CNN's Brian Stelter says that regular news cycles are being replaced by "shock cycles" as President Donald Trump and his administration are on defense against the impeachment inquiry.
Stelter: These aren’t news cycles, they’re shock cycles

CNN's Brian Stelter says that regular news cycles are being replaced by "shock cycles" as President Donald Trump and his administration are on defense against the impeachment inquiry.
All of it is a pretense for whats to come thats how dictators and fascists work.
; ;
I hope everyone listens to Brian Stelter and votes Michael Avenatti in 2020! After all, Brian says Michael Avenatti is presidential and CNN is the most trusted name in news!
Trump feeds the news cycle crazy stuff 24/7 to keep him in the news. Ignore him he is nuts.
Is the best presidency
Lol…yes !đź’Ş
Sometimes i fee l that i am living in an alternate reality when all this is going on
Mark Dice
Project Veritas
@Swamp Slayer isn’t the guy who runs that shitshow a felon? For fraud none-the-less? Get that crap out of here. You’ll have much more luck at Fox pushing your propaganda
“Our republic is under attack from president Trump.” – Admiral William H. McRaven, former Commander US
Special Forces
Flavius Stilicho , CNN pushing Lies 24/7
McDodobird is a limpdick loser. The only thing he’s ever commanded was a bathtub full of naked twinks.
@Beachdudeca True
LMAO – CNN actually had the audacity to say because they are ‘journalists’, they don’t investigate anything they report. Go to CNN’s resident estrogen filled eunuch Brian Stelter’s twitter and show him some love. He needs it (these comments are gold!):
@Beachdudeca I’ll give you one thing, you’re a dumb fk.
…so what is America doing about it ?.
America is supporting impeachment while Congress carries it out. Unfortunately the traitorous GOP are going to try to block it unless they feel they absolutely have to do it to maintain the power that they have. Right now they feel it’s in their best personal interest to be traitors to America
The old republican strategy was: “Lay low, maybe they’ll forget to vote”. The new strategy is: “SDJih398hdsfaupbu23 AHHH! AAAAHHHHH! 98sdfh23ofds”
CNN is a Lie (Sung to Don McLean’s American Pie)
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how CNN used to make me smile
But the people knew they could repent,
Obama’s mistakes with a new President
And maybe CNN would shut up for a while
But Their Fake News makes me shiver
With every broadcast they deliver
Propaganda is all I see,
I threw away my tv
I can’t remember all the jokes,
When Veritas exposed CNN’s Russian Hoax,
But something touched me deep inside,
The day, journalism died….
So bye-bye, CNN is a lie
Their propaganda’s gotten old, so vapid and dry,
It’s still a little funny to see Jim Acosta cry,
Singing soon Fake News CNN will die,
Soon Fake News CNN will die…..
So CNN wrote the book on Fake News,
Financed by race-baiting jews,
But CNN won’t tell you so…..
And Wolf Blitzers a dumb old coot,
Don Lemon’s just a bitter fruit,
And can you tell me CNN’s not America’s #1 Foe?
But I knew CNN’s a propaganda machine
When I saw Sandy Hook coverage on green screen
So America’s ‘most trusted news’ show
Where did Anderson Cooper’s nose go?
They’re just a lonely desperate, deep-state muck,
Who don’t care people know they suck
And no one will give a f*ck,
The day, CNN has died
I started singing bye, bye, CNN is a lie
Their propaganda’s gotten old, so vapid and dry,
It’s still a little funny to see Jim Acosta cry,
Singing soon Fake News CNN will die,
Soon Fake News CNN will die…..
Helter skelter, nope it’s Brian Stelter
Known as BS and an expert felcher
With ethics so low and falling fast…..
To believe their crap you must be high on grass
With every fake news show they broadcast,
That’s why they’re ratings are in dead last…
But they cover Paul Manafort’s socks and shoes
No wonder they’re not considered news,
And CNN’s grasp of economics and math,
Makes everybody laugh…
With all the lies they refuse to yield,
They’re like NFL players on a football field,
Their hatred for America has been revealed,
That’s why, CNN has died
The world keeps singing…
bye, bye, CNN is a lie
Their propaganda’s gotten old, so vapid and dry,
It’s still a little funny to see Jim Acosta cry,
Singing soon Fake News CNN will die,
Soon Fake News CNN will die…..
@Gooey 911 The five stages of trumpism:
1: It’s a total lie: FAKE NEWS!
2: Ok, so he did it… but it’s not a big deal.
3: Ok, so it’s a big deal… but it isn’t illegal.
4: Ok, so it’s illegal… but “Obama and Biden” did “this” so it’s ok!
This is what the handiwork of a very stable genius looks like.
Yes the best …control narratif medias .. beautiful strategy
Mark Dice
Project Veritas
Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man, a poor man’s idea of a rich man, and a dumb man’s idea of a smart man.
@Flavius Stilicho lie
; ;
I hope everyone listens to Brian Stelter and votes Michael Avenatti in 2020! After all, Brian says Michael Avenatti is presidential and CNN is the most trusted name in news!
0:24 Whining isn’t a substitute for winning.
Crystal Ball , the only adult in the room.
“Krystal Ball” – Why Mr. and Mrs. Ball, why?
Nobody is quicker to comment on CNN than those Russian bots! Greased Lightning!
Got that right
My name is Dimitri Pablovich and I say confession. I am great Russian colluder. I have video of your POTUS making pee pee on Obama & Hillary dolls while telling them “You’re Fired!”. I also have the video of Trump receiving big burlap bag with $ sign on it from my boss Vladimir Putin dressed up as how you Americans say, McDonalds character “Hamburgular”? I call favorite CNN woman Brian Stelter but she no call me back. This big story yes?
forehead? That is a five or six head! LMAO!
0:24 Master-baker botched a cake, maker-faker fumbled a deal.
in all fairness, there are plenty of newsworthy things to report besides feeling the need to report about every trump tweet, rally, or anything else he does.
The Trump Administration is an absolute Trainwreck.
All Aboard the CNN Crazy Train (sung to Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train)
That’s how CNN rolls
Colluding with democrats,
Creating fake polls
It’s far too late,
Too cover real news,
Instead of their hate,
Their mental wounds not healing
Donald Trumps to blame
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
Let’s Go!
I’ve listened to Lemon,
a low IQ fool
I’ve watched Allysin Camerota
A nasty-hoe ghoul
Their viewers are conditioned
for lies and control
CNN sells it
so you’ll live the role
Their Mental wounds still screaming
Driving us insane
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
I know that things are going wrong for them
They need to listen to our words
They push propaganda
That’s what they’ve become
To delusional viewers,
Who are liberally dumb,
Crazy, we just cannot bear
To watch their Fake News,
Please pull them off the air!
Their mental wounds not healing
They’re a bitter shame
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
CNN’s going off the rails on their crazy train
*You’re going to get crazy news with a crazy president.*
*_”All roads lead to Putin.”_* – Nancy Pelosi
That’s life with a narcissist – going through endless shock cycles, and being gaslighted about that natural reaction.
If CNN is going to try to talk about journalism maybe they should try hiring some journalists