Trump took to Twitter again on Monday to proclaim the success of the economy on his watch. But, according to Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner, Trump's claims included exaggerations and lies. Aired on 2/19/2020.
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Steve Rattner: Less Job Creation Under Trump Than Obama | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Most jobs now are low wage slave type service jobs that are meaningless. Carry on.
Jason Ball Is that why so many people are sleeping in their cars,vans ect while working? People have to work multiple jobs to keep a roof over their heads!..Or it’s the Home lost and living on the streets!
Brandon Collier I’d be curious as to how many of those that you spoke to, who were worried about their loans*, actually got a sensible degree that would pay them more than what they were spending on that degree? Just because some kid went to college because they wanted to party and float thru with a BS (not Bachelors of Science) and ran up a stupid amount of government funded student loans doesn’t make it anyone else’s problem than their own, or maybe their parents for being ignorant about their child’s financial stupidity.
@Michael Duff but salaries haven’t kept up with the cost of living. Rents are up, food prices, up, daycare up, medical expenses up, insurance up, etc. Those small salary increases just don’t cover it.
It’s all about marketing and he is really good at it. unemployment is a useless metric when most people are in debt and flipped upside down
Yes! Lying
He’s only successful with the ignorant.
Congrats. You’ve been marketed too. Obama added more jobs but also had higher unemployment. It’s easy to get 4% improvement if the the unemployment rate is 8%. Right now its 3.6%. CBO estimates show Obama failed to meet growth while Trump has surpassed their estimates.
The president’s “not too good” at facts like Epstein was “not too good” with underage girls.
@Richard Indi Well said Richard sooo true
@Skankin Ruby
B Hussain O was the worst president ever. Wasted TRILLIONS
@Johnny Starr lmao wasted trillions, that ‘wasted’ money laid the entire foundation for the economy your pathetic president tries to take credit for. Read a book you silly kid.
Donald Trump is a pedophile
trump’s arch nemesis: Truth & Facts
Next on his agenda: Corrupt the Bureau of Labor Statistics so they report his sharpie created numbers.
Your commenting on video for a network that last told truth on air in 1996.
@Haywood Jablowme Anyone would think Trump got Unemployment down from 10% to where it is now. Just a reminder, Obama got the unemployment rate to 4.8% down from 10%, Trump has managed to lower it just another 1.2%. And what takes unemployment numbers to drop and the economy to grow over such a long period? A good solid foundation of fiscal policy from the outset. And guess when that started? 11 years ago, under Obama. So, stop with the projection and just accept that Obama handed Trump a very good economy with a strong unemployment rate. I know it’s hard when you still have ODS three years after he left office.
@El Jay Yeah, of course, they came back, but only because Trump propped up dying industries. In fact, a few companies took Trump’s money and sacked all their workers and used it to move their companies overseas. Face it, Obama knew that these jobs had (and still have) a very limited lifespan, his magic wand comment was referring to the industry recovering and surviving on its own accord. Placing industries on life support is not a permanent or viable solution.
@Richard Indi Well actually, it was 10% when Obama started. But you also got to realize, that when Obama took over, the unemployment rate was in freefall, so to halt that and to turn it around is worth a whole lot more credit than people give it. And to say it was a slow recovery is a poor effort just plain misleading. What this has meant is the recovery has had a strong foundation, super-fast recoveries never last as to get these recoveries requires a lot of fiscal input and ends up just like a “sugar high”. A slow, steady recovery gives a good solid foundation to go further and last longer. Trump injected 1.5 trillion into a good economy which made it look better for a few quarters, but now it’s flattening out. *That* is a sugar high.
@0:38 He always says that…. ‘best job numbers’.. but never gives a number.
Numbers like you’ve never seen… then shows no numbers, so i suppose they were never seen.
All car sales man talk with no actual facts and numbers
But he has “the BEST numbers.”
@Barbara Mulvaney The ‘very’ best… they go with his ‘best words’
JoJo he needs to go back to The Apprentice & just add president to it. The show could cobble together all his lies & tweets with resounding applause. Then he could go into his man-cave & leave the world alone.
@lima leaf frog ‘leave the world alone.’…if only
But I thought the Republican were orange.
“It is really hard to think of things Donald trump has done to make the economy better.”
@omi god world*
@omi god with* your hair. Lol alot of misspelled words from the back of my limo.
Excellent post!
@Matthew Huszarik please pause the video at 5:58 seconds and look at the chart and realize how far ahead Trump is compared to Obama.
1:45 Trump didn’t have the best jobs record of the LAST SIX years! That is easiest rebuke of anything Trump claims.
Let’s remember that Obama led the Democrats to slaughter in the 2014 Midterms, with the GOP taking NINE new Senate seats (the largest gain for any party since 1980) and THIRTEEN new House seats.
Much of the economy post 2014 can be attributed to the country finally getting its confidence back.
This wave led to Trump’s 2016 electoral landslide.
Let’s also remember Obama added $10 Trillion to our debt leading the worst recovery from recession in history (in terms of year-to-year GDP).
These are all inconvenient truths for Democrats who think everything was sunshine and roses under Obama.
(And yes, I know this is my confirmation bias at work. But so is everything stated in the video)
hugh jorgan You read waaay too much into my comment. Just pointing out they failed to make the simplest argument with the data they just stated. Idgaf about the moronic political arguments Americans consistently make…you are an embarrassment around the world..both sides.
Compulsive lying over real facts. That is where we are. Doesn’t work on the monthly payments.
@Skankin Ruby oh, and sorry, I forgot to answer the first statement fully. I, nor any other person including the greatest economist, can attribute economic gain or loss to a solitary policy or action reliably as there are too many factors at hand. However, I can comfortably point out whether a projection or target was missed as both factors are salient and tangible.
It’s kinda like how we could both say “The dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago” but can’t say with meaningful accuracy “The dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago because of a meteorite”.
There is more than enough empirical evidence to say most of the dinosaurs are gone now, and despite having many clues (KT layer, shocked nano diamonds, large impact crater) we cannot say for certain what was the cause. There are far to many variables, which only grow as time passes.
@Mastodon1976 please explain what is a real source. Also cite that explanation. When you’re done with that proceed to read the other sources I provided.
Until then, have a good day.
@Richard Indi you keep rambling, I dont know what your getting at. Bottom line is the key points all favor Obama heavily. Jobs generated, employee wages, economic growth, and even gdp all favor Obama. Trump walked into an economy that had recovered a recession and simply sat back while the inevitable momentum happened and took credit for it. Nothing other than him tooting his own horn says any different.
@Richard Indi They run stories like these because of trump supporters like you who can’t admit anything bad about trump. Not from day one of his campaign, trump supporters are all in, everything is good, explain everything, admit nothing, counterattack. It’s not like trump supporters are giving the whole story, they say ‘record high stock market’ and never mention that the stock market is barely going up, record or not. You say ‘record low unemployment’ and ‘record jobs’ and don’t acknowledge that he’s creating jobs slower than Obama was creating them.
Please, lets not say, “creative liberty.” Can we please call a lie a, “lie,” and a liar a, “liar?” Creative liberties are good and not necessarily a lie.
How could anybody believe that trumps
Chaotic leadership could really give a great economy ? Of course it was all lies
Trump will probably fire the people that gave the real numbers on job growth
Matthew Boggs “someone get me my sharpie!” – t’rump
Less job creation now because Obama started at the end of a recession. A tree log could create jobs at the end of a recession. Thanks.
Art Laffer says that “Trump understands economics.” I thought I would add some levity to this situation.
Thanks. Needed a good laugh today!

Yeah, about as well as Laffer!
” Creative Liberties ” that is the understatement of the year and we are only in February. Even if we had higher numbers than the Obama years, the jobs now are low wage, part time, temporary with no benefits.
El Jay source please?
GDP growth , job growth and median household income growth is
Weaker. Slower. Smaller. Than when Obama was president.
Morning Joe was wrong here, Obama added more jobs but also had higher unemployment. It’s easy to get 4% improvement if the the unemployment rate is 8%. Right now its 3.6%. CBO estimates show Obama failed to meet growth while Trump has surpassed their estimates. Cited below. Also check out the wage growth.
Job growth was stronger with Obama.
He brought us out of a recession.
The recession started in 2007 with the subprime mortgage crisis.
The economy is slowing down and will soon turn downhill.
so funny that the con called someone else a con…:D
Venom Vince … that is projection & the truth is out
Here’s the Thing, that Everybody seems to be Missing: you have to Judge a president’s economic growth based on is it Intrinsic, or, Is it based entirely on Debt. As the Case with Trump, it’s Based entirely on Debt.
Adjust those Figures, for being created naturally, or being created for each Dollar of DEBT, this would be the Case with Trump, and all of this Illusionairy growth is the Grand Fascade of a Lifetime
@Jeff Sessions and he knows it. He said he’s aware the economy will collapse but it will be after he’s out of office so he doesn’t care
And anyone using the “more jobs!” excuse to “justify” Trump’s failed presidency, should look up the actual facts before opening their mouths.
Trump is a failure, through and through.
More entry level jobs added. They never talk about jobs lost.
the maga idiots will still believe him
@Jeri Trezak Your right they only say how many jobs are created. They don’t ever mention the thousands of FT jobs lost, like from GM, Manufacturing and distribution and let’s not forget the Coal mines that have closed that he was supposed to bring back and guaranteed these people that no mine will close. It’s sad that these people have lost their 1 FT job and are now working 2, 3 and some 4 PT jobs with no benefits and losing quality family time and events. Then he turns around and lies and makes it sound it’s a good thing and moving in a positive direction. How is that positive.
Do you mean to say that Trump exaggerated? Who could have seen that coming?
Time to break out the Sharpie.
@Orane Facts are facts, and he can’t take it!
@David Rogers better tell barrack. he came out yesterday and took credit that things are so great now
@f84taz Truth in numbers, and we know that Cheeto Face doesn’t like the truth!
@David Rogers better tell barrack. he came out yesterday and took credit that things are so great now
He needs to quit sniffing the sharpie
The last two years the “booming” jobs numbers were revised down by half a million jobs each, the very next year.