NBC News national political correspondent Steve Kornacki breaks down the state-by-state voting of the electoral college as Joe Biden nears the 270 vote threshold. Aired on 12/14/2020.
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#SteveKornacki #ElectoralCollege #MSNBC
Steve Kornacki Back At The Big Board: Explaining The Electoral College | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump is now officially a president-reject.
President- reject. Fabulous!
@KydoimosOfMachai T**** lied. I know, you’re shocked. Please try to stay calm.
@Dementia Joe No Mr. Poopy Pants DiaperDon is gone!!!
Apparently, Trump 2020 was an expiration date
@warpedjaffas1 In an orange jumpsuit?
Over 300,000 dead. Millions homeless due to lack of a Covid relief package. BLAME MITCH AND THE SENATE!!!
Nah, now it’s just Mitch in the way.
That is crap. People need to take responsibility for taking some measures of prevention themselves. You also need to look at how much money has and is going to who. People were making alot more by staying home so manydid not even go back to work when they could. Obviously you are getting your news at the”fake news” sites. Yup, it’s a real thing. Biden will perform miracles, no illness, no homelessness, great economy, foreign relations mastermind, the greatest man alive. Make sure you don’t blink during the brain washing or you might start actually thinking.
And Trump.
“Just when I thought that I was out, the big board pulls me back in.” — Steve Kornacki
Like he would ever want to leave.
President Biden is the first president in history to win over 50 times

“Can you imagine if I lost to THAT guy?”
Yes, several dozen times over. Now be a man of your word…pack up yer sh*t and get the F out.
@Mac888 spectral Amen
I am sure he will in 4 years unless we fix our voting problems!
@P C He will not make it to 4 years…amazing how you think.
Thank you to the true Americans that voted.
@peter griffin I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce you to Jesus Christ, aka Jehovah, Messiah, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, etc. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son; and whosoever believeth in him (even bigots like you) shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
@Brunax Berylstein religion has killed way more people then anything else.
@P C how does dead people vote?,Do they come out of they’re graves and vote?,Then go back
@peter griffin It sure has – especially when it is politicized ! Sound familiar? But, let’s not stop there with your hyperbolized statement. I hope that you don’t believe that you can conveniently categorize all religion together. Don’t be ignorant. Oh… and peace be with you – moron.
Thanks Venezuela and Dominion.
the man, the myth the legend himself.
you mean the khakis right ?
* Avengers theme music *
He IS real! I faint like the M&M seeing Santa…
Steve Kornacki looks like he’s had a well earned 5week sleep… recharged batteries!
@None Given Trump lost in a landslide. It wasn’t even close. Why would Americans vote for a crooked fraud businesses who called the pandemic a hoax.
@Barry Walls Check Mate!

@Mac-Daddy Just a bit of edumacation for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAbunjz_dWU
@None Given Sane people don’t say stupid delusional crap like this.
@None Given Aaaaand… speaking of cray-cray…
Trump said he would concede defeat after electoral college confirms the results.
He can still shear his flock for a few more million yet…
@Andrew Spice Ikr?
I am shook and need to lie down.
@T Electronix You’re out of luck. Republicans took all the safe spaces.
He also said he’d release his tax return in 2016. What’s your point?
He is a liar. There is one more move for 1/6/21
Finally! Now we got to get to January’s inauguration.
@None Given unless you have the military on your side you better bet that you are toast. dont even think of this we are going to do stuff just watch bs. there is not enough of you nut jobs to do it, ps you do remember that its sedition right?
@None Given

@None Given Did you remember to send your daily dollars to your ‘billionaire’ idol?
@None Given what kind of drugs you taking? I would love some so I can see what you see
@None Given
I’m just happy to see Steve Kornacki back!
Steve looks like he lost some belly weight. Less stress for him I guess. Anyway, down with the orange!!!
Hey Steve You’re the best when it comes to presidential numbers. Whoop Whoop!
IKR? It’s also fun watching him running around like the Energizer Bunny.
The fact that he forgot to touch the pen/pencil tab first shows that Steve is a human being.
Best Present i’ve ever recieved. Diaper Don the Con is Gone!!!
Now let’s make it simple so trumpet understands…Biden = winner…trumpet go bye byes
hahahahahahahahahah- we waited quietly and now we STRIKE! Started sooner than I was expecting! Tried to warn you simps!. Do yourself a favor, get some food for the lock in coming you fux! IT HAS BEGUN, well lookee here! ITS COMING YOU MOTHERFUXERS – FBI, Texas Rangers and US Marshals Raid Solarwinds HQ in Austin – Do you CNN tit suckers know what Solarwinds is USED IN? Of course not because you dumb fux listen CIA CNN ! BOOM! WAR IS ON!
@None Given
You’re going to have a heck of a hangover when the crack and the booze wears off
@charles harper assuming that is his “reality”; but, he’s making this claim on several other comments, so, he is more than likely a “whack job” waiting to be arrested and jailed!
@None Given blah blah blah blah and blah
“Let the People decide”
They said when the Senate didn’t want to remove him after the impeachment, well we just did
Was that the impeachment were Susan Collins said she thought he had learned his lesson because impeachments very serious?
@Lightning strikes twice Lol! I believe it was. The only “lesson” Trump learned from the impeachment was that nothing could stop him. Turns out he was wrong (again).
The electorial college certifies the Presidential Election that Biden won. Its is over. Trump will now have time to leave the White House peacefuly.
groups in Arizona and other battleground states attempted to submit fake paperwork to select electors for the GOP. I hope they get heavily fined or jailed: https://news.yahoo.com/fake-electors-try-deliver-arizonas-210202861.html
Praise Democracy! Our Nation passed the test of our first Anti-President…
first Anti-Christ (Spawn of Satan)
@JazlDazl yeah, but yah gotta believe in an anti-christ in order for him to be it, lol… He no doubt fits the profile of an ANTI-POTUS, though, working in his own interest instead of that of The People, like Anti-Popes took the Popeship by force…
we barely did,but we did.
Now we ALL know WHY our founding fathers put in place the electoral college. God Bless my Country that protects us against tyranny
I kinda understand but kinda don’t. It seems like it leaves room for the electoral college to vote against the decision of the people. I’m not sure why the votes last month weren’t sufficient to elect a president.
now we know why the founding fathers put in checks and balances and the separation of powers.
Electoral college was installed on the assumption that the majority of the country are idiots and the electoral college would at least be smarter than the rest of the country and know whats good for the rest of us, back then the system made sense, our forefathers were self made men, intellectuals and genius who were smarter than the average citizen thus they carefully chose like minded men who can elect the president while still allowing the regular folks to participate in voting, this is all under the assunption there are smart patriotic folks who can be the elevtors but when u have loony trump cult being a part of that electoral college then the electoral system has failed, i do not believe the forefathers anticipate this problem if patients running the asylum, because we fail to jail or rehab the crazies and let them run amok
I can’t wait to see Biden president I so happy
Merry Christmas to you as well
@Sandra Clark

Almost time to burn the Yule log.