From the big board, Steve Kornacki breaks down new votes coming in from key areas in two critical states: Fulton county in Georgia, and Philadelphia and Lehigh counties in Pennsylvania. Aired on 11/05/2020.
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Steve Kornacki Reports On New Votes Coming In From Georgia And Pennsylvania | Deadline | MSNBC
Bruh Kornacki probably gonna collapse from exhaustion cause he’s staying up so much.
Kornacki is the man, too bad Fox only has Hannity and all those other ugly dumb*sses.
Steve is on that powder he he he
Appreciate him please. But this is small sacrifice compared to the big price paid by nurses and docs dealing with Covid 19.
@Pietro Jenkins nobody was insinuating that he was making a bigger sacrifice than the doctors and nurses. We all know that they sacrificed more, and did much more than him.
Nah, he feeds off that adrenaline.
Vote difference is less that 3500 votes as of 7:41 Eastern in GA.
(Edit) As of 10:18 pm Eastern the vote difference is 1902 in GA.
The vote difference in PA is 41,118.
@RICKY weird how your so obsessed with an oligarchy
@adorable cheetah that’s 1700o Fulton county. There are still metro Atlanta suburbs and SE Georgia which is mostly dems.
@sharon olsen Don’t get too excited. Even if Biden catches up, there will still be about 8,000 military votes, and they will probably favour Trump. But it is exciting to see the Deep South almost flipping
@RICKY What good would printing more ballots do? I haven’t heard of states not having enough for everyone. Besides I don’t think you can still turn one in if you haven’t voted yet.
The only way Trump will hit 270 is he loses 40 pounds
Probably better to say “uncounted” rather than new” votes. Don’t toss meat to Fox News
@Defund The Police – 2020 No it will not. If that was the ultimate plan Biden would have picked Warren, she has more name recognition while being just as liberal as Harris. But regardless nothing of the sort will happen.
@Defund The Police – 2020 so what if that happens, Harris is far more anti socialist than Biden.
@1 2 Biden is not planning to remove himself. LoL All the feminists and SJW’s in the democrat party hate old conservative white guys like Biden and Trump. Biden is only a little less conservative than Trump. No one went to Biden’s political rallies. Once Trump is gone, Biden is next.
@1 2 Remember when Democrats turned against Al Franken?? Democrats will turn on Biden too.
@Defund The Police – 2020 You have no proof. Just because Dems introduced that bill does not mean they will replace Biden with it. Even if they wanted to, the senate will block it because the democrats were stupid and didn’t listen to anyone who told them the Senate races will be ultra-close.
Kornacki needs more caffeine.
chocol8milk lol
Chuck todd is being great at his election board job as well, also not sleeping much
A Chris Farley pep talk.
I don’t know. Kornacki is looking superhuman to me. Whenever I check in, which isn’t often, it seems he’s on. When this is over, maybe he’ll sleep for days.
Give him coffee, give him marijuana, give him cocaine, give him EVERYTHING
Biden is winning the popular vote now by nearly 4 million.
@Jordan M when this election is over Trump won’t remember his name.
Trump will be claiming he doesn’t know who the loser Donald trump is.
@Victorian Sculptures But it a measure of public opinion, AKA the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE”.
@blacknwhiterose people just don’t know how a few words can reveal so much about the software they are currently running.
BUCK LANE How long until this account gets banned? They’re on to you
@BUCK LANE hyuck hyuck hyuck you tell em skeeter *chugs pabst and slaps sisterwife* you sure lerned em guud skeeter
Count… Count.. Count… Democracy goes on.
No, you’re confusing democracy w/ corruption.
@Muttley Demorats. See, works both ways.
Fake votes fake ballots
Yes count and recount those ballots.
@Rachael Wealth

But if Trump wins then the ballots were not rigged?
Trump election lawsuits: Sound and fury signifying nothing
@J M M The irony is that he spends more money defending law suits than the original amount owed
Defense attorneys love Trump!!!!!
How many small businesses have been destroyed by Trump’s refusal to pay them?
Most Trumpturds won’t know that that is a reference to Macbeth…
@Ilya Feynberg Ignore him @BUCK LANE is a troll account created mid october.
@BUCK LANE you lost, get over it…does that sound familiar? It should….remember 2016?
The birthplace of DEMOCRACY. Keep counting… Count… Count… Count.
Greece: Am I a joke to you
Poor historical knowledge is something that many democrats share – birthplace of democracy is ancient Athens.
@Victor Ivanov I’m not sure poor knowledge has any political preference.
However, the poor morals, poor honesty, poor integrity, no character… market seems to be cornered by Republicans.
A view from a non-Dem/non-Rep external.
@R Wags And thats you. Thats your opinion and I Respect that even though I can debate you on it. However, Respect for others’ opinions is not what I see on the democrat side. What it really bothers me is the lost of human natural interactions in favour of political affiliation, which is the worst of the worst.
@Victor Ivanov As I highlighted, this is not a political opinion.
It is a “what is right vs what is wrong” view, that I would proffer, the vast majority of overseas observers have.
How could anyone rationalise away lying, corruption, adultery, racism, bigotry, misogyny, nepotism, abuse of power, collusion, obstructionism… especially when exhibited by a supposed leader.
These are traits that we have highlighted to our children as woeful, despicable, abhorrent.
We internationals are stunned that they are overlooked by a segment of America.

Yes come through!!!!!

Yes come through

I hope so
Steve deserves an Emmy Award for his contribution to our country.
Yeah dude deserves a month off after all this madness

So, I’m the 69th like! Does that mean anything?
@Johnny No, not at all.
@Johnny A copy of Tekashi 69’s new album ‘Tattle Tales.’
Just messing with you. Wouldn’t do you like that!!
One thing we can celebrate.. Kanye didn’t win.
We can celebrate not hearing about him during this.
I love Kanye as an artist, whom I think is a genius! But as a politician he would’ve been as incompetent as orange dumb-ss! Not to mention that he seems as narcissistic as dumbo! Well actually no one could be as narcissistic as him! Lol.
You’re racist
(trump) he such a sore LOSER
Give Steve a raise.
Still got some Biden mail in votes to dump in
And Steve needs to shower and get rid of the khaki pants. He’s been in that pants before the election and he’s still in them.
Yes, a raise of his interactive video board! Good lord, that poor man having to lean down like that…..he’s going throw his back out. Hurts MY back just to watch!
Give the vote counters a raise!
He’s not a man he’s a machine.
Steve deserves a Pulitzer prize for what he’s doing.
I would also very much like the phone nr of his connection, because, man, what is he on to keep this up? Can I have some?
We got to give Steve a raise for his amazing in-depth breakdown of all of this
He has plenty of money… doesn’t need more…just rest/vacation when all is over.
Is MSNBC still brave enough to speak after the past 2 national elections? Thanks.
Yes we do
Been saying….he’s the perfect SNL candidate…. wavin his arms around at that board. Actually funny the way he does it live
Yeah this was actually been pretty intense! Well done… Oh! Yes, I am duly horrified! Thank you.
I love Steve, he makes sense out this math!
Makes you wonder what the underline evil thats within people to follow the devil himself. As much damage and as many lies Trump has spewed out people still follow him to thier deaths.
It’s Mind Boggling and Unbelievable
they showing there true nature UnPatriots
Racists and spiteful.
Thats victory of a Clown cheered by fools Bru they are still living from third world System…
You’ve carried out the day Biden congratulations may God bless the work of your hands
The saddest thing is
You’re right it should not be this close but this is volumes about America. It says there are a lot of racist people, it says there are a lot of UN educated people , And the rest are rich or either think they are rich
The only way Trump will hit 270 is he loses 40 pounds
@Nancy Fahey clearing what up?
@Crab Love The only way Trump will hit 270 is he loses 40 pounds
@Teetee In the house The only way Trump will hit 270 is he loses 40 pounds
dear Steve Kornacki,
You are the greatest thing about this election.
he could have a breakdown and we would allow it…no memes about this poor soul
Trump does well,where the people have an average IQ of 50 LOL.
Atlanta is very pro Biden. Not all of Georgia is red. Athens and Savannah Georgia are blue as well.
Ya your soooo smart that this low IQ Trumper could buy everything you and your Family owns in Cash Today.. You keep your IQ in that Trailor bub.
@Steve Davidson ivanka trump once said a homeless guy has 250million dollar more than her father cause he is in such deep dept and that was years ago the debt might be way higher now
@was das And ?
@Steve Davidson i am just saying he cant buy anything but the banks can buy it for him