NBC News' National Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki joins Morning Joe to break down the latest numbers in the Democratic primary for New York City mayor.
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Steve Kornacki Breaks Down Numbers In NYC primary | MSNBC
So much for Yang Gang

He was supposed to be the winner. He lost because he chose money. Back to old politics. He had such a huge back up, until …well… Money runs the world. He forgot the world was watching him closely
Much ado about nothing, once again.
Should that noted that Yang and Garcia formed a pact two days before the election, so many of Yang’s 12 percent support could ultimately go to her. Not enough to put her over the top, but an advantage nonetheless
so assuming Yang’s preferences put Garcia ahead of Wiley – where does Wiley’s preference go? There’d be a substantial block of people who’d preference the other female candidate purely on gender lines, then there’s policy and personality. Did Wiley direct preferences?
@Ichabod Noodle Wiley didn’t direct her voters who to place next from what I know, but it does seem likely to me that if it comes down to Garcia vs. Adams, Garcia will have the upper hand thanks to the rankings of Wiley voters. I think that Wiley voters will prefer Garcia because she’s a woman and because Adams is seen as too moderate and corporatist by Wiley’s progressive voters. But only time will tell. This is what makes Ranked Choice Voting so interesting.
If the board were raised just a little higher, Steve wouldn’t have to hunch over when he’s pointing at it.
Alternatively, he could have his legs shortened by six inches. ;o)
“ranked choice voting” is not complicated – Hare Clark is complicated. Modified d’Hont is complicated. but Preferential is pretty simple and obvious and widely used in actual democracies.
it will be interesting to see the Yang preferences flow
does anybody know if any of the candidates were directing preferences?
as you get more used to the system, that strategy and those deals become more and more important
Garcia Yang wasn’t it?
I was thinking, isn’t this just “preferential voting” that they teach to 8 year old school children in Australia ?
@Spore Hux Exactly. That’s complicated for the average American.
Ranked choice voting ends the 2 party winner takes all system we have now. We need RCV in all elections!
So the Democratic Primary is almost over, which in NYC is called ‘the election’.
Colbert told that joke better last night.
@Michael Morningstar in other way some NYC “smart people”…fall for people like DiBlasio, Cuomo, and Wiley. A few minutes of CBS New York are enough to get the idea, how “good and safe”, New York has become.
A city that 21% of its voters choose a commie lunatic like Wiley is a city of m0r0ns
@Michael Morningstar is that why they abolished their crime unit & it’s now a dump. Yea they are BRILLIANT.
@Starry Dynamo To be fair Colbert has an entire team of writers with decades of experience. If he didn’t do better then it’d be time for A Late Show with Imre Monzon.
Calling ranked-choice voting complicated is an insult to intelligence. It is simpler, cheaper, faster and more reliable than having run-off elections.
Well the real insult to intelligence is Trump’s voting fraud lie. It even had his idiots going to prison. And they are getting serious time, Man that conman really fooled those fools, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. SUCKERS!
Actually, ranked choice voting isn’t all that complicated. It’s been working really well in the Twin Cities for years. It’s great for voters because you get to vote 1st for who you really want instead of who you think will win. If you’re candidate loses, you know that your second choice will then count. If you don’t like the system, you have the option of voting for only your favorite candidate (I rarely choose more than three). It’s true that a candidate can come from behind when more 2nd and 3rd choice votes are added to their tally, but in the end the most overall popular candidates will rise to the top. Ranked choice voting is only complicated for the media because it’s a PITA for those looking for instant results.
We have Ranked Choice Voting in San Francisco. But California’s constitution provides that elections for county, city, school, and judicial offices are officially non-partisan. In other words, there is no primary election. Unfortunately, opponents of RCV just do not understand how it works no matter how patiently you explain it to them. It may be that they do not like the idea that a candidate who was leading in the first round of tabulation might lose in a subsequent round of tabulation after the votes for eliminated candidates are redistributed.
@Mavrik9000 Pain In The (butt).
We use it in the UK, works well.
I’m totally for ranked choice voting because it ends the 2 party winner takes all system we have now. We need this for presidential elections!
@catalinacurio No kidding? I didn’t know that!
This is how we vote in all elections in Ireland.
And eveyone just signs their name in the boxes – X
Why does he keep saying it is
extremely complicated …… Ranked Choice voting seems totally straight forward …… Repeatedly calling it “extremely complicated” seems to undermine the process.
This is so that the common folk think it’s “just all too much”. Add to it how Kornacki always gets in front of a white board with his sleeves rolled up (all the time for every election), making the stats visible & the phony stressed-out loud-mouthed enthusiasm, it all makes for quite a “WHEW” production. In fact, I get tired & stressed just listening to him shout out numbers like he does
Because he’s talking to Crats. They’re pretty dimwitted.
We have Ranked Choice Voting in my city. Unfortunately, opponents of RCV just do not understand how it works no matter how patiently you explain it to them. It may be that they do not like the idea that a candidate who was leading in the first round of tabulation might lose in a subsequent round of tabulation after the votes for eliminated candidates are redistributed.
Ranked choice voting is simply better. It’s not perfect, but no election system is.
Surely once the mail in ballots come in trump can incite another insurrection, claiming “where did all these votes come from?”
It picks the candidate that has has the broadest consensus not the largest plurality.
Voters also don’t need to vote again in a run off if one candidate doesn’t get 50%.
@Alex409 yes, exactly. Good point.
Ranked choice voting ends the 2 party winner takes all system we have now. We need RCV in all elections!
Yang is a total disappointment. That’s why he ended up where he did.
it’s not that complicated. but they’ll keep saying it I’m sure
By Trumpers standards.
Yang supporters are probably using excuses why Yang’s numbers are so low was because he got his mic cut at the debates again.
Surely once the mail in ballots come in trump can incite another insurrection, claiming “where did all these votes come from?”
Andrew Yang… it just goes to show that he’s irrelevant outside of the Twitter bubble.
I’m so glad Kornacki makes clear multiple times that he’s talking about “a week’s time” and not, say, “a week’s heartache” or “a week’s cornflakes”! The English language is a funny one.

Yang turned his social Media Bot software off, if you are wondering where the “Yang Gang” is.
Yang can’t even win a mayor race. Ying yang, bye bye again. The race numbers guy is a goofball. Msdnc, what would you expect.