ESPN host Stephen A. Smith says he is disappointed that LeBron James will not say if he took the Covid-19 vaccine given the NBA star's past history of activism and the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy in the African-American community.
#LeBronJames #CNN #DonLemon
So….because he speaks on certain issues that are near and dear to him, he has to speak on every issue? He is just a man and sometimes when you haven’t settled with an issue within yourself, then being quiet and reflecting is a good thing..People who look up to LJ have access to the same information that he does, stop trying to place all the burden on one man’s shoulders…You dont know what he is going through and why he may not want to speak right now
… We as people should afford more grace to one another…
@Làetrell Oatz right, like the family pet.
Realtalk… I do not have anything personal against Lebron or his personal life because he is a good example of a REAL man when comes to taking care of his family and his own. But what I do have a problem with, is how their trying to market him as a brand. Yea, it’s funny how we’re coming at SAS for what he’s doing for the industry, but not looking at what Lebron is doing for them same people.
@RayRay 214 so he a family pet cuz he does his job… you might as well call of them all pets cuz it’s just paid slavery different masters…n like I said lebron actually puts kids in school Nd just build a school u can’t say he don’t do nothing he actually got in trouble for speaking politics remember shut up and dribble
@Làetrell Oatz EXACTLY… do not speak on politics or other people if you’re not speaking in your own words. That is what a REAL leader/king would do. And u see this is exactly what SAS is NOT doing.
And if Lebron’s so-called true fans turn on him for speaking how really feels bout something, then… u can figure that out !
@RayRay 214 tf is you talking about kwame didn’t talk till he retire lebron gotta do same thing… difference y’all tryna antagonize somebody that has no control …. and lebron is example it’s not his fault tho .. you just want it to be but I’m done arguing…and he does more than Jordan lol it’s cuz of Jordan kwame got branded a bum lol
@Làetrell Oatz HOLD UP… not one time did I ever mention anything about Kwame or anything he said on this topic !
Bro I’m not one of them lames that need to be influenced by a celebrity or a high profile person.
We need some of mammas cooking on here.
*CNN should talk about how LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick make millions of dollars from Nike off the back of child slaves in chinese sweatshops*
Sprinkle some on that hairline SAS
I can’t wait
SAS is a B.A.N. those who know…. know..
Again Stephen A is talking for another man just like Kwam said
Sorry for diverting to deep politics on your comment. Kwame was right. And as we see in the thread Stephen A is not the only one ready to tear black men down.
@Todd Innis72 AND you voted Hillary????
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord In Jesus name AMEN
@Jaymes Black u voted for Trump. I know no Democrats or Republicans will never ever fix America.
Neither of these men speak for our communities, whoo gives AF!
Thankyou.. These Black men acting like a couple of gossiping hens.. Black America is smart enough to know Lebrons healthcare is his PERSONAL bizz!!! wtf they awl up in his bizz for??
They are nobodies but players of a game. I accomplish more than they do.
My child put the round peg in the round hole today. Remind you of anyone.
Word to the wise. Noone in the black community cares what Stephen a Smith has to say.
White either.
Just like no one cares what overrated LaBron had to say
@The Cheesy Truth if they did, they wouldn’t be killing each other
@The Cheesy Truth You obviously care about the black community, because you commented trying to throw shade…You’re an obsessed Beta male
Or don sweet lemonade two sellouts perfect combanations
I see SAS hasn’t learned anything from Kwame Brown.
@Las Vegas you ought to be ashamed of yourself calling another man a king

He will soon
Momma Cooking
Not a damn thing!!!!
@Darrick Hibbler but he’s gonna learn today

Steven A Smith needs some of momma cooking
What is wrong with some Greek food?
WORD. BUST LIFE STAND UP…Lebron is a man and he can do anything he wants.
LaBron needs to just go away
I believe I speak for everyone when I say this.
“We don’t care”
@truth seeker chris In few months or no time people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency. Can I see a HELLO from my fellow investors??
@Samuel Texeira In few months or no time people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency. Can I see a HELLO from my fellow investors??
@D’Mathmoth Tutinean In few months or no time people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency. Can I see a HELLO from my fellow investors??
@Khalil Daye In few months or no time people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency. Can I see a HELLO from my fellow investors??
@I. Rommel

And your clearly not one of those ppl either You cant even bounce the ball and put it in the hoop like LeBron So your point is? Jus like you talked about that cop with none of those credentials you mentioned for LeBron which you dont have either LeBron can say what the hell he wants, its called freedom of speech Skippy and there’s nothing you can do about it….And he’s more qualified to talk about it more than you are… But anyways i said what i said i don’t try to argue much with irrational racist whyte ppl that try to change the narrative to something that they “feel” like they can dominate the conversation with to show their superiority complex, when the topic is about something totally different Racist whyte ppl have a propensity
for doing that I jus wrote you to let you know that nobody cares what you think except others like you, which i don’t see any of your brethren on here talking that same sh*t your talking. Go get the jab and a Capri Sun and have a very whyte day Skippy…
Steven A don’t make me call Kwame Brown on you. Let that man live he’s not the only famous person nor athlete that hasn’t took it.
Call him up

Good for LeBron James! It’s NOBODY’S BUSINESS what he puts into his body.
EXACTLY ..EXACTLY..this is a definitive case of people need to mind their own business….n in lebrons case some mofo is waiting to blame him or sue him whichever way he were to comment..i dont blame him either not sayin yay or nay…blessings bro
@Richard E. McGeezaks .. Nah as long as he and his house hold are healthy its nobody business …he hasnt caused harm to his family or teamates so the vaccine dosnt need his sponsorship in that regard. …an individuals health is specific to that person…some may need it and others dont or some may have other reasons to get it or not get it…but im not judging anyone if they do or dont get it
Like the steroids he uses on the daily…..
@Live And Inspired Like the cigarettes you smoke daily
@Richard E. McGeezaks nonsense. Fans don’t need to be in his busi..
Instead of worrying about another man’s personal medical business, why don’t CNN investigate why Stephen A won’t talk about KWAME BROWN no more?
CNN and Don lemon’s numbers are now below 800,000. The worst of any cable news organization of all time. Even their Democrat viewers know they are fake news lies and bullshit
Know when your getting played. Dude name is anon. He ain’t for y’all.
Bonafide scrub, that’s why
This is CNN. The most trusted name in news.
SAS played right into what Kwame was saying.
SAS is again doing the bidding of his corporate masters.
@Mcryd yup
As usual
Fun fact: D. Lemon awl up in Lebrons bizz.. but never bothered to ask that white cop he was crying over was up w that big azz spiderweb NAZI tatt on his neck.. Lemon dont want to challenge that tho
@baked nachos He’s a fraud
Stephen A ain’t had enough of Mama’s seasonings yet.
@baked nachos LaBron is a joke
@John B worry about john and not Lebron .

He cant stop wont stop he brought and paid for virgin island annex low life
Let’s get Steven a off the air please
And CNN please oh wait they’re funded by war criminals ,oh wait we are the bad ones
Sassy SAS obviously hasn’t learned his lesson from denigrating Kwame Brown for 20 years
@ggo When’s the last time you typed kwame brown’s name or thought about him. Outside of family/friends he’s a nobody
@Live 4Christ oh please! Lmao. You’re bugging if you’re defending this sorry excuse of a 1st round / 1st pick as a player. I lived in DC circa 00-06 and went to those $5 ticket games regularly with my fam
, no one was boo’ed and hated more than Kwame. He was the bane of our existence as fans. Then he went and joined Kobe, my favorite player outside of Arenas and T Mac, this herb known as Brown was Kobe’s worst teammate outside of Smush Parker
. Bruh, SAS was 100% right !
@Hydrolex lmao. You can tell it is easy to create mass sheep’s as long as someone tell these people a little bit of what they want to hear. Sh!t is terrible
Stephen A Smith Needs To Stop Speaking For Our Community, This Dude Is The Biggest Sellout I Know
At any point someone tries to tell you how “far” “we” have come since the Tuskegee experiment…I would run away
@Kareem Miller Facts. Then those same people don’t mention how during the I970s the United Nations (UN) and members EU killed 75 million Africans and infected about 95 million Africans with the polio vaccine!
Cops still killing blacks racisim still alive and kicking tuskegee experments still goes on on the blacks and other poor people its happing now with this covid stuff
Spoiler alert: He didn’t take the experimental shot because he has common sense
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord In Jesus name AMEN
@Carlo N. So far 50% have taken one shot and presumably this will rise, and 40% have the full two shots. But whatever percent is left, will be what we call free riders…. in other words, leeches, depending on others’ good actions to keep them safe. Real smart people….
@Tell All Yeah this is genocide of the jews and the rest of the planet.
@Matt Allen Facts. Stephen A. Smith and Don Lemon are social media bullies, and they’re puppets. Stephen A. Smith and Don Lemon are both agents of chaos and haters of free will and free speech. The COVID-I9 Poke is a mass sterilization and genocide plot!
@GOOD MEDIA IS HERE! I was warning on this vaccine of death before they even released Covid. What gets me so mad is that social media and TV has basically destroyed the resistance. You can’t do videos or have a TV commercials or a TV slot warning to never ever take this Bill Gates vaccine of death. Genetic armageddon is not a game to play around with. We are talking about the genetic corruption of the human race. Here is were it gets scary a non-vaxed guy has sex with a vaxed girl and they have a genetically modified baby. We are just at the beginning of this. Right now with DNA editing Pfizer can cure human blindness. This is the future of medicine which will lead to the end of the human race. Jesus speaks these words.
(Matthew 24:22) “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
Ridiculous that a vaccine issue has any bearing on a SPORTS analyst…
Let me Know when S.A.S, starts telling white athletes to show their Vax paper work. We know he wont though!
Say it again !
Thankyou!!! SAS would not go there… But he figure Lebron OWES him an explaination ?? #foh!!!
@JAMES C You think S.A.S. is going to get on TV, and demand Tom Brady’s Vax paper work!?!?!? Lol ok broski
They shouldn’t ask anyone of any background for private info like that but to your point, they’re especially trying to shame brothers for this. Telling us black doctors worked on it like that’s all anyone needs to know. Wtf lol.