Steve Schmidt: Kamala Harris Has ‘Faced Down The Best Of Trump’s Enablers’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Sen. Kamala Harris is set to make history as she accepts the Democratic party’s nomination for vice president, where she will introduce herself to some for the first time and speak to Biden’s ability to lead in this moment. Aired on 8/19/2020.
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Steve Schmidt: Kamala Harris Has ‘Faced Down The Best Of Trump’s Enablers’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Steve Schmidt: Kamala Harris Has ‘Faced Down The Best Of Trump’s Enablers’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. @Harold Fitzpatrick,FYI . Kent Horvath would have presented himself (along with his family) to the sacrificial altar of the corona virus for Trump’s re election bid! I hope he remembers to take his own TOE TAG. #DEADLYDONALD

    2. @Kent Horvath , please hold on to your 2016 playbook. Unfortunately, you would have presented yourself to the sacrificial altar of the corona virus for Trump’s re election bid. Please bring your own designed TOE TAG. If you show up late, Herman Cain will leave the lights on for you! #DUMBDEMIC #FOPDOODLE


    1. I am a progressive and I have to go to Fox News to get fair coverage on Tulsi Gabbard? Democrat supporters need to wake up and look at the horrible record of Harris as a prosecutor . This clip has been edited like most clips of Harris because she usually gets humiliated ! has no one watched Tulsi Gabbard shred her LIVE in front of the nation ?

    2. @Dwayne Smith : I was going to ask the same question LoL LoL!! But I decided to go to the next comment and I read yours. Great minds think alike, LoL!

    1. Yes we’ve been waiting on a warrior pence better be calling Mother…Please God protect this warrior because I don’t trust these evil devils that would love to hurt Senator Harris

  1. Steve Schmidt is always a voice to be heard. You can just close your eyes, hear the voice anywhere and, you would just know it’s Steve’s voice making a valid point whenever he is asked for comment on certain daily news points….

    1. She is impressive with her mental agility. Men do not intimidate her, something pence and trump rely on. Her laser focus is not distracted by waffling, avoidance, changing topics, stalling (I’m grappling with suggest… Barr, she’s a lawyer too. You need to up your game.) Even when she chooses to let them talk it’s just fly by. Her plan isn’t altered.

    1. So agree Jessica Schwarz! He must be adding wht. hairs just in
      nervous anticipation of her well placed wrath to him and the unlawful administration!

    1. @UCDqLSztdEKhWwPBla9kaTaA I find it interesting how well the Russian bot technology has come your replies are fast and furious.

  2. I can hardly wait to see the Kamala Pence debates oh baby he’s a light weight and she is brilliant.

    1. @Rick54 oh but pence has the same problem as Mick Mulvaney (remember him?). They both have religious upbringings and in fact are not extreme sadists (like bunker baby.) They have a hard time telling a compelling lie the way that trumpski does. I almost feel sorry for him facing Kamala… he’s going to get what’s left of his backbone ripped out in front of MILLIONS.

    2. @RR I agree Kamala will perform an excellent tracheotomy on Pence, I just want to air on the side of caution. Harris could have one of those bad days like we all have and walk into a debate trap. She is good. Have no great expectations and we won’t be greatly surprised.

    1. @Bob Heck No troll, I love democrats, they are why Trump will be re elected just like Obama was why Trump was first elected. GO DEMOCRATS KEEP TALKING ORANGEMANBAD.

  3. I can’t wait when Joe Biden puts her in charge of overseeing Donald and Barr’s criminal investigations.

    1. @Karen Morgan you don’t put these people into jail the next time another one will come again and does even more damage.

    2. @Uchenna Alisigwe an I dont see pedophile demented joe winning. But I do see a indictment in his future. One for him an one for his son!

    1. I am choking on this. She us a 2 faced hypocrit. She bust pot smokers then she smokes pitcan brags about it. A socalist leftist cronies! I hope pence chews her up!

  4. I was so pleased when Kamala was made Joe’s choice and I’m in the UK, have watched her for the last 4 years and I’m in awe of her.

  5. People talking about She isn’t Black enough, as if I give af about her race, I want Politicians like this asking tough questions of those in charge.

    1. @Avery Blue


      And … it should be pointed out that
      … Skam-ala Kameleon Harris actually
      has … ‘Less-Than 12%’ black-ancestry.

      This is a poignant point because … in order
      to be ‘an actual Black person’ … one MUST
      have … ‘MORE -THAN-75%’ black-ancestry.

      Having ‘Less-Than 12%’ black-ancestry …
      means that Harris is ‘not’ a Black person.

      HARRIS IS of a lineage that is a combination
      of … BOTH ‘50% Southern-ASIAN’ … AND …
      also slightly over ‘38% Northern-EUROPEAN’.

      This means that HARRIS IS an ANGLO-INDIAN
      (and she is not a Black person in the least bit).

      Harris’s darker features … actually hail from
      her dark East-Indian mom (and her features
      do not hail from her very-light and less-than
      25%-black ancestral-lineage Quadroon father).

      Harris was reared — throughout her entire-life
      — 100% steeped-in her East-Indian culture and
      in her Hindu religion — and — up until she made
      the decision to try to become the President of
      the U.S. — and — _(mistakenly-assuming that_
      _the Black people of America were clueless_
      _and desperate enough to accept her lie_
      _that she was one of them)_ try to “pass”
      herself off “as being a Black person” (just
      like the brother of actress, Mindy Kaling,
      has recently admitted to doing) — Skam-ala
      KAMELEON Harris had previously “identified”
      SOLEY as “East-Indian” _(remaining silent on_
      _on her very-minute amount of black-lineage_
      _and her very-large amount of White-lineage)._

      *Skamala (Kameleon) Harris is* absolutely nothing
      … but *a race-baiting / stolen-valor / racist-fraud.*

      *And … this is well-documented by the fact that:*

      Skam-ala KAMELEON-Harris has quite literally
      CHANGED-RACES (and she has only done such
      … solely for the purpose of … her own political,
      professional and personal advancement … all via
      the open-exploitation of a disenfranchised-group).

      AND — she IS shamelessly ALSO NOW TRYING
      … EXPERIENCE … AND … even LINEAGE ^^^^
      THAT DOES NOT even remotely APPLY to her
      in ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM OR MANNER at all.

      Everyone knows that NEITHER ONE of her
      (extremely rich-immigrant parents) have
      ANY connection WHATSOEVER to the
      specific-experience or group to which
      Harris is now (suddenly, out-of-nowhere)
      futilely-attempting to lay a spurious-claim
      and that her ‘Jamaican’ dad is NOT ‘Black’.

      (( And … this is all in spite of Harris’s (very
      anti-black and racist) attempt to resurrect
      the long-dead (thanks to the 1967 ruling
      by the U.S. Supreme Court in the ‘Loving
      vs. Virginia’ case) racist ‘One-Drop Rule’.

      The racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ makes the false,
      unscientific and extremely racist claim that
      … “black blood is” nothing more than merely
      “subhuman-filth” and that it is so very “filthy
      and tainted” that ANY amount … including a
      mere-drop … will “contaminate all non-black
      lineage ” .. and will also somehow eventually
      transform anyone … with ANY amount of it in
      their lineage … into becoming a “Black” person. ))

      [[[ ^^^^ i.e. KAMELEON … Race-Faker … Harris
      now FALSELY-claims (suddenly, out of nowhere)
      … that … she is one of the … _”descendants of_
      _the Black-survivors of the slavery-system that_
      _once existed on the continental United States”_
      (which is the TRUE DEFINITION of the unique
      ETHNIC group called “African-American” …
      a definition that “applies to ‘LESS-THAN
      2-out-of-10’ of the Black people that are
      currently living on the continental U.S.” —
      seeing that the U.S. took-in LESS THAN
      6% of the Black-slaves taken from Africa).

      Harris’s ‘Jamaican’ dad has LESS-THAN
      25% Black racial – lineage … and … that
      means that … Harris has LESS than 12%
      Black racial – lineage … AND … it should be
      remembered that NEITHER Harris NOR her
      ‘Jamaican’ dad’s family were EVER forced to
      survive EITHER ‘the Slavery system’ OR ‘the
      Segregation system’ once used in the U.S.

      In other words … NEITHER Harris … who spent
      MOST of her childhood and teen years being
      raised in CANADA … NOR either one of her
      rich-immigrant parents … have … even the
      SLIGHTEST Experiential-Understanding of
      … of what it is like to have been an actual
      “Black” person in the U.S. — at ANY point
      in it’s history — let alone of what it is like
      to be / have been “a descendant of those
      who survived” EITHER the ‘slavery’ OR the
      ‘segregation’ systems the U.S once had.

      SKAM-ALA KAMELEON … “Race-Faker” … Harris
      … IS A bigger FRAUD than Elizabeth Warren.


      — Skam-ala Harris made law-abiding
      minority-parents into “criminals”
      by enacting ‘truancy’ laws that
      sent them to ‘prison’ due to their
      inability to pay the unbearable
      costs of the extremely high ‘fines’.

      — Most of those parents went to
      “private” prisons and their kids
      were sent to “private” foster homes.

      — Much of Harris’s campaign-funds
      came from the owners and investors of
      these “private” prisons and foster homes.

      — To add insult to injury — after having
      imposed such an overly-harsh treatment
      against a very specific group of people —
      Harris then — turned around and _(all solely_
      _for the purpose of attempting to further and_
      _more quickly advance her own professional_
      _and political career)_ futilely-tried to make
      the false-claim of being a ‘member’ of that
      very-specific and historically-unique same
      Ethnic-group along with their Race-group.

      — Even worse — Harris did all of this via
      the means of her decades-long strategy
      AND even had the audacity to announce
      her candidacy _(riding the coattails_
      _of the survival, struggles and the_
      _successes of the very same group_
      _that she ruthlessly-targeted for her_
      _persecution, humiliation, terror and_
      _destruction)_ on the very holiday of
      one of their major historical-leaders.

      — Harris should change
      her last name to ‘Hitler’.

      — Harris is evil.

      #HorribleHarris ]]]


      Way back in the year 1967 — the United
      States Supreme Court banned the legal
      practice of the racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ (in
      it’s decision on the ‘Loving vs. Virginia’
      case which it used to annihilate both
      the ‘Virginia Racial-Integrity Act’ and
      “the social-practice” on which it was
      based) — due to — the ‘One-Drop Rule’
      having been proven as undoubtedly …
      unscientific, racist and unconstitutional.

      The racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ made the false,
      unscientific and extremely racist claim that
      … “black blood” is nothing more than merely
      “subhuman-filth” and that it is so very “filthy
      and tainted” that ANY amount … including a
      mere-drop … will ” contaminate all non-black
      lineage ” .. and will also somehow eventually
      transform anyone … with ANY amount of it in
      their lineage … into becoming a “Black” person.

      The purpose of the racist ‘One-Drop Rule’
      was to allow the ‘ mis-categorization ‘ of
      the Mixed-Race people … whose lineage
      included any part-Black … and … to allow
      the ‘ degradation ‘ of the Black-Race people
      … by falsely-labeling their blood as being “filth”.

      Contrary to myth — the racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ was
      not implemented during the days of the “slavery
      system” in the United States (it was not needed
      at that time) — but rather — it was implemented
      during the “segregation system” in the United
      States (starting in 1920 and strongly pushed
      by Eugenicists such as Walter Plecker; Naomi
      Drake and the drafters of “The Virginia Racial
      Integrity Act” and other race-based legislation).

      The racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ was never an actual
      “law” in the United States — but — numerous
      laws were based on the social-practice of it.

      As a result of the numerous laws … that were
      passed … by way of the social-practice of the
      racist ‘One-Drop Rule’ … millions upon millions
      of people who were of Mixed-Race ^^^ and / or
      of Native American Indian and / or even of a full
      White lineage … were mis-categorized as ‘black’.

      (^^^ NOTE:

      There are TWO types of
      Mixed-Race and the TWO
      types are as follows …

      (1) MGM-Mixed —


      (i.e. The individuals and the groups that are
      of a full-lineage that … BOTH ‘became’ AND
      also ‘continually-remained’ Racially-Admixed
      throughout-all of it’s multiple-generations ~
      starting with the generation of the very FIRST
      occurrence of racial-admixing and continuing
      on ~ with an unbroken-string of admixing ~
      into the present generation of said lineage.

      e.g. griffe person marries metis person,
      mullato person marries griffe person, etc.)

      (2) FGM-Mixed —


      (i.e. The individuals whose full-lineage
      became Racially-Admixed BEGINNING
      being the FIRST OCCURRENCE of such.

      e.g. asian person marries white person,
      white person marries black person, etc.)

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