Steve Schmidt On Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley: ‘Small And Silly Men At A Serious Hour’ | All In | MSNBC

Steve Schmidt on GOP leaders: “Not only are they demagogues and silly people, they’re just empty vessels. They’re the type of soulless men and women we see in this terrible age that care nothing of the ideas and ideals of this country.” Aired o 7/10/2020.
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Steve Schmidt On Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley: ‘Small And Silly Men At A Serious Hour’ | All In | MSNBC

Steve Schmidt On Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley: ‘Small And Silly Men At A Serious Hour’ | All In | MSNBC


    1. mark allen he doesn’t pull any punches because it comes so naturally for him. Some need guns to be tough, Steve just needs his mouth 😂😂

    1. @Lost Hero
      Blm threatening a mother going into a church with 3 small children. Blm filthy mouthed lowlifes attacking the pastor and men of the church then bursting in the church an attacking church members and youll see even several of the blm men told the worst of the radicals beating up church goers this is wrong and nothing to do with black lives but violence.

    2. I love Steve,And I don’t mean that in a creepy way,Much Respect,But the Truth that spills out of his mouth ,has me yelling,Yes,Yes that’s exactly right!.Thank you🙏👊

    3. @Shaderific Come and get some, monkhey. We get you all in the end. Everybody who thinks who is above the law. Just look at Epstein, Weinstein, … they rot in a cell. And there’s plenty more space for guys like this.

    1. Ted Cruz ? his creep-dom is legendary . The Republican Party of Virus. WOW…STEVE SCHMID YOUR THE VOICE OF STARK REALISM.

  1. *POTUS and AG Barr trying to undo every finding of ‘The Robert Mueller Report’. Barr turned it into the ‘Ferris Bueller Report’ … and gave him ‘Donald Trump’s Day Off’.*

  2. “Small and silly men at a serious hour,” could any other words be more condemning, and just said on the fly.

  3. Every word Steve Schmidt speaks is weighted like hammers, crafted like art. I’m glad I’m not on the wrong side of that righteous fury.

    1. Seriously, if this kind of advertising assassin is part of the republican campaign machine, 2016 makes a lot more sense

    WE CAN DO IT!!!
    YOUR FIRED!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸😷

    1. Won’t happen. Trump 2020. Every thing on this channel is a lie. Wake up before it’s too late. Listen to Fox just a bit.

  5. Moving them out of office means NOTHING. They need to be held accountable and dealt with so that this kind of crap doesn’t happen again.

  6. “Let’s hope we make it till November”. That hit home for me. 2 Family member’s have died from covid, both in nursing home’s. 1 in Ohio and 1 in Texas. 😢 Stay safe PLEASE.

    1. I’m sorry for your loss. Many condolences. You are not alone in your pain, but to lose two loved ones to it – that is devastating.

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