"The problem there is … to make that [delegate count] up, you don't just have to win states," Steve Kornacki says. "You have to win big states … by landslides. That's what we're seeing Joe Biden do." Aired on 3/11/2020.
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Steve Kornacki Charts Bernie Sanders' Difficult Path For Delegates | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Really starting to hate Warren.
Give. It. A. Rest.
@Schrodinger’s Cat Yes, this banshee is responsible for Sander’s failing candidacy. You people really need to give it a rest. It’s pure tedium at this point.
@J C It is abundantly apparent you have no clear understanding of Warren or her history.
@rosalind ganymede Then enlighten me.
@Dave Schultz I usually save my hatred for family. I’ll make an exception this time tho…she *did* claim to be Native.
And, in other MSNBC polls… Hillary wins!
LOL..those same polls showed Sanders would lose & he did¯_(ツ)_/¯
She indeed won by millions
Nicky B we don’t by the popular vote moron
The delegate vote difference is only 148. Why are the exit polls so off from Super Tuesday 2? I don’t believe anything in our elections anymore. And Media so corrupt.
Dems are a complete train wreck.
@Dave Schultz :
you like to let bots do the thinking for you?
MSM slow playing poll results to favor joementia…part of the rigging going on
blueseaview 22 All polls have been off bc so many voters have made their decision right on or right before Election Day
@Perry Wolfe okay genius.
So this will be Bidens 4th or 5th time losing the presidency? Hey, are you guys sure you couldn’t find someone who has lost maybe 6 or 7 times already that maybe we could try an run one more time instead lmao!
@Andre Anyone the Herald is a Biden support lol
@Tankie Wave well the Herald is gonna be butt hurt when Trump is president.
Andre Anyone Biden has failed many times
@Jim AItruist yeah I know. That’s why I said it.
Hillary just Biden is running his campaign like she ran hers. How did that work out? Trump will shred Biden because Biden is a terrible nominee. Biden lies, Biden chokes everytime he has to speak past 5pm or more than 10 minutes. His brother and his son are both grifters. The donors, DNC and career politicians were happy when Biden said nothing will fundamentally change for them. They can go on grifting like Joe’s family.
I’m a conservative and this feels like Bernie hating extrapolation…
Calm down MSNBC. Why you talking as if Bernie will face the ABSOLUTE worse case scenario???
Maybe if people hear it, they’ll believe it? That’s deceptive.
@YoungBloodGinger Uhh it’s not just “Sanders staffer no one’s heard of.” Some of his main staffers are out there stirring the pot, including one of his speechwriters. Not only that but as a Warren supporter I’ve had more conversations than I care to count w/ people online that far outshine the b.s. that happened in 2016. I’m sure a lot of it is Russia stirring up sh** but the problem is that a lot of people who are real and are Bernie supporters have bought in 100% into what Russia has been selling them about what is happening to their candidate. In doing so they not only assured that their candidate didn’t get the nomination by assuring that no one but that core group would vote for him but they will also ensure that Trump gets re-elected because by buying into Russian b.s. (like Warren isn’t a true Progressive) or that we shouldn’t get behind whatever Dem has the nomination, they will stay at home come Nov.
“Fundamentally, if Sanders and his movement want to succeed in remaking the Democratic Party in their image, they can’t just drive out every person in a position of power right now. To go from insurgents to party leaders, they need to figure out a way to court the people with influence in the party. Right now, it seems to be the case that the pro-Sanders online brigades are making that harder.
You can call this childish if you want; that Warren and other Democratic elites are letting hurt feelings get in the way of progressive politics. But it doesn’t change the fact that they sincerely believe this is important — and no number of snake emojis is going to change their mind. If Sanders’s fans are really serious about helping their guy, they need to think carefully about whether what they’re doing is actually working.”
@Jaqen H’Ghar Centralist/moderate Democrats are just Republicans in a blue tie
@The Herald I expect it from the opposite party, not the same party.
@Anthony Ramirez I hear ya Anthony. But in 2016 that dynamic of division did happen to one party. The one good thing you can say about conservatives, is at least they come together as one when it really counts, and are great at defining(fairly or not) Democrats.
Democrats F_ed themselves in 2015, by their inclusive mentality, to allow a known Independent a platform, not being a true Democrat. Next thing you know, he blares out BS about the DNC perhaps cheating him. Playing the “Trump” car. His followers after the loss to Hillary, and not being true Democrats, betrayed and voted for Trump…,11%+.
The best Trump and his following can hope for, as was in 2016, is for Democrats to still be split.
But this time It’s Biden, And Biden is not Hillary. Folks like Joe Biden; Hillary and her baggage; not so much, though through all those investigations, no bad was found, except carelessness with emails.
So it may be different this time. And the race is not over; Biden made that clear. Sanders still has a chance to turn things around, though it appears bleak.
When Democrats do get focused and are united as in 2018, it could again be a blue wave.
The race is on!
You are not a conservative.
The democratic establishment is doing it again.
They’re going to let Trump win to keep Bernie out.
No the young people who are addicted to their devices and pretend they are with Bernie were too lazy to vote. Blame them.
thats the plan
exits polls says 60% of people leaving the polls support m4a , and Biden is the top runner . Well that don’t add up .
@Andrew I. Crocker
Really? Do you have evidence to support that assertion?
Listening to the Bernie Bro cry baby’s is just making my night

I’ve been saying this about the exit polls and wondering if I was the one going senile and not reading this right. How do these people vote against their own interests and make it make …sense?
Yeah it does. That’s clearly not the issue influencing their vote.
They hate bernie
As a Bernie supporter, I will be OVERJOYED to see the sad DNC cry after realising that all the money, time and effort they put into nominating Biden through corrupt means all go to waste when Trump inevitably beats Biden. Corrupt means such as making all the other moderates coalesce around Biden and rigging the Iowa caucus will finally make the DNC get the karma it deserves
You’re pathetic. Just like Bernie.
@David Bernard I know that’s right
@Candy Ries well, that’s good for you.

You see candy. I’m voting for Joe Biden in the primaries and in the general. So, go back home to your parents and cry your little unicorn heart out.
@ღSwnsasyღ _ Chris Matthews is fired now, isn’t he, so what’s the grievance? Is Bernie losing because Chris Matthews made a stupid Nazi metaphor? And the fact that neither I (nor most people) knew the details of this episode points out how pointless it is as a grievance. Bernie is losing because people have voted. Holding on to pointless resentments is not fruitful.
@INGRID PETERSON that’s an idiotic comment. Biden came in fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire. What exactly is the conspiracy? Something is always a conspiracy when Sanders loses. Was something fishy when Sanders won NH and NV?
biden will embarrass himself on sunday and they will be back in panic mode
@Perry Wolfe Debate not canceled. Live audience is.
@Socrato Teos Because Biden keeps lying, keeps making crazy comments, keeps attacking Americans who ask tough questions and MSM and the DNC keeps covering for Biden while not reporting on the issues.
@Candy Ries
Politicians lie. That’s a tiny evil for many Americans in comparison to an attempt to bring Socialism to America.
The person who is embarrassed right now, this moment, is BERNIE!
No he’s not
Another nomination being stolen from Sanders. Biden fits Corporate interests, Sanders does not. I don’t even like Sanders, but it’s obvious what is going on. This same thing happened last time with Clinton.
@The Deal you hit the nail right on the head
@Jason Vo Well said. I just hope that it gets through to Bernie or Bust Part II.
@Sean Cone JFK proposed a flat tax. Comparing JFK to Bernie is absurd
@Iniyan Velmurugan no, it’s not, and you are either completely missing my point, or attempting to obfuscate it.
Kennedy was a transformative political figure who fought hard against the same influences that Sanders does. He actually tried to fulfill his role as public servant and wasn’t afraid to be “controversial” in the eyes of the status quo.
@Sean Cone But if you lived through JFK, there is no way you could possibly consider Sanders any more leftist than Kennedy was.
That’s simply not true. Kennedy proposed flat tax. He didn’t try to take back guns.
There is some kind of scam going on…..
yeah, democracy = cancer
They probably have it switched, vote Bernie, Biden gets it.
Your right Julia!! There is a scam going on and his name is Bernie Comkue Samders. Your pathetic lady.
There is some kind of scam going on…..
The only scam is you.
I wouldn’t say scam, more like conspiracy. Sanders was focusing on the super Tuesday states and not so much on Carolina because they knew Biden was spending all his money there and he was unlikely to win it so he ignored it. All the other candidates dropped out and endorsed Biden the day before super Tuesday except for the one other progressive candidate. It’s the bandwagon effect, people pretty much just rode the Biden’s winning train. Bloomberg entering the race to advertise in California to steal the votes away when Sanders was poised to decimate and not even have Biden at 15%. Sanders won the popular vote in the first 3 states, never had that been done in the history of the US where a democratic nominee who won the first two states lost the nomination, yet Sanders won the first three. This was all finely meticulous orchestrated to have him fail.
julia baldo Are ALL of Sanders’ supporters whining crybabies when they don’t get their way? Or is it only the whiny-babies that go to these comment sections? For God’s sake… it’s a political race… someone wins and someone loses. It’s not a conspiracy or a scam within your own party just because your candidate isn’t winning…… Ya shoulda learned about winning and losing back in kindergarten…..
HN wow! You are a smart 1 !
K. McKee depends on how big is your pocket…..
Joe consistently displays confusion, minimal clarity of thought, aggression and forgetfulness. Not good.
@Andrew I. Crocker I don’t see the “speech”confusion more evident than as a percentage of speaking engagements – more speeches …. increase in possible word slips FOR ANYONE, George Bush, Reagan etc. & claiming he’s mentally unstable is absolute crock! Also, clear eyed unlike Prez “oranges, oranges” incident, instead of “origins” where he slurred & sounded drugged up with swollen tongue. Biggest difference is Biden believes in expertise & science! Doesn’t claim “he alone can fix it, with his big brain, bc his uncle was a genius at MIT”.
@J C Are you an MD who examined the patient … if not, it’s just malign speech!
@Grid Gaming
you got five long years to mull that comment over
@Brandon C.
you mean the safe blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania??
trump is going to keep all three and flip Virginia, Minnesota Nevada.
@Canneto33 Hello….knock knock…have you seen and listened to Biden???
Im 40 years old…Never been contacted by a poller
Can we talk about your draft dodging president? Biden draft dodged too.
@Arlando Little Don’t have any college debt and already have medicaid, I’m voting for Bernie because he believes in keeping my fellow humans alive and healthy. That is #1 and should be #1. People are more important than money.
@Prophetess lol
@M.Lee Holliday oh you want him to go straight to getting a house and car and starting a family? I paid my student loans would I get a back payment? Oh oh how about if he flunked or dropped out of college you still wouldn’t care about helping them pay their loan? Oh oh what if his degree is in philosophy? Is there a job to talk about life and how much does it pay? Think man! Even if he became a doctor making big money which he could easily payback if he discipline himself and wait a few years before getting his BMW! Ask yourself what does the trash man get out of his raised taxes for someone to become an engineer?
@M.Lee Holliday I’m an Air Force veteran my MOS was a jet engine mechanic yeah! The difference is in that situation if the country calls you gotta go and risk you life ! The college guy he’s going to school for free for just breathing! I guess everyone gets a scholarship whether their a good student or not! That’s what you want?
Noticed they’re still leaving out California, Iowa, & Washington.
Mister G I wonder why moron
Bernie won Washington and California. The problem is that just winning the next 6 states isn’t enough. He needs to win BIG, and right now that’s looking unlikely. We’ll see. Just a few weeks ago a lot of people couldn’t have possibly imagined Biden managing a comeback like this, so stranger things have happened.
California is a dump
@emerald spelled wrong Iowa was a win for Pete, who is no longer in the race. That’s why it isn’t colored
Iowa was a tie, California was still being counted by they even showed you in the video that it was a Sanders lead, and Washington was still too close at the time and lookie there Sanders lost it in the end. Bernie Sanders has now failed twice, once to quite possibly the worst presidential candidate in American history and now a second time to a near senile man, should show how unpalatable he is. If he truly cared about the progressive cause and was a smart man he would have let someone else to run this cycle and endorsed them, but his ego is too big to let someone else hold the torch.
here we go with Quid Pro Quo Joe….the Bumbling Blathering Bore
Status Quo Joe will change nothing with his one term in the senate
This is so hilarious. why am I watching this s….
Not a dang thing funny about it really. Its actually depressing to watch the DNC and the MSM working together to thwart the will of the people. What your seeing is the destruction of democratic America. Hilarious? Only for people in denial.
Dont forget New York
@Adil Choudhury- Bernie is not liked in NY either. NY is hardcore Hillary Clinton supporters. Florida he was going to lose no matter what, now it’s going to be a slaughter for him, cause of his Castro comments. NY and FL who have the most delegates, are GUARANTEED TO GO TO BIDEN! That’s the reason he should give up now, he’s really hoping for literally a FREAKING miracle. Which given the circumstance of how much they HATE him in those two states, he is hoping for nothing.
DNC has stolen another nomination from Bernie. I’ll sit this election out before I vote for a corrupt corporate elite like Joe Biden.
Oh well.
To each your own
@Cossell Howard It’s crazy that some don’t expect their favourite candidate will lose.
@atletico ATM
Bernie Sanders supporters: We only want to hear good news. Giving us bad news, you’re biased against us.