On President Trump telling the Proud Boys, a white supremacist organization, to ‘stand back and stand by,’ Steve Schmidt says “Donald Trump gave a lock and load order to heavily armed, paramilitary, white supremacist, militia organizations. The white supremacist organizations are reveling in the support of the president today. They're celebrating." Aired on 09/30/2020.
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Steve Schmidt: Trump Gave A ‘Lock & Load Order’ To White Supremacist Groups During Debate | MSNBC
I, for one, am not afraid of a group that calls themselves “proud boys”. They can do what they want, they’ll fall. They’ll lose.
@John Thomas Is that your real name or is it a total fake? ‘cuz I think that it is a reference to D H Lawrence Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and I don’t think anyone who taunts others with threats of violence could also have a secret penchant early 20th century English literature. Fes up now…
@Janice Smith I no longer donate my money to NPR.
@bruce robbins Boom, Joe had better wear a thick Depend diaper.
The Proud Boys are a group led by an Afro/Cuban Hispanic, have POC in the group, and are conservatives who oppose the far left. Anyone who actually thinks they’re white supremacists is a moron.
my mom taught me to stay away from boys who’re only interested in other boys.
Trump is inciting hate group to go to war with one another. How can we negotiate peace around the world when America is not at peace itself.
@President of the Virgin Islands its a witch hunt. come get some.
@Constituent A
Na, youre lucifers parasite, tell us about your miserable existence as a slave to demons…
@Constituent A
We’re waiting..
@Mark Du Bois LOL
@Hunter Benoit I could explain it to you but I couldn’t understand it for you.
The republicans are facist now
@William H Go inject some Lysol moron
@D A Yep. The conservative Christian tyrants the Republican party invited into their tent after desegregation.
@William H read a book dummy
Yes! I seen some of them at that ANTIFA book burning in Portland. They had purple and orange hair too!
Lookup International Democratic Union founded by one of our Own Presidents, and a Prime Minister, benign to start, not so anymore. They uphold the UN’s version of human rights, same as Russia and other Dictator countries. Rather than our OWN Bill of Rights & Constitution views.
Check out current members, but remember it may be due to party pressure.
America needs to stand up to trump and his boys,
@greg j You mean Putin/Trump don’t you.
CaneFu Putin/Trump 2020
@Therealdeal84 I live in Chicago and it is not the battleground that Trump makes it out to be.
Mark…America will in November.
@CaneFu Either is the city of Portland.
It’s Time To Take Back Our Country – NOW!
So true

It’s Time To Take Back Our Country from corrupt Democrats – NOW
Steve tells it like it is!!!
So much journalisming
He knows he’s done! Trump knows it and Tim Scott is a sellout!!!!
We have to make sure my man! Go out and vote! Vote like your life depends on it because it does! So does the countries life!
Tim Scott always been a c o o n from the way it’s looking must pays well because it’s quite a few on the loose
No! Tim Scott sees the truth.
@greg j . Wish that was the case
Proud Boys. Sounds a bit like a follow-up to Brokeback Mountain.
And them Proud Boys be clever to magically change out of their gear and into all black outfits before going on destructive rampages. How do they do it? Maybe they pull that old Wonder Woman trick by spinning round and round?
Some truth in that!
@John Thomas oh calm down whiney. Get your sense of humour back. That insufferable sjw crap is why ppl vote Trump. Pick your battles
Can I use this? This is brilliant! I’m still laughing! Plot line: Pence feels like an awkward little girl when Mnuchin is around…

Now everyone knows that Government’s job is NOT to save lives but to Ruin them.
I didn’t know that the government was supposed to save lives. It is a shame what’s going on in China.
@Jeremy Martinez
Yeah, and thats what we’re in for too if we don’t wake up asap!
When will the so called reps of congress stand up to the dictator??
Don’t worry you guys will be voted out!!!!
How is he a dictator? By not mandating a federal mask mandate? Cutting taxes? Leading in historic peace deals? By doing his constitutional duty in appointing judges?
Do you know how you can tell he’s not a dictator? Because a bunch of people can say whatever they want about him and not have to fear being put in re-education camps or prison.
Blame the Senate, not Congress.
@Jeremy Martinez yes, he cut taxes for the 1%. He lost the popular vote by 3 million, and now he’ll be appointing his 3rd far right Supreme Court Justice in a 3.5 year span… That’s called MINORITY RULE! That’s a fraud democracy.
Far as I am concerned the man is a rabid animal and needs to be forcefully retired now. He is a punk and he is creating dangerous situations for way too many people. Get him out of there.
Yeah! Biden is the worst!
@Jeremy Martinez,he means your fuhrer,Trump.
I will say it again, he should have been impeached and removed a vey long time ago! He is crazy and dangerous, get him out now! He wants violence, he gave the Proud Boys the ok!!!
Madeline Menor l asked on Quora Iif trump could be deemed incompetent and a domestic threat, removed. Boy did l get attacked. Mostly by FOR WHAT! Seriously?

He was impeached. But not removed.
The President of the United States gave a green light to domestic terrorism last night
@Ducky Lou Diva I live in the greatest country of the world — the country that you are ashamed of.
Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden flatly denied at Tuesday night’s debate that his lawyer son took huge sums of money from corrupt oligarchs and Chinese communists during his vice presidency, but Treasury Department reports show that Hunter Biden did receive the money.
President Trump chose to make an issue of Hunter Biden’s cash haul from Russia, Ukraine and China with the implication that unsavory figures were trying to buy Vice President Biden and the Obama administration.
“When somebody gets 3½ million dollars from the mayor of Moscow,” Mr. Trump said.
@Phoenix I think it was the other way around anyone with any sense of intelligence can see that
@Brian Nave Putin the only one that trump will not insult or put down wonder why that is
@michael ouellette You got it wrong again. It was Obama who asked Putin for some “space” and “flexibility” until after November’s election. Obama has colluded with Putin for years.
American men and women vs proud boys.
Yes! It is the Proud Boys who have been secretly posing as ANTIFA and burning everything. The people’s revolution must teach them the error of their Racist Fascist ways. And we shouldn’t forget the hordes of White Supremacists that is hiding up in them there hills. Even now, they’re doing that George Clooney hillbilly dance from ‘oh Brother art thou’. They’re pretty stoned on blunt right now but they’ll sober up.
@Jeremy Martinez Well, that’s what Fox says, anyway. My friends that actually live in Portland paint a very different picture. So do the BLM organizers that actually go to town halls and talk to their local politicians instead of belching talking points spoon-fed to them by the wealthy.
Jeremy Martinez antifa is a philosophy, not a hate group. And why would a lives matter protest take anyone’s life? I think it’s problematic that people are forming their own armies of extremism. I think it’s problematic that your president is a proud boy.
@Jeremy Martinez That or trump supporters did trump and putin’s bidding.
Stand DOWN and stand by.
They ALL need to be prosecuted for being traitors.
@Alim Tash Oh, yes he did!
@wooly samoan The KKK has had notable black members, too – a few people acting against their own interest doesn’t change the reality of things. The PB’s violent track record is bare for all to see – not in conjecture, but in court conviction and public documents.
@Kevin Lee Trump might be the most significant and severe traitor this country has ever known – and if we do things right, ever will know. He has compromised the highest office in the land to THE SAUDIS, THE RUSSIANS, and THE CHINESE. He even took money from the Philippines. He’s not loyal to this country, and never has been. His courtship with Russians has been well documented since the 80’s and you guys want to act like it’s not been in plain view the whole time.
It wasn’t stand down, it was stand back.
Ie take a break and get ready.
@wooly samoan
No. Proud Boys have different orgs. Maybe you have a black man or two but they hate the Jews. The leader is white. Gavin McGuiness. He is a Canadian Immigrant.
But we can say the same of the alt right with tiki torches and running people over. We can say the same of the Boogaloo. KKK. Patriots Prayer.
He was disgusting last night they are waiting on stand by.
Yeah! I couldn’t believe Joe Biden.
@Jeremy Martinez good try though…go live in Russia if you want a dictator…
Tim Scott is such a goddamned coward.
He’s a Tom as in uncle!
This is so sick and disgusting that this is happening to our country.
Yes it is sick. So sorry. I’m so voting….
What can you say. If leftists weren’t hypocritical virtue signalling liars, they wouldn’t have anything to say. It is what it is.
I hope to God that we can depend on our military to defend our Constitution.
You can depend on the 70% of us who are not military to defend our country against Nazis.
Open carry: Boys who are to scared to fight ISIS in the Middle East but LOVE to open carry in the USA.
There’s a shorter word for that: coward.
Crazy that you have information supporting the claim that none of the people in the Proud Boys were in the military.
LOL Exactly. They are cowards.
@Jeremy Martinez most are military wannabees