a picture book of constellations. Shh, don’t tell him!
Trump is a junky, why is nobody saying this? It’s so obvious.
@John Carter ..dude we dont care if we get the “same results” as you say from voting democratic, sky is falling if Biden is elected chicken little BS rhetoric from you Trump halfwits, not meant to be a slam but the rational world sees ya’ll as halfwits, mentally deficient and for ALL the appropriate logical reasons, wont bother here b/c, well, thats an exercise in futility, i wont spar with a halfwit but nov rolls round, you’ll be butt hurts but not long after that, you’ll see a real raging monster in what trump will do then,…he’s a rerun like EVERYTHING TRUMP, rerun, stolen campaign slogans, borrowed news media hammer from Putin, “fake news”, yeah, from Putin 15 + years ago, Putin told him it worked for him in ukraine invasions and etc, some of the public mistrusted the news because of that , same as trump,, ..i digress, read up on Hitler, closing days of WWII, what he said about his countrymen, they didnt fight hard enough for HIM, so they didnt deserve germany OR HIM, so what he did and said, thats where trumps head is, scorched earth on his way out the bully door. …
Well, he hired Larry Kudlow who admitted to being addicted to cocaine: When Rump said he wanted drug testing before the debates, he might have been projecting onto Biden, his own issues?
@Roberta Colarette because he thinks he can pee in a cup or have someone else pee in a cup..BUT i bet he thinks that, but a definitive result would be derived from hair follicle testing…
@Sheryl Oldham lol ,go burn down a city with democrat mayors,rioters while your there do a little looting ,why not ? Do you guys not see the common denominator ? The world is scratching it’s head trying to figure out why your voting in democrat mayors then going back and looting,murdering and burning down a system that you voted in…Will you guys at least get someone to hold your hand while crossing the street? You do know there is help out there, right ? To the rest of the world it looks like your punching your self in the face..just one honest answer to “ did you guys have lead in your municipal water supply ,modern medicine can help you.I know there is irreversible damage to the brain but hey …
Hey does anyone know of a city that we can vote in a democrat for mayor ? We are running out of places to burn,loot and murder. Please don’t tell them they are the same mayor we just told you to vote for….
Look at slouchy Trump, he has to be drugged.
He’s a mess.
There’s upper Drumph and downer Drumph. The Adderal can only last so long and a lack of sleep is rough on addicts old or young.
You might be right, he looks and sounds off.
Nixon was a druggie at the end of his presidency too.
If he were my child at a school, I’d tell him to stand up straight. At least have some dignity and respect for your job!!
If you’re listening Trump reading like that, you know his CPU is maxed out.
With 1kb RAM, what do you expect?
He can’t read B. Not books, documents or even use a computer. Have you ever seen a computer on his desk? No. Only once when he hired Ivanka and she did a photo shoot of him sitting at his desk with a young man learning over him. Totally false like everything else he does and her too. She was the one who pays women in Indonesia $1.00 an hour to make her clothes. She repeatedly said she’s never work in the White House. And like every other Trump, she lied. And she sure isn’t qualified to be paid like that for doing what? Covering up her Father’s mental retardation. They all know it. Songs
Lol.. it’s really difficult to read big words with just a third grade education
Don’t you guys have a mayor you voted in so you can come back in 2 weeks and burn,loot and murder them ? It’s like watching someone punching themselves in the face. By the way jim Jones jr.,is having a tea tasting party. Evolution has definitely reversed
@John Carter You’re thinking of trump, but he’s not a mayor. He’s inexplicably the president, the most non-presidential president ever. Evolution has reversed, you’re the proof!
Trump hates “the people”and he hates America!
@Marathonracer Sounds like you hate the truth.
@Walt Schmidt I will try to slowly explain this, because it’s obvious you’re not too bright. Trump and Putin are buddies. Putin is a communist. Trump is a republican. Can you connect the dots now?
Gwendolyn Albert please stop watching Fox it’s filling your clearly empty head with crap. The rest of the world can see what Trump is doing while people like you remain clueless. So get off your soapbox, pull your head out of your butt and face reality, Trump is a narcissist who is going to destroy America, he’s already made it a laughingstock and you inbred cultists can’t even see it or more accurately don’t want to because to you ignorance really is bliss.
That’s because he is a Russian.
@John Carter You’re thinking of trump, but he’s a crackpot, not a crackhead. He put his unqualified family into the WH, as well as all the unqualified temporary replacements he hired!
This speech was all Stephen Miller, the Goebbels of the Trump administration.
I got in trouble on Facebook showing Goebbels. Stephen Miller looks like his son. Satan and Goebbels kid.
“Blame the other side of that which you are guilty”
Joseph Goebbels – Nazi Minister of Propaganda
How is Miller alive?
a cross between goebbels and fredo corleone
His words, thoughts and body language disgust me.
He’s the worst president ever period. The Devil in real time

@Alberto Gonzalez Of that my friend,…there is NO doubt. Stay safe. Treat others with respect. Let’s all reset this world we’ve had turned upside down.

@Lily Zavala Not mine, nor yours I should think. Stay safe. Vote your conscience Nov.3d.
I know! He is so creepy and makes me physically sick.
Thoughts, from trump? That’s quite a stretch. He is disgusting though!
Warped, distorted, and defiled. Sounds like he is describing his own personality.
Exactly! That’s exactly what he does with everything! King of the gaslighters! When he speaks, he’s looking in a mirror
He’s always projecting.
Crusty and Heather u to are the dumbs human been or r u to in the rich class if go and pull yourself..
And Mussolini himself was nothing but a cheap thug.
244 years isn’t long enough in my book…. but this may well be it—Unless some Generals and Admirals decide to live up to their oath to uphold the constitution of The United States.
I believe mussolini’s end should come of rump and the traitors in his family.
A picture of Mussolini shows him hanging by the neck.
@David I typed that comment back during the impeachment NON_TRIAL and people called me reactionary. F that…. This S H * T has been coming for a long while.
“Dime store slurring Mussolini”…..the quote of the year. Spot on, Steve!!
Wow! After being compared to Trump even Mussolini feels insulted!
Chris Northover we must vote him out!
i don’t think Mussolini was evil like Donald and Hitler. Apparently Donald strikes poses that remind people of Mussolini but the actual guy was not on the same evil level as Donald and Hitler. Those are the two who belong getting compared, Donald is basically an early Hitler wannabe.
That would be mango Mussolini Mr Schmidt.
“when the people fear the government, there is Tyranny. When the government fear the people, there is liberty”
– TJ –
Mr. Schmidt,
Your definition is on point.
I, like you detest, his existence.
me too
And snorted it up his nose
The worst president and human being ever.
So True
I agree with you!!
!! A total disgrace!!
You could he sickens me!! I have never been so disgusted with any president in life except for this pos!!
he was never a president, never, he was a conman who got elected to be a president, but he continued to be a conman filling his families coffers with taxpayer money, under the guise of making America great, I thought it was a great country, and then this trump guy got elected and its been a downhill slide into a cesspool of corruption and cronyism…
@David Rodgers Grow up unless remaining a pervert with deranged mind does not bother you much.
REMINDER: Mussolini never talked about dating his own daughter … trump has.
What I find off with Trump he doesn’t have an 4 I’d next term
He doesn’t have a plan 4 the next 4 years
Good point. I think Mussolini has been getting an overly bad wrap, when people keep comparing Donald to him. Mussolini was a product of his time and place; he was trying to catch up with the other war-mongering leaders around him. This is NOT similar to Donald, who is best compared to an early Hitler. Biden 2020 please
Trump: “I’m safe, I’m on stage, I’m far from people, I’m tested regularly”
To the sheep:
Don’t panic, herd immunity rocks!