CNN's Brian Stelter argues that Fox News' coverage of the federal probe into Hunter Biden's tax affairs was disproportionate compared to their coverage of other topics, such as the coronavirus pandemic.
Stelter: This was Fox News’ biggest story last week

This is what happens when you have for profit news outlets, plain and simple.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Fox isn’t journalism. “Der Völkische Beobachter”, the biggest newspaper in Nazi-Germany, wasn’t either.
I just read all the comments. Everyone in here, never posted what journalism is, and how CNN, Fox, Newsmax, MSNBC, ABC, or any other MSM isn’t journalism. You can argue what companies have done in the past, it doesn’t discredit any of them, or make any more credible.
Journalism is very simple, its the reporting on the events and stories, you have that day. With no spin, no opinion, no telling people, how to think on the story. If you have done any of those things, which all News media does, you are an opinion oped. Not a journalist. Journalism hasn’t existed for decades. It doesn’t bring in enough revenue.
And CNN is
@Derek Meador Not to pile on, but people “researching wrong” is partly responsible for the tsunami of misinformation that exists today. The other part is people blatantly lying with the intent to cause as much damage as possible.
I’m glad that you were ethical enough to admit that you were wrong, even if it meant that you would be ridiculed. It shows character and there’s precious little of that going around these days. I hope that this moment changed something for you, in a positive way. Have a great night.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
A daily reminder: Rupert Murdoch still owns FOX News.
@Barbara Washington – I watch. Your assumption is incorrect. They claim to be unbiased journalists but everyone with a 1/2 brain would see the difference
@JMK1998 And here you are…watching CNN. However you are correct in that China owns you…they own the most US federal debt in the form of treasury bills. More than any other country. You should be concerned coz what if China calls in their chips? In 2016 the federal budget deficit was just over $5 billion. Year after year trump and the Republican Congress has exponentially spent and borrowed until they now owe over $3 trillion with the debt expected to hit $4 trillion by year end. Larger debt then the government spent for WW2. Remember that when the new administration takes over, sees the books and goes “holy crap”. From $5 B to almost $4 T. Like I said “holy crap”
. And the trump family continues to do business with China…why would that be? 
We have Sky news in Australia. Owned by Murdoch. Just as bad
I watch CNN on occasion to see what the Fake News is up too, in other words try and figure the enemy out, and there is nothing better than the predominately leftheaded liberal media that is capable of brainwashing the public. You could argue this forever, but at least Trump had the guts to confront China and to call them out regardless of any business interests he has with them including his family. What did Biden say, ‘These are good folks”. There is one thing certain, Trump didn’t get into politics to make money, he doesn’t even take a salary, he was wealthy before. Obama and Biden made all their money after entering politics. Trump is far from perfect but he’s done more for the U.S. in 4 yrs than anyone in 8 yrs and more. Media has done their job well, we’ve got the Harris Biden administration, God help us all. Like I said, enjoy the $6.00 per gallon gas coming soon. I’m done with this board, hope you enjoy the next for years, I know the average working stiff won’t. Lastly, there is one thing for certain, Communist China couldn’t be more thrilled for the Biden presidency and that should scare the hell out of anyone.
@Vladimir Putang so you admit to having only half a brain…
With that kind of exposure maybe Hunter should run for President.
@M Igorpan20 legitimate amd proven. It always is, when a RWNJ discusses MSM, but objectivity and facts, are never, ever brought into play when discussing a story concerning so called Conservative issues. Where are the facts concerning Trumps stolen election? Where are the facts that actually prove, really show the material that demonstrates Hunter Biden was beholden to China. Face it, media that serves your biases is driven by snark, smears, innuendo…never by proven verifiable hard facts. And you and all your buddies are owned by their lies. Get used to it. They feed you
and that all you can express.
@M Igorpan20 who owns the post?
@M Igorpan20 Bullshit..if there was anything there Fox would have delivered. Hannity claimed to have something..yet Never delivered. Why?
They talk abt him constantly..Hunter isn’t running for anything..has Never served public office…so why exactly is he relevant??
Yet 3 Trump kids, And their girlfriend, wife and Ruth’s son..Andrew Guiliani…Alll… make 6 figure salaries..over 700K per yr..of US taxpayer $$..Not 1 political science course among…Trumpers Have Never said word 1 abt it?? No 1 can tell you what any of them do…yet..Hunter Hunter Hunter? A private citizen..beat it
@M Igorpan20 that’s because the FBI knew Giuliani was being set up by the Russians with lies.
@Keith Don spineless. That’s rich coming from a demographic that can only get a point across with guns, not information or logic.
It’s about time CNN started calling out what Fox News is doing to their viewers.
Tuna Cat – Brian Stelter has been doing this the whole time he has had this show, which is about media.
It’s hilarious how many “CNN is fake news!” people flood the CNN comments section. I oftentimes wonder how many are troll-farm workers, and how many are actually sad, sad Trumpists.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Yes. And It’s about time CNN started calling out what CNN and MSNBC are doing to their viewers too.
Fox News Motto – “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Stupid is as stupid believes.
They don’t call it communist news network for nothing ; Cnn / fake book good buddies with china . Fact check according to chinese boss man . Sir yes sir!!
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
I watched the mini series the Loudest Voice about Roger Ailses and Fox news, I will never watch fox news , what an evil network
How many books have been written about fox, right wing propaganda machine, if people only knew.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
The only time I tune to Fox is to hear the lie of the day!
I watch him to get amped up for Chris Hayes to run circles around this Dunce with legitimate higher IQ.
see my Playlist called soulwinning demonstration it explains how to receive eternal life with bible verses…
Georgia, vote Warnock and Ossoff in January and give control of the senate to those who care about all Americans, not just the rich.
@Darren Engels

@lonny W No one wants to take anything from you. We want everyone to have healthcare, a livable wage, and justice for all, not just the rich.
@FAKE FRAUD PROPHET MOHAMMED RAPED 6 YEAR OLD AISHA No one with an education believes that superstitious, mythological bullshit. We stopped believing in Santa, dragons, witches, the bogey man, demons, and gods as soon as we became able to think critically.
I’m a Georgia resident and I’m planning on voting for both of them.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Ivanka, Eric, and DJ were found guilty of robbing from their own “charity”! Hunter Biden?? Give it up, already, Repubs! It’s Jarrod and the kids who need to worry about the law.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Fox News was WMD crazy with every conspiracy including Sean talking about WMD in beauty products sent to the US.
Hannity should had been fired long ago along with his conspiracy theories. Tic Toc & all that BS.
Just like when Bernie was winning and you talked about something else or some other candidate? Sure.
We could have had Bernie but Fishburn put it into that
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Who the hell cares about Hunter Biden? Was he elected president?
This man would look really good with a bald head. I wish he would shave it.
Foh wow
oh yes
Huh- I think you’re right.
He is already known as Humpty Dumpty. Let’s not make that official.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Fox news viewers are actually less informed on the news than someone that doesn’t watch any news at all. That’s a fact.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Unreal how Fox viewers can’t even tell they’re being lied to. Truly unbelievable.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
all news outlets lie to you even cnn
It’s Easier to play someone for a fool..than it is to convince-show them that they Are being played for fools
About time the Murdoch’s were investigated. There have been calls here in Australia to do so.
They don’t call it communist news network for nothing ; Cnn / fake book good buddies with china . Fact check according to chinese boss man . Sir yes sir!!
@santa fe, bantayan island life “they” don’t call it that for nothing, huh? Gosh, I wonder who “they” might be.
Your echo chamber is showing.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Fox found a Scapegoat as Hunter Biden. Now they will revolve around him for four years.
Just like cnn covered Russia you dopes…. at least this is real
@Terrell McLendon proof Please?
@Terrell McLendon Pointless comments here …. “proof” is shoved into their face and yet they are still blind …. Oh, good lord the stupidity of some people.
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
Fox News is PATHETIC I wouldn’t even give them one second of my time…those people are a bad joke so disgusting
Toh wow
oh yes
yeah ok…and cnn fear mongering fake news..not any better
@JohnnyNJNB I have no time for people like you and Fox News, heartless and over privileged with no morals, I said what I said if you don’t like it keep it moving, I’m not the one
Brian Stelter has “Hurt Feelings”
“Oh, take the keys and lock Fox up, lock Fox up, lock Fox up! Oh, take the keys and lock Fox up!! They..are..traitors!!!!”
Great- earworms for dinner!
President Trump’s “most important speech”