Ahead of the RNC and potentially ahead of Trump's claims about the economy, Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner argues the U.S. is not rebounding quickly. Aired on 8/24/2020.
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Steve Rattner: U.S. Economy Is Still In Shambles | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The republicons keep repeating the same bunch of lies about how much better they are at boosting the economy, yet the biggest crashes in the last century have happened under Republican administrations.
@cant tellyou proof please??

@prome teo you stupid!!
Not going to happen. We The People have figured Trump and his GOP party out!!
@Ulysses Morando it’s coming, its coming
I’m here to watch his cult followers try to explain this … it’s entertaining at this point
@MajidulHaq . MajidulHaq . Bless your heart. You really have no comprehension of what is going on. For example, Trump did not and does not provide paychecks for poor jobless people. The Democratic House created a financial bill which allowed extra money for people during the pandemic. This money was to be paid through IRS and/or social security because those organizations have the addresses and bank info on citizens. Trump held up the checks going out from these organizations so he could get his name printed on them so you would think they came from him. Then he sent out letters asking if you got the check he sent to reinforce the idea that somehow he, himself, sent you a check. And all that political maneuvering so you would think Trump had done something cost the taxpayers more money. Only the Congress can finalize a bill and approve spending. A president can request and rubber stamp what Congress sets up. That’s just one example of the fallacy of the comments you made. I hope you really learn more about what Trump has actually done instead of what he has manipulated to make you believe.
@Glenda Graves there are those who are in love with power and money and those who have it these people have always sacrificed everything for those people and those things in hope that one day they too will be rich and powerful it doesn’t happen but they never give up hope The rest of humanity have to deal with these two groups because their names may change but their goals never do
@MajidulHaq . MajidulHaq . he remains a liar who can barely read. Sorry
I am tried of all the Dam lies not going watch anything TRUMP and his jerks have to say
@MajidulHaq . MajidulHaq . well actually you’re wrong trump inherited a good growing economy, then he quickly, even before the pandemic, put the deficit through the roof!! And I think you are probably watching Fox where they literally are propaganda network for trump and the Republicans!!! Trump’s tax it’s were excellent for the rich and huge corporations that they quickly bought stock in their own companies making the stock market look great! Unfortunately most Americans are not invested in the stock market making the divide bigger!!! Now you mention pulling out of Afganistan which won’t save the economy!!! So please don’t try and protect these republicans and trump, I can’t believe that you think the economy is doing great, what country are you living in?!?!?
Even more frightening: The mental state of 30 percent of the US population is in shambles.
Don’t take the meds!!
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@Leeanne Bishop yes!!
Unlike trump, Obama’s job growth numbers are even more impressive when you consider that Obama’s starting point was from the Great Recession.
@Hammer Go Bonk! Not thugs those are trump supporters out there causing all the chaos making it look like it’s the protesters.
@Jake0Lantern 48 That’s the lie Trump told you!! And you believed him??
@Bill Robbins it didn’t have to. Trump should have done his job and protected the American people. Trump’s negligence ran our country in the ground!!
@Beautiful Soul I know, what’s hard to understand, is people will still vote for him. That’s sad.
This economy is the result of having Republicans in charge.
They don’t believe in science. But science doesn’t care if you believe in it.
The science of the pandemic is going to affect you anyway.
I Agree
They only believe in capitalism. Period.
My investigation report on how Trump spent $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus (including $100s of billions for testing, masks and other PPE). Yet 180K deaths, 5.8M infected and 50M jobless!
Please read to see who got the most of $3 Trillion and for what.
(Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on Trump’s propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, etc.)
@Sam McCormack
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Even if you do not do the testing. It actually, trumplicans, is still spreading despite what your orange wacko tells you. Please plug your brains in and start to use them!! It is not too late!
Trump supporters to Trump ,
“Fool me once , shame on you !”
” Fool me twice , RIP America !”
you are watching the destruction of your country. weird that the response is really quite weak and accepting. very un-american to roll over and curl into a ball.
That would require some to realize that they’d been fooled.
@Phil Read who’s rolling over, do you not see the protests and outrage against trumptardism ??? Take off the Klan hood and open your eyes
@LegalAssassin oh they will never ever do that. They know who Trump is they’re just like him. Well 28% the other10% just brainwashed.
If the USA votes tRump for another term you can kiss goodbye any respect from every nation in the world.
He Cheated last time and cheating again
So what ooh we don’t have there respect I don’t have a job…get real.
@orlando landez Yes, but first… please learn to spell “their” correctly. English isn’t my native language, but even I know the difference between “there” and “their” Second, let me translate this in money. Before Trump, I might buy American. Now, I’m making sure to avoid Trumpistani products. And my money won’t go into the pockets of hard-working American workers, it will go into the pockets of hard-working workers from other countries. Guess what happens to the well paid American jobs when people stop giving money to American companies by buying American? There are only 330 mil. Americans and 7.5 billion of us, rest-of-the-worlders. That’s a massive market the US would be missing on, lots and lots of money moving around and not going into American pockets. But then again, I suspect you’re not even American… surely, an American would know how to spell “their”
Already approaching it; to me it looks new slavery era under ruling of capitalists:
My investigation report on how Trump spent $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus (including $100s of billions for testing, masks and other PPE). Yet 180K deaths, 5.8M infected and 50M jobless!
Please read to see who got the most of $3 Trillion and for what.
(Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on Trump’s propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, etc.)
It will take a year to two years for the full effect of this come full circle, just like the last recession.
So much for Kushner’s rock and rolling economy
This perfectly shows how trump was riding on the back of Obama’s economy during the first few years of his presidency, and then claiming Obama’s work as his own. Now what do we have? Another republican mess, which once again, a democrat president will need to fix.
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So true!! The Democrats always clean up the mess the Republicans do. SMDH
The economy is going to stay in shambles as long as that fried mango is in the WH. His cult should be waking up by now.
@Barnabas Collins He is NOT the only doctor. In fact, they admit it! *Scamdemic – Dr Scott Jensen On Covid 19 Death Count Guidelines & Financial Incentives*
MN Senator* https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6A-fAvEEpI/
@Barnabas Collins *As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases ( HCID ) in the UK.*
GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#history
Published 22 October 2018
Last updated 21 March 2020 — see all updates
Public Health England
( HCID ) –
high consequence infectious diseases ( HCID ) in the UK.
Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, who has been testifying before the British parliament on how many people he thinks will ultimately fall prey to Covid-19. Professor Ferguson was giving evidence as part of a parliamentary select committee on science and technology. His initial projection was that Covid-19 would claim the lives of 500,000 people in the UK — but he has revised that projection. Ferguson now believes that at most 20,000 people will die — and it could be much lower.
The eminent epidemiologist’s U-turn has not been widely reported to the public, but reportage from inside the hearing says that Professor Ferguson is now calling a figure 25 times smaller than his original prediction the absolute maximum. One wonders what has happened to change his mind — it seems that the lower than expected mortality rates are causing experts to re-evaluate their more apocalyptic predictions. Professor Ferguson actually has Covid-19 himself —perhaps it is not as bad as he thought.
Moreover, Professor Ferguson told the British parliament that he believes the UK’s national health system (NHS) has enough intensive care beds and equipment to handle the pandemic. And although the peak not having hit just yet, he believes that the UK will come through the worst relatively smoothly. Much ado about nothing, then?
@Barnabas Collins *Norway* COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary* by News Desk – Norway’s Institute of Public Health announced this week (computer translated) that it does not recommend testing large groups of healthy people, such as all employees in a company, for COVID-19. Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose. Based on results from mathematical models, the reproduction figure in Norway is estimated to be 0.65 (0.39-0.94). Stoltenberg warns against another lockdown Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief, Camille Stoltenberg, said in an interview (computer translated) she warns against such a shutdown again – even if the infection rates should increase… *“Our assessment now….is that we could possibly have achieved the same effects and avoided some of the unfortunate impacts by not locking down,* but by instead keeping open but with infection control measures,” she said. The closure of Norway has had serious economic consequences: high unemployment and a sudden stop for the Norwegian economy. *Norway* COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary*
@Crystal Giddens Thanks for the info.
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Yes ! 30% of Americans need educating.
You appear to have the level of intelligence of a gnat. Why am I not surprised. Cretin.
How stupid. You obviously had a very inferior education. A 5 year old has a better command of language than you.
It appears you have already had one. My sympathy.
Good point!! I mean it’s a real fact ! We need better school system another huge part of this problem!!
Please trump is a failure as a business man, his ows sister prevented him from conning his own father when he was loosing his mind. It’s no surprise the economy is in shambles. BIDEN/HARRIS2020!!
@Eugene Snyder Princess yes, Karen no,! But you may wanna seek some sort of therapy because it’s something missing from your personality that wants to keep this middle schoolyard crap going. Let it go dude, you’ve been checked already and I don’t do bruised egos.
@Ashley Mone’t You misspelled “untill” as well. Princesses don’t need to spell, do they?
Your fascination with me is…..well strange!! Oh this isn’t about spelling, you feel the need to do what?, get even, show me up? So are you trying to get likes?…Lol… Googling words is not going to get them, day 2 and you still don’t get it! But you should count my likes, I really don’t mind being a the shining example. BIDEN/HARRIS2020!!
This administration didn’t do enough in the first stimulus bill and are dragging their feet on a second bill. $600 bonus to those unemployed, no bonus for the workers still working through this pandemic. WTF America
Thank Dems ,Pelosi and shumer fund the wall but won’t pass stimulus they don’t really oppose Trump
@orlando landez the dems passed a stimulus bill in May. Republicans refuse to pay $600 extra in unemployment, Republicans refuse to give the USPS $25 billion to operate, Republicans in the Senate are the majority but about half of them say openly no more money to deal with the virus. When the republicans don’t even have the votes to pass bills, then they have to do what Dems want. And when did the Dems fund the wall? That’s why Trump took the money from military projects to remove sewage problems and mold problems from military housing and their kids schools, or why Bannon is facing years in jail for fraud.
@orlando landez Are you. A) Uninformed or B) Stupid? or C) a lying tRumpster?
Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement on President Trump’s New Demand for Wall Funding
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer released this joint statement on reports that President Trump will request $8.6 billion for his expensive and ineffective border wall:
“President Trump hurt millions of Americans and caused widespread chaos when he recklessly shut down the government to try to get his expensive and ineffective wall, which he promised would be paid for by Mexico. Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson.
“At a time when our country faces challenges about jobs for the future, this money would better be spent on rebuilding America, and on education and workforce development for jobs for the 21st Century.”
One thing people should remember. The Federal minimum wage is 7.25 an HR. Not surprising the red States are still only 7.25 an hour. U/E only pays a per centage of a persons wages.
Vote, vote in high numbers so not to leave any doubt , VOTE BLUE
@rufkarma you are going to lose it anyway under a Trump presidency another 4 years. Sir you just might lose your life. SMDH
@Beautiful Soul Trump screwed the middle class.
@Matt O’Byrne I know I’m one of the middle class.
@Beautiful Soul sorry I don’t know what to tell you other than vote Trump out.
@Matt O’Byrne oh that’s for sure!!
This is not a trickle-down economy. It’s a tinkle-down economy where the people at top financially pee on everyone else exclaiming it to be “golden showers”.
Great comment Be Niles!
One can watch the lie/torture of the pure Republican tax experiment of 2012 Kansas. They tortured themselves for 6 years then vote for a Demcratic govenor. They destroyed their state and then decided hey lets do it nationally?
Ask yourself if your’e better off now than you were four years ago. Id bet not.
What blows my mind is the system of the GOP. The redstates have brutal eviction laws. Arkansas you can be evicted in ten days. No support by the GOP senate blocking stimulas checks. Don’t come to CA. We have enough homeless.
@Boyd Republicans are lucky that they have such a devoted base, people underestimate just how much their base hates where America is going. But here is the thing that loyal base is shrinking, Republicans know that if Democrats are able to pull the country through this in the next 4 years, Republicans as a party might as well dissolve because their base is stagnating
The economy will continue to be in shambles as long as Donald Duck is the so called president. Vote BLUE in November. He’s gotta go…
Vote Early anything .. but Trumps
If you applied the GOP’s budget philosophy to your personal and household finances, you’d be bankrupt and homeless within a few months.
Look at Kansas and Oklahoma the past decade. The Kochs and others pushed a hard libertarian agenda, and those two states went bankrupt.
@Some Person The trickle down lie reconfirmed. 2012 pure Republican tax experiment. Kansas was a very conservative state. Now they have a Democratic govenor.
Republicans mess up Democrats have to clean up. As the Democrats clean then the Republicans say you’re not cleaning our BS fast enough. That’s what they will do again.
@FDM 215 Exactly! There wasn’t a day that went by that Moscow Mitch wasn’t
complaining about the deficit when Obama was President! Now, not even a whisper of it.
@Max Power Mulvaney was another one. When he joined Team Trump he was asked about the deficit that would come from the tax cuts. Mulvaney literally laughed and said that rhetoric was just something the GOP used to push back against Dem priorities when the GOP is in the minority.
If America survives Trump, then it’s highly likely that the Republicans will not be elected again for the next 2 decades.