Bill Stepien, the former campaign manager of former President Donald Trump, shares why he decided to leave the 2020 Trump campaign in video testimony provided to the House Select Committee investigating January 6th. #CNN #News
Stepien: What was happening was not ‘honest or professional’

Scared MAGA will whine all day long but remember all sworn testimony has come from GOP loyalists.
@TheHate FuLL1 The QAnon forum is to your right. 😆
@TheHate FuLL1 <—— gullible 🤡
@TheHate FuLL1 Keep you fingers crossed for your own good…
Ultra Maga🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
@Apprentess J Gooden no people will be partying in the streets
They belong in jail. The harm done to America, that continues to poison the body politic. Charge them
@HereticApostate fckin right
i hope they makes an example out of everyone involved. they are nuts
The entire trump regime should be in prison
For the life of me I will never understand how people thought a reality TV ” Star “, Who willingly paints himself Orange mind you. With 6 bankruptcies and zero understanding of the geo political world we live in would some how make the United States better by electing him.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity I suppose.
Mark. It’s 7 bankruptcies not 6. But other than that I agree with you 11,780 % 👍. Have a great day and VOTE BLUE TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY. 💙
Amazing isn’t it?
No reasonable person…
Apparently we have a demographic of unreasonable citizens in our mists.
Let’s be Honest We knew it
Capital punishment is required for all sedition conspirators.
Not death, but twenty years in prison. Look at the statutes.
Last fight
@sara va Oh yes it is, and it is much overdue as you see from the news. You are misguided.
To me the best outcome of these hearings , is not in the committee room but McCarthy scurrying down the hallway to get away from reporters. It made my day.
Let’s be Honest We knew it
Anyone who was associated with Rudy and Rudy himself is delusional
@Jeremy Backup Rudy is a Drunk. He loves his Russian Vodka. 🤣
@Random Internet User it works just say I was drive pretty good till you decided to pull me over state trooper
That Kushner pause was hilarious.
You notice how they’re all sitting on their hands so they quit fidgeting with their hair or their lips
Lies have very short legs. Doesn’t take long for the truth to catch up.
“not honest or professional” should be the trump org’s motto.
Last fight
Matt Gaetz must have misunderstood when he was told people use Venmo to make minor purchases.
@ Leanne Vande Kew 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Last fight
@Tony Nogueira Neither party will do anything about gas companies price gouging. You realize the oil companies are still making a killing right? Maybe the problem is the system itself
@Tony Nogueira Did the new administration create capitalism? Maybe you should try thinking outside the box.
For everyone in the in the United States that think this is meaningless or a waste of time you truly don’t appreciate democracy. You cannot severt the will of the people.
As a retired military man I see how dictatorships and banana republics work.
It’s disheartening that officials that took the same oath as I would now lie for someone that doesn’t even respect anything about them
How is the mail ordered resident doin?
@SCABCRAWLER what are saying. You’re nonsensical.
Last fight
Sydney Powell became a deer in the headlights after her attempt at making a legitimate comparison starting at 3:15. You could see she laughed at herself as an attorney, unable to produce a cogent response and after 3 seconds of silent searching her memory banks all she could come up with was some drivel to kill the clock.
“No reasonable person would conclude……”…..And I guess that being the case, “no reasonable person would have voted for Trump as president either.”
Precisely !!
Last fight
So basically, either trump is crazy or he’s criminal? I mean probably both, but it’s seems there are no other choices. Either way, he should be institutionalized for the safety of the entire world.
Definitely oth
Last fight
“It wasn’t honest or professional” says the same guy running the Hageman campaign against Cheney in Montana based on the big lie he knew was a big lie in real time…..
We must not forget that this was a president who refused to hand over the residence to the new president and did not attend his inauguration. For four years a child presided as leader of the free word. Imagine that.
You’re exactly right. It’s scary to think that this man child held the highest office in the US. The bar has been lowered.
1 Malvern Warmington Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The words honesty and GOP used in the same sentence is the exact definition of an oxymoron.
1 Hanson Cogen Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer