Stelter: Tucker Carlson is the new Donald Trump

CNN's Brian Stelter compares Fox News host Tucker Carlson to former President Donald Trump.
#CNN #ReliableSources #Stelter

Stelter: Tucker Carlson is the new Donald Trump


    1. I come here just to laugh at people that think this is a serious person that should taken seriously

  1. You actually spent time on attacking an opinion show? For expressing an opinion? Wow slow news day. But it actually wasn’t but you don’t want to discuss what is really going on in the news.

  2. Can you imagine waking up in the middle of the night and seeing that face, inches from your own, and flashing that creepy fake smile?

    1. @Harry 🤣 where did you hear he needed reports dumbed down? You must have some really good sources. And who do you think fought him nail and tooth about building the wall and made it more difficult?? How’s that border working with your new president? You dems can’t keep blaming trump now, start taking responsibility for the idiot you help put in office.

    2. @B L Actions prove what we are, and Trump’s actions proved that he cannot understand complex subject matters, so he needs them to be simplified to the elementary level his intellect is at. Anyone with an above average IQ knows that most people cross “the border” with *AIR-travel* that makes a “wall” useless. You people are upset about women and their children fleeing violence in their own neighbourhoods because of all of the guns “right” wing Americans love selling to anyone with the cash to buy them. Take responsibility for the Trump imbecile you put into office and wanted to force him back in like a democracy hating communist dictator lover.

    1. @Brandon D cause it’s cnn on cnn’s page. Love to see a poll on cnn outside cnn. You know it would be ugly.

  3. This guy is never going to escape the George is gettin’ Upset thing until he shaves his head completely or something…

    1. The ratings can’t go much lower, even the airports are starting to remove the Communist Clown Network

  4. Your ratings just keep slipping away right “fat boy”. At this rate you will be surpassed by the re-runs of “Laverne and Shirley “ !

  5. Paraphrased: ‘My rating suck and Tucker’s hugely beats me daily, end him!’.

    Sad, sad little man.

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