NPR's Steve Inskeep looks at if President Trump will 'sustain a place in the popular imagination' once his presidency is over. Aired on 11/30/2020.
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#SteveInskeep #Trump #MSNBC
Steve Inskeep: Will Trump Remain In The Popular Imagination? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump is the only president in the history of country who is One Term, Impeached and lost Popular Votes twice. That’s his Legacy.
he also DIDNT START A NEW WAR since jimmy carter
@look it up No he did not!!
Wow trump supporters believe the election was rigged grow up people you should be embarrassed of your self sound like baby cries unbelievable
@Karan Vir Singh Really What evidence? Oh that’s right, they’re exposing themselves on how they won the election in 2016 Trump was strongly opposed to the mail in ballots have you asked yourself why would he and called it fraud before even anyone voted yet
@mani dhiman Trump can pardon himself allegedly
He needs to fade away like Paris Hilton.
except Paris is doing very well these days ..she grew up mentally, trump can never do that…he can not learn….
@CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL You feel sorry for them?
She sure did disappear
If people do remember Donald Trump, it will almost surely be in a negative light
Best president ever and the elections isn’t over. No incumbent POTUS in 150 years has gained votes and lost the election. Trump gained over 10M. Obiden, a 50 year corrupt, lifetime politician with dementia, twice denied in the past, shatters Obama popular vote with 80M votes while consistently trailing Trump in measures of voter enthusiasm. People must really love him despite Dems saying themselves he is a poor choice. Quid Pro Joe is the first one in 60 years to lose Florida and Ohio on his way to election. Despite leading the polls for both states he lost Ohio by 8 points and Florida by more than 3.
Here’s another statistical oddity, OBiden under-performed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, except for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia. In some of these strategic Democratic swing cities, the vote actually exceeded the number of registered voters. Trump was pretty much the only incumbent POTUS in U.S. history to lose his re-election while his own party gained seats in the House of Representatives.” Now that’s a Biden miracle!
The New York Times rated 27 House seats as toss-ups going into Election Day. Right now, Republicans appear to have won all 27. Democrats failed to flip a single state house chamber, while Republicans flipped both the House and Senate in New Hampshire and expanded their dominance of state legislatures across the country. Nothing odd here at all lol.
@herbert fields and he’ll lose more and more and more?
Maybe for you cloudboy. Many of us will remember his 3 percent cd interest rates which put thousands of dollars into our pockets. Yeah while you guys were whining, many of us were actually looking at what was REALLY going on
… the ‘Lysol injecting dude’
Twitter needs to deal with Trump’s twitter account if he continues to violate the terms & conditions by bullying and spreading misinformation. Witness plays calls of Arizonans who were issued mail-in ballots, but say they did NOT request them.
Greed, etc. That is what keeps twitter, facebook from closing down Trump’s accounts. One can only guess how much money these media platforms are getting under the table from the Trump campaign When dealing with Trump it will always be about money
He lost, Karen
@T Boned
Freedom of speech does not include freedom from consequence.
@T Boned We have only Free Speech in ‘Public/Fed’ domain. Twitter is a private company. Btw, you can give thanks on ‘that’ to your boy ‘Justice Kavanaugh’.
as a Nightmare! “Remember those awful 4 years??? The lying, cheating, stealing, the death? The innocent suffering, while the 1% stole everything?”
@herbert fields The courts. Over and Over Again. I’m getting tired of all this winning.

@nadt you better go listen to the testimony in arz… over if it holds up to cross.
@herbert fields According to a comrade of yours, Biden could lose 1 Million votes!!! HAHA. And he still beats your loser by 5 Million.
@herbert fields Copy paste Copy paste how PATHETIC
Up until the virus came to America Trump was doing a good job . Trump started a trade war with China and they responded by sending the world a virus
Trump is going insane. His Presidency is bookended with the Obama administration. Lol. Lol.

@Billy Bob Biden will get the Honor of being the Leader who wrested control of our Country from a blithering Delusionist.
And brought US back to a semblance of Normality in the Election Year 2020.
Kamala Harris will take the reigns as VEEP. And will shine at her post.
Leaving a wide open playing field for aspiring Women and People of Color.
It will be good.
@The Blade Truth.
@Big Smoke Guitar Biden got a lot of work to do. Like normal dems taking over from a mess
President Joe Biden please get an aggressive DOJ so they’ll pursue all criminal activities of the clown and his cronies ..specifically the 8 billions arms deals in Saudi Arabia…$#%
@Cynthia Gonzalez Mueller Time?

@Dementia Joe Teleprompter
Oh grow up.
@Jock Young Adults can tell the truth, unless they support Dementia Joe Kid Touch because the truth is all bad when it comes to Dementia Joe!
@Dementia Joe Teleprompter like most of Trump’s current supporters; you are an egotistical loser who has allowed hatred to dominate his thoughts. You have a low IQ. You are a coward. The only method you care to use in this battle for our future is to repeat the lies that Trump and his cult have used for the past year or so. You are pathetic.
@Dementia Joe Teleprompter
Nothing says “rational informed voter” quite like referring to politicians by ridiculous schoolyard nicknames.
As we all know, Trump is obsessed with Obama. He wishes he could have an ounce of love and respect Obama has on the global stage.
@Chad Simmons Never got past puberty, huh?
@SuperLeica1 even fewer can define it.
Is that the same Obama who illegally tried to set up Trump with the Fake Russiagate nonsense and when that didn’t work they tried to impeach him for a “perfect” phone call. Time to wake up and enter the real world.
Mr. Trump might have earned more respect – and maybe even won the 2020 election – if he’d not dismantled all the public health organisations set up by President Obama specifically to cope with what epidemiologists had said would be the next pandemic. After SARS, Mers, Aids and ebola it had become obvious to anyone paying attention that with every place being no more than15 hours from everywhere else, we are all at risk of local outbreaks rapidly becoming world-wide pandemics. That’s why the very first step he should have taken was to close all the borders from both incoming and outgoing travel. No matter who the travellers were.
All Trump had to do to act well was listen to, and learn from, the specialists during his own transition period. But Mr.Trump’s attention-span copes with nothing more demanding than a Fox sound-bite or a tweet. Quite incapable of doing the job for which the American people have now declined to renew his initial 4-year contract.
scott…trump couldn’t fill a thimble with class, respect or decency!…obama is the MAN!
TrumpVirus & division will be Trump’s legacy.
antifa targets include: malls, restaurants, schools, universities, broadcast studios, theaters, concerts, government offices, freeways and cell towers. All non-Americans and marxist traitors are key targets. True Americans are urged to stop paying all taxes. NATIONAL TAX BOYCOTT REVOLT.
together with solidarity we can push this illegitimate regime OFF THE FISCAL CLIFF into shutdown—-American Cong, chapter USNMC ROA–republic of America
@Andiamo18 brainwashing? You can’t come up with a positive thing to say about trump on your own. You’re just repeating his talking points.
@sean jokela Yes Brainwashed allow me to show you. For 4 years you believe he was a Russian agent and 4 years of BS Russian collusion, You believed the impeachment was real, you tired to bring him down with Skanky Daniels and her great lawyer Michael Avenatti lol where is that POS now. You tried with a call to Ukraine. You believed CNN and their terrible handling of the Covington kid story and you believed they were right in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings lol and the list goes on and on. Face it you are a brainwashed tool. Enjoy
If you’re a media slave
Trumps presidency will forever be what failure is measured up to.
A total embarrasment his presidency is
There’s two tRumps , the bleached and the orange..
Trump’s is a failed presidency because Trump was so unfit to do the job, just like Hillary told us he was.
@John Swo didn’t need Hillary to tell us. A business man who filed bankruptcy 3 times is either unscrupulous or bad at business!
“Those who don’t remember Trump are doomed to elect another one” – Santayana
What is scary is – The next Trump will be much smarter and will know how to keep his mouth shut.
You win.OK! So, we will remember Trump as the person and type of person never to be elected to ‘run’ any of the Nation’s affairs!
In fact, they should not be a part of no Foundation nor charities!
The next grifter running for POTUS is bound to be smarter than Trump, which is not saying much. Several of the ambitious Trump’s GOP jerks sitting in congress are really ambitious about becoming POTUS and they are all snot balls. Cotton, Rubio, Cruz, Pompeo, Collins, and Gym Jordan should all be remembered as having enabled the incompetent Trump. That should preclude any of them from ever running.
I read that some people were concerned that his ‘legacy’ would be tarnished by last ditch tantrums. The thing is you can no more tarnish a turd than you can polish it.
What legacy?
@growler wolf Well he has a legacy, it’s vile and regressive. One that can be learned from and avoided in future.
@P H republicans don’t learn
No matter how much you polish it is still a turd
I can’t wait till he and his sycophants are a distant memory. Can’t come soon enough.
Me too so sick of them really
Don’t forget those slimy enablers who hitched their wagon to Mr.Mango
They will be among the first who will pretend they never knew him. the covfefe boy
Please don’t liken him to mangoes
I’m looking forward to seeing Trump on another reality TV show: Lockup.
They won’t let him get those orange tans in prison so my guess is he will use Cheetos powder
Yeah. Lockup life sentence. Also known as YOU’RE NEVER SEEING FREEDOM AGAIN TURDBRAIN
Me too lol
@Chauncey W

That was good
He is still talking about Obama’s inauguration

Trump / Pence should be held to account on the basis of negligent homicide in their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
@Jock Young Absolutely. He denied the Covids dangeres, he mocked the safety measures like the mask, he ignored the whole pandemic “It is what it is”. Instead he tried to make political coinage by consequently calling it “the China virus” and believed it would go away if he didnt hear to much about it….
All in all I believe the american losses would have been smaller with a better and more insightfull president, less full of himself.
Well, neither Trump nor Pence has had an abortion, so they’re still saints in their supporters’ minds.
Don’t forget that McConnell thinks he has the right to decide what the people will, or won’t be allowed to have. He personally held up 600 bills from being discussed in the Senate, and blocked the second covid relief bill for THREE MONTHS before starting to ‘cherry pick’ the bits he liked and called this ‘negotiation’. Relief is a no-brainer. The bill should have just been passed. It was plainly the will, and the need, of the American people. About whom he cares not at all.
@Carlos Carlos A virus has no nationality – and where a corona virus crosses the species barrier is something no-one can predict. Trump and the Republicans in the Senate are responsible, by their negligence and constant lies to the people, for the deaths in America. All they had to do was let the public health experts take front-and-centre, and then provide them (and the people) with what they needed. In countries where this was done… such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries where reason rules over petty party-politicking… the problem was rapidly reduced to manageable levels and a much, much lower rate of deaths per 1000. No other pandemic, or epidemic has ever been treated with such indifference to the people’s well being as has this one, under Trump and McConnell, in America. And their greed and selfishness has also included blatant disregard of the harm they have done, in America and beyond its borders.
@Carlos Carlos while trump was calling the virus a democrat hoax, 30,000 Americans died from the delayed reaction…according to researchers at Columbia university in NY
He’ll remain in infamy as the first ‘president’ to go to prison.
Trump knows he’s guilty as sin just like Michael Cohen said he was.
I’d pay to see that !!
We can only hope richard
Trump/Pence 2020 – That’s not a campaign slogan, it’s an expiration date!
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned. Trump does not qualify.