CNN's Brian Stelter says the content coming from pro-Trump media, led by Fox News host Sean Hannity, softens the ground for conspiracies and makes their audience comfortable with violence.
#BrianStelter #CNN #ReliableSources
Stelter: I watched Hannity’s show for a week. Here’s what I found

‘American Cities are hell holes” but they love America I don’t understand these people, 80% of Americans live in cities
@Eric Farina It’s in the federal constitution….
The House and the Senate *HAVE* to vote on it first. So no a state can’t just start it. It’s a federal law the Federal government has to vote on it. You can get 2/3 states to vote yes, but then it goes to that House and the Senate. If they vote no guess what…
@Dan A Or the people who want to defend the police but then call the police when confronted. Or the journalists who showed clear disdain for police during the “mostly peaceful protests” but then suddenly support the police when they go up against people they don’t agree with.
@Alex Evidence to support this claim is definitely needed.
@Samuel Basner Then why do most Americans spell Republikkklans this way ?
Why does the KKK endorse the Republikkklans ?
Why is the KKK a rightwing hate group ?
Why do the Republikkklans support the Confederate racist traitor flag wavers ?
@Chico Dalianis We don’t hate them. We hate what’s happened there and we blame left wing leadership and a base that we see and believe are as brainwashed as you all think we are.
What’s even better is that Hannity lives a cushy, Socialite hipster lifestyle in liberal NYC often dining at upscale restaurants and dashing off to his million dollar mansion in the suburbs of Long Island. When will his viewers realize he isn’t one of them?
If stelter was a good reporter he would be living a good lifestyle too. But steluis a piece of
and cnn is fake news.
@David Eby project much.
They are just a Grove of Trees that loves the Ax because the handle is made of wood.
This is all Rupert Murdoch’s business model. He makes billions selling garbage and car wrecks to ruin America. He’s laughing all the way to the bank. So is Hannity.
@Ikechukwu Obidike he’s son Lachlan is worse, he’s further right. The other son James walked away as he has a conscience.
@introverts Rock Murdoch supports a crazy evangelical happy clapping prime minister in Australia,, corrupt right wing governments state and federal. He’s media in Australia very heavily pushes anti Biden propaganda.
@G S I know, I heard that somewhere
@Ikechukwu Obidike unfortunately it will continue after Murdoch is dead. It wont change anything
When the bottom falls out they will be rich enough to keep on living their lifestyles, its the rest of us who will suffer!!!
Hannity “loves the poorly educated” almost as much as the guy with the orange face
@Jason Milton do you remember when he said he wasn’t going take money from his supporters? Seems more like a demagogue to me.
Hannity’s confused. The real President Sippy Cup is #DiaperDon who needed two hands to drink a glass of water. .
Wow you’re really brainwashed to hate Trump huh? The President who had the lowest ever Black and Hispanic Unemployment. The best economy ever. The most protected boarder ever, stopping sex traffickers, MS13s, Fetanyl etc. fought for fair trade with China for the first time.
It’s the poorly educated who are watching Fox, Newsmax and OAN
He means you. His supporters.
@Kit Richardson but the wages were not increased only their taxes and the 1% PAY LESS TAXES UNDER TRUMP. HE LIES … you know his “ tell” when he is telling a lie??? HIS F MOUTH IS MOVING
@J W unfortunately trump is CONNING YOU.
@Max Power his supporters do not understand what a tariff is or how he used this tactic, to feed his ego, although, it ultimately WOULD have started a FULL ON TRADE WAR. They also do not understand that some of what we are experiencing now ARE THE RESULTS OF traitor trump and his EGO DRIVEN IGNORANCE, including the tariffs. Alienating our allies etc etc etc. he is such a pos
“We watched Hannitys show for a week”
Just alone That deserves a huge raise and a 2 month paid vacation
@Łã Føñđ I have a question for you can you name all the good things that Joe Biden has done?
@Xcris crosX someone else from the peanut gallery has a stupid comment to make.
@Xcris crosX what country do you reside in. If you’re from the United States what state do you live in…
@ZionistsUsingBlacks ToDestroyWhiteChristianCulture
“dUR duR I DoNT lIKe CNN sO iTs fAkE nEwS”
@donnie henderson speaking about ratings
Your wannabe dictator left office with the worst approval rating in US history
This is all so crazy, Trump is really out of it, gosh STOP, let it go YOU LOST!!
@Conner Flatau Barr says differently..
@Sentinel Barr says that is BS..
@Conner Flatau Don’t you ever look outside your own bubble..
@Sue Howie all the time that’s why I’m commenting on this video. I can ask you the same
@Conner Flatau great response
They should yank Fox’s license. The FCC should be allowed to do their job cuz that’s exactly what they would have done way back then. And also all these internet supposed news outlets need to be shut down. Anything media related should be under the authority of the FCC.
Yes and then youll have a real totalitarian regime just like the Democrats want
EXACTLY & Agreed.!! The FCC has RULES.!!
@Larry Robbs interesting
Wow. When convenient, you will rattle on and on about the importance of Freedom of Speech yet, you won’t feel conflicted.
So using OAN’s logic, we would have a mass execution of the January 6th traitors. They’d lose half their audience.
@Rodolfo Hilliard with such an opinion, you must have something similar to describe cnn and msnbc? Let’s hear it..I’m sure we are all interested..
@Francis Peter u know horse sh it Jain isn’t reading your words
@J W c’mon now, those folks on fawx and Obtuse Asinine Nutz Network are advocating violence. They really want a civil war.
@maternst1 they were protesting police brutality against POC, not trying to overthrow our democracy. Big difference
@J W and u all still refuse to accept that mostly Trump appointment judges struck down over 60 cases that the idiot tried to claim. His horrible kraken faced attorney said if u believe her ubr basically a damn fool. That bat and Rudy Did NOT ARGUE fraud in front of the judges in court but rather blurted that mess all over the cameras to be heard by mass idiots. U folks hate tht you all have been dipped and dupped by daughter lusting trump that u all are making fools of yourself by ckining on hoping your vain desires come true.
Go after their advertisers. If you advertise on Fox “News,” we vote with our dollars and buy elsewhere.
@T #nttpts
It sure seems to me like certain elements of our government have decided you can’t contain crime, so why not capitalize on it?
That is not capitalism, it is oligarchy.
What people need to do, is put the parties in their place.
We can actually accomplish this quite easily, if anyone cared to.
Get together in your communities, and think about who your leaders really are.
Across the nation, we can start by taking back the state legislatures from corrupt parties and think tanks with a wave of unaffiliated write in votes.
Under Article 5 of the Constitution, 2/3 of the state legislatures will be needed to call for a repeal of the 17th Amendment.
The power of State Legislatures to appoint Senators being restored to the hands of your chosen, trusted leaders, the State Legislatures will be mandated by the people to select politically unaffiliated leaders to the Senate.
The political expertise of the 2 parties may remain in the House if the voters wish, and their expertise in the mechanisms of Federal Legislature may be of use.
But the power of Ratification will lie with the people, by the way of their chosen legislatures and Senate.
Then our lawmakers will finally be accountable to the voters once again.
That is how our Democratic Republic is supposed to work.
@Alan Dematei Presidency? House? Senate? $2T American Recovery Act? *NO* “Repeal and Replace” of ACA. 63 court rulings that the election was *not* stolen. Laughing at the CyberNinja (note that is singular, not plural). Republican Party fractured into two fragments, both of which thinks the other is the enemy. I could go on, but talking to a Trumpist is a waste of good air. #nttpts
Yeah, I need a list too …since I can’t stomach that channel to find out who the advertisers are… please help!
@Gail Koehler Thank you! I can’t watch that God-Forsaken channel myself ( weak stomach) so this is wonderful.
I would like to believe that we’re over and done with 45 but I see that’s not the case. I have US born neighbors here who hang on Fox’s every word. Very disturbing.
@trainrecked Your funny.Most people trust them then anyone on CNN.Not perfect. But they do a better job then the clowns on CNN.
@L in colorado No wonder you idiots still think trump won! Yard signs?!! You have got to be FK’ING kidding me!! THAT is what you base your theory on? Shocked you were able to even find your way through 1 state
@V V Biden cant find his way across a stage
@L in colorado you are NUTS!
@LOCK IT DOWN! DUCK man what the hell is wrong with you?
Just remember Rupert Murdoch isn’t an American. So he doesn’t care about the destruction of American values. That’s why Fox News do what they do.
He does the same with Sky News in Australia.
@Barbara Roberts the word news should not be in the title to their channel It is false advertising.
@ZionistsUsingBlacks ToDestroyWhiteChristianCulture yet you have a racist lunatic username
@Harshit Jain technically those “illegals” are Americans. From Canada all the way to the very end of Chile and Argentina is America…. Now if you was to upgrade your education and say the illegals are not US citizens than ok.
It’s called ‘Grooming’. All cults do it to get their victims to do the unthinkable to themselves and others (Heavens Gate, Jim Jones etc)
@Benjamin Levine he didn’t have to campaign Dotard Trump kicked his own arse by being terrible.
And the fact that you can’t see it, would be hilarious. If it wasn’t so sad.
You guys must be exhausted from moving those goal posts.
Looks like it worked in your case
@Shelley Thistleton U R so naive, indeed, it was the MSM that kept calling insurrection. But you wouldn’t know what a real insurrection is. You believe and parrot what CNN and all MSM fake news tells you..Did you see the flaming buildings that the CNN cameras turned away from in Portland etc? Do you know the damning evidence on Hunter’s laptop? No because it doesn’t fit MSM narrative
Yes, the MSM intelligence agents have been grooming viewers for about 4-5 years using behaviorial science and psychological manipulations. And now they have a cult following, how can you tell…no matter how many lies CNN/MSNBC have gotten caught in over the last 4 years, all of their viewers still believe what they say…and that is precisely when you know you are dealing with a cult.
@Craig Viau Biden got nominated because he was the only one with wide ranging support from moderates and traditional fiscal conservitives, he was tactically the logical choice. I’m not saying he was the best candidate but in terms of wide ranging popularity his numbers where better than Bernie or Warren. Add in his ability to get bernies grudging support and his relatively substantial support from black voters and you get the guy who stood the best chance of getting maximum turnout.
Hate is contagious! Hannity hates anyone who thinks differently than him. Dangerous to watch, thanks brian for doing a job I don’t envy.
Hannity should be held accountable for endangering the American people.
@Mark Sharnsky – All of the trumps will face numerous criminal charges before Hunter Biden will be found guilty of any crime. But hey, keep deflecting from reality, I’m sure it helps your pain of seeing trump going down in flames.
@Eric Farina I don’t know that I want the senators of my state chosen by my state leaders. Had that happened in 2020, Georgia would not have elected two Democrats for the US Senate. You see what various gop-led states are doing to their voting laws.
@Leo Peridot
Bald faced lies that harm another are not protected speech.
@B Bodziak Notice how my idea changes the composition of your state leaders BEFORE repealing the 17th?
Your argument fails to make sense because your present leaders would never repeal the 17th Amendment.
This idea terrifies them.
Restore the accountability of the Senate to the hands of local communities.
That is how our Democratic Republic is supposed to work.
@larry rings I’m not a fan of shelter but shelter doesn’t the influence on democrats as Hannity has on republicans
The fact you managed to survive watching fox is a miracle
It sure seems to me like certain elements of our government have decided you can’t contain crime, so why not capitalize on it?
That is not capitalism, it is oligarchy.
What people need to do, is put the parties in their place.
We can actually accomplish this quite easily, if anyone cared to.
Get together in your communities, and think about who your leaders really are.
Across the nation, we can start by taking back the state legislatures from corrupt parties and think tanks with a wave of unaffiliated write in votes.
Under Article 5 of the Constitution, 2/3 of the state legislatures will be needed to call for a repeal of the 17th Amendment.
The power of State Legislatures to appoint Senators being restored to the hands of your chosen, trusted leaders, the State Legislatures will be mandated by the people to select politically unaffiliated leaders to the Senate.
The political expertise of the 2 parties may remain in the House if the voters wish, and their expertise in the mechanisms of Federal Legislature may be of use.
But the power of Ratification will lie with the people, by the way of their chosen legislatures and Senate.
Then our lawmakers will finally be accountable to the voters once again.
That is how our Democratic Republic is supposed to work.
Most people would rather have hemorrhoids than watch “Insanity Hannity”.
@ZionistsUsingBlacks ToDestroyWhiteChristianCulture
Hey boy use that word clown properly. Donald Trump is the ringleader of the Republican circus. I see you my friend with the broom and shovel.
@ZionistsUsingBlacks ToDestroyWhiteChristianCulture ooh don’t both sides this thing u fool watching fox is literally what they told the cops for storming the capitol not cnn so stfu
Fox News is still the most watched cable news network and that alone is pretty disturbing.
@ZionistsUsingBlacks ToDestroyWhiteChristianCulture Republicans LOST BIG IN THE ELECTIONS…Biden is your President……
They like to say “America first,” it more like putting Donald Trump and Republicans first instead of the public.
I think it’s HILARIOUS that he calls Biden “President Sippy Cup” when it was Trump who couldn’t drink one-handed without trying REALLY hard… projection has a name and it is “GOP”.
Fun fact: The ratings on Brian Stelter’s show are higher when he’s on vacation.