Georgia's former voting systems implementation manager Gabriel Sterling tells CNN's Erin Burnett he is "disgusted" that he was right when warning President Donald Trump his rhetoric would lead to violence. #CNN #News
Sterling: Riot was worst-case scenario in my head when calling out Trump

Taylor-Green: Can’t pray the cray, cray away
Today If nobody’s held accountable then they absolutely will learn something, namely that they can get away with absolutely anything and anytime.
start with the legion of commies trying to make portand the new cuba then we can talk…juss cause cnn dosnt air it ddosnt mean its not happening
@marc bergevin we have 2 cuban
Senators that are trying their best. 

Marco Rubio
Rafael Eduardo Cruz.
Are they white?
“impeach cheater Biden…….Let cheaters taste their own medicine
@Lord Everybody heck yea last year harris and BLM leaders and celebrities and Pelosi all encouraged the riots oh and then there was AOC she encouraged riots and lets not forget all the celebrities like madonna and deniro and griffun they all threatened Trump we need to hold them accountable and send them all to PRISON. Im glad you agree with me

@TLC The stupidity and ignorance is so depressing from the sheeple mass groupies
. I tell people if you want to give up your freedoms then by all means let the socialist dictate your lives and see how that works out.
_”The wackier the stuff she says, the more it gets bough into…”_ NOW aren’t you glad they invented WWE Wrestling?!
Yes so you can leave the grown ups to talk and you run along and watch your fake wrestlers.
Ffis that
oh good
In a different life, Trump would have been the greatest WWE announcer of all time. Have said this for 5 years haha
I understand
Yep, there are many strings that created this web of lunacy in this country, it’s like we almost deserve to fall apart at the seems.
he called it
“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
George Washington’s Farewell Address | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1796
That aged well.
For a guy with wooden teeth, he sure had a way with words.
Thanks for bringing that forward it’s very appropriate for our times.
Funny how reading lots and lots and lots of books about various subjects can make you smart like that … they ought to do that in our schools.
We are witnessing it first hand! Except he left off insane because based on what we are witnessing today these people need to see a psychiatrist
I wonder why As Americans were not allowed to have our say if we want to see an impeachment trial go on. I want to see a trial, we need to have the Republican Senators sit there, listen to the testimony and possibly watch the videos of the people who were in Terror of losing their lives. They need to acknowledge this horror ,that they know this happened so they can not spin this in a way to make themselves look innocent. because when we go to the polls and vote…. they will know full well why we voted them out of office
The president said we need to all March to the White House and peacefully protest are discussed with this election. How is that a crime? Democrats think they can impeach him every time he farts the problem is they show us who they fear the most and that’s Donald Trump they got better things to do but all they can think about is impeaching the president after he’s out of office because they know they rigged the election and he’ll be back to take it back and they won’t be able to rig it again
“That’s the will of the people” means there are no restrictions on who can be an elected representative. However, the constitution clearly states NO ONE who engages/has engaged in sedition can hold these offices. PEROID.
@capatga I agree he was scared.
goodbye didn’t shouldn’t be an office as he didn’t say anything against BLM and antifa burning looting and murdering for political reasons
TUNE IN TO JESUS CHRIST and tune out MSM proogandist.. In God’s eyes all violence is wrong.. STARTING WITH VIOLENCE TO THE MOST INNOCENT IN THE WOMB those who justify those acts of violence. Are not God’s children.
Such use certain moments for political power are not just in their opposition to violence. They ignore the months of burning looting and murdering the destruction of people of color’s businesses and lives and even taking lives.. burning Federal building is hurting officers
And God’s eyes that was all wrong but in the judgment of the wicked they ignore that because it pushes their agenda to silence opposition.
“impeach cheater Biden…….Let cheaters taste their own medicine
Kudos Erin Burnett! Bravo

Hello, pretty. I hope you’re doing well. Best wishes for a Happy New Year how is the weather over there right now
Amazing use of mandarin word “KowTow” aka “屈服” in her phrase.
It’s not widely used in English but it’s not an uncommon word to use when describing a boot licker.
They’re scared to death that their supporters are going to shoot them if they turn on Trump be honest people
All the more reason for them to stand up and denounce Trump and his gang of domestic terrorists with all the vehemence they can muster. If you refuse to use the power you have to put down this insurrection while you still have it, you might as well bow down and put their boot on your neck now, because that’s what capitulation gets you.
A politician can’t be held responsible for the bad behaviour of their supporters. Well that’s what Bernie Sanders said anyway. Fact!
@Chaos In some ways that’s true, but when you have donnie tweeting and spouting lies since 2015, well, that becomes a different story.
meanwhile BLM and antifa for the ones in the street burning looting and murdering and shooting people and even people of color hurting cops destroying government buildings. you wicked false accusing hypocrites.
TUNE IN TO JESUS CHRIST and tune out MSM proogandist.. In God’s eyes all violence is wrong.. STARTING WITH VIOLENCE TO THE MOST INNOCENT IN THE WOMB those who justify those acts of violence. Are not God’s children.
Such use certain moments for political power are not just in their opposition to violence. They ignore the months of burning looting and murdering the destruction of people of color’s businesses and lives and even taking lives.. burning Federal building is hurting officers
And God’s eyes that was all wrong but in the judgment of the wicked they ignore that because it pushes their agenda to silence opposition.
A honest and honorable republican certainly must be one of the loneliest beings in the US of 2021.
“impeach cheater Biden…….Let cheaters taste their own medicine
The fact is, Trump wants that for the entire country. He wants everyone to be afraid of criticizing him, wants everyone to be anxious to have his approval.
@Nelson Medina Kind of sucks John Witherspoon is dead.
@Rachel K Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading communist propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
@John Freedman

I wish they’d just be courageous and speak the truth. Playing along with a psycho is not a good idea. Stop giving dt power.
CNN will always be fake news even when Biden is in and whomever wins in 2024.
Ya and the thing is they know what they are doing is wrong and still do it all for votes it is sad they should have taken a stand and realize that the 75 million voters don’t agree with what the handful of traitors did at the capitol.
Both parties are abominations
Leader McCarthy my behind! McCarthy is no leader!
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya Troll
Listen to a smart man, he tells the truth.
And he’s saying that Greene is being substantiated by donations. And she then donates that money $175K to establish her self in the Retrumplicans. The script is unwritten and the ending is unknown. God bless the nation.
Ffis that
oh good
The Capitol Insurrection was basically the same thing as Hitler’s 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Paramilitary fascists storming the capitol, eventually pushed out by police with deaths on both sides. Hitler was arrested, but only served 9 months, then took over Germany after getting out. This is why we need to hold these people accountable! It’ll only get worse if we don’t!
@Patrick J Mims Don’t think we have to worry about trump writing a book anytime soon.
The Beer gut Putsch?
Not even close plenty times Pelosi praised othe capital rushes when its her ideas she likes
@warpedjaffas1 so u think america last is better policy than jobs for Americans
@Kourtney KonspiracyA Dunning-Kruger-Nihilist at work.
Imagine the kind of ‘people’ who think it’s ok to vote for ‘conspiracy theories’ wackos and ‘on your face’ criminals.
It’s the people you meet when you take the wrong turn in horror films.
Democrats claimed for years Trump works for Putin which was a lie proved by investigation. Now they say they won election far and aware maybe that is the lie to. Saying Trump works for Putin was conspiracy theory.
@Ashlea Ditterline one glaring fact you are mistaken on – the ‘hearings’ weren’t legally bound, they were just a bunch of idiots playing games in hotel conference rooms
an act some fools fell for. There was no oath, therefore no lying under it or perjury. 

Another fact the majority of the world can see – there was NO evidence of fraud. Another lie those gullible enough fell for.
You’ve been had. Embarrassingly.
Couldn’t be fked to read your whole nonsense post, based on lies
@Mars Rows that’s also a lie. The investigation found numerous shady contacts with trump’s people and the Russians. You believe every lie Dump fed you.
Kushner’s secret back channel, anyone?
The GOP Congress is becoming far right, we true conservatives are the minority now
The GOP is becoming “far right” of what exactly; sanity?
@christmastiger I’m talking about the politicians themselves. The PEOPLE want change. They want proper policies and laws that bring America into the 21st century (free healthcare, benefits, decent minimum wage, etc). You get a handful of “progressives” repeating that… though when you look at their proposals, they often come with caveats to them. Free healthcare for SOME, with conditions, etc…
But yeah, most of the Democratic party are “corporate” Democrats, which are little different from Republicans in general policy.
Qanon, white supremacists, Trumpist have usurped the once proud freedom loving word Republican. Putin, China, would love a Fascist Demogogue fanning the flames of ignorance rather than science debate. Both Bushes were true Republicans I miss their intelligence, humor, America first policies now compare to the zeitgeist of today?
It began at the elctioms with ReagAn as candidate. He needed evangelical votes to win against Carter. The remained and growde til evangelicals tooke as teaparty had infiltrated the GOP Changing it t a ROP. And ROP changed to be a destructive cult under Trump . The GOPpers are now definitely a little fractions of Trumpists
I don’t even know how this can be. Where I live, you change party depending on what they offer. And we have MUCH more than 2 lame choices like Alright, or Worst.. You people SHOULD try a different approach to your politics. Its NOT supposed to be like a religion or make families come apart.
Bloody hell, even as a nurse we are bound by our governing body to be a ‘fit and proper’ person to be able to work in that capacity, where are the checks for the elected members, sure a few wack jobs get thru the cracks but these are persons in a position of great power and influence.
He should be more than willing to testify in the impeachment trial. He’s already gone far enough to be a pariah in the GOP so what’s holding him back? Trump needs to be barred from ever holding office again
More than willing , yes certainly, but to openly speak that today means more than usual death threats for the day. Consider his position and what he is going through.
He said it all on tape, so I wouldn’t think they’d need to call him. I want to hear a WH witness who was around donnie while they were watching it all on TV – what he said, what his demeanour was like – that would be gold.
@annoyed aussie Yup. I’d hate to be thrown into that position. The amount of press coverage his testimony would garner would be insane and it’s bound to lead to threats to himself and his family.
His reaction “Uh..bu…bu….”. Way to stand up for truth and justice, Bro”.
“Lifelong republican” is the problem. Politics aren’t religion, and you’re not dishonoring your ancestors by not being bigoted
Both parties are rotten to the core abominations
@Some Guy I would postulate that the behavior of all the democrats, starting on the day Trump announced his intention to run , calling for him to be impeached, PRIOR to him becoming President, a serious case of sedition.
@Michael Schwartz That’s been a media trick all along. Remember the kids in cages with the 2014 date-stamp, and other photos taken from 2013-15? The cages that the “ deporter in chief” actually had built? Yes, Obama.
@Right Hand One is lazy, bureaucratic and ineffectual. The other has been cynically courting white supremacists for decades to win elections, and is now somehow shocked that those hate groups ARE the party. The difference between bad and worse will always matter
@Jim Skarw Yet the “deporter in chief” didn’t have a blanket policy of kidnapping children as a deterrent and then placing them in private facilities he and his friends had a stake in. Again, the difference between bad and worse matters.
Same tactic as doomsday evangelists/televangelists: Keep the people in fear and anger by spreading the wildest, most shocking doomsday messages, and those people will give up their life savings and money donations will keep rolling in.
@lara chevrier-brown , One had to wonder what these self-righteous political bible toting Chrisyians call it when their daughters, nieces and even some of their wives had a divorce in order to hide the sexual affair whether by consent or not. Maybe just cleaning the alley for the next duffous who wants to leave their pants unzipped.
Yes plus when the world is suppose to end on a certain day according to their lies, they conveniently change it by saying the Best on earth were taken first and the day will come for the rest of us.on a different date……The obvious question being , and you are still here? LOL!
Only works on people with an IQ equivalent of a head of cabbage. LMAO
@Binary Recoil No that was not my intent whatsoever. Every person whether religious, spiritual (meditation). I believe has the freedom to do as they wish. I am a Christian however I would never sit in judgement (except Trumps assertion of claiming to be pro-life to obtain votes) of any person Male or female should of course do what’s best for them. Just because I have faith doesn’t mean I dont believe a woman has a right to choose.
@lara chevrier-brown A brilliant point all round. I live in the UK and people in the USA need the voice of reason before things go too far But I applaud what you have said