Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele remarks on President Biden’s leadership in working to end the coronavirus crisis and the compassion he has shown to struggling Americans. Aired on 03/09/2021.
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#MichaelSteele #PresidentBiden #MSNBC
Steele: You Have A President Now Who Says ‘I’m Gonna Help Walk With You Rest Of The Way’ | Deadline
God bless Joe

He is a dummy
We had better keep him and the U.S. of A. in our prayers!

@Randy Couch

look who’s talking. Lmao. 

The quicker the demise of GOP the better for the nation.
@Wilamina Brown Thanks and You too.
@Louisa Now Republicans have now proven beyond any doubt that they are a bigger threat to the people of this country than
any terrorist. Everyone should remember this in 2022 when they vote. It was the democrats and not the Republicans that
fought for us. I will not forget this. No one else should either
@michael sherrill
I know I won’t forget either. There’s no such thing as a perfect political party, but the Democrats have usually done more for the whole US than the other side ever has, that’s for sure.
@Wilamina Brown It kills me when ReTrumplicans say they are the party of the working people. They couldn’t be more out of touch with the American People. And they have the nerve to say THEY are not Bureaucrats. UGH!!!!
The difference between President Biden and #45
, in ’empathy’ alone, is miles-wide. 
@David Eby This is supposed to be funny, right? Cause it’s sure making me laugh.
@David Eby Well, David, you can throw out all the names and insults you want but President Biden WON and now he has 70% approval rating. Looks like you are on the losing side of this story!
@David Eby Voice of reason? Sounds more like the voice of desperation – clinging to empty promises of a narcissistic con man who sold you a bottle of sugar water.
@David Eby Give it up, David – you are outnumbered and outsmarted. You are clinging to the fragments of a disappearing dream. It no longer exists. Trump is toast, done, over.
@Laura Fleming – Eby assumed *his spam-posting spree* would go unanswered…
How *’bigly’ wrong* he was.
I don’t understand either why the GOP thinks trumps influence will continue. The guy has sooo many lawsuits etc coming at him. It’s time to rethink their way forward. I think Adam kinzinger has the right idea.
@Lee C the thing that I respect about kinz8 gee is that he doesn’t pander to the base like thump did, he maintains his line of integrity and hopes people will recognise tha5 and turn back
@espy I believe him, because in this current ‘fall in line climate’ it takes a brave rep to go against the stream. I don’t think he is wrong and the more that befalls the trump administration the less support I think he will have, also given the numerous law suits pending, kinzinger to me is brave but correct. I would have so much more respect for a GOP that chose representatives with honour and substance rather than won on trumps base and suppression of the voters.
@Susanne Grabowski Wayne, of course. Of. I used to believe but still have some lingering ideology, to me if a god existed, she would certainly not appoint a insecure, self entitled white guy to bring the peace.
@Susanne Grabowski Wayne it’s called money
@K Mc I totally agree.
I was making an afternoon beverage run to the store and a city school bus drove up and out came school kids and my world turned! There really is still a normal and we’re heading for home base.
I like that…home base.
Let’s hope.
Let us not celebrate until we’re actually there. The recent R governors removing mask requirements is like crossing a rotting rope bridge over a deep gorge then jumping up and down doing a victory dance when you’re 10ft from the end.
Refusing to admit they were wrong is why the R party is swirling into the sewage treatment plant. They cannot take back a single thing. tsk tsk.
@Castle C you talking about the officers killed by BLM and Antifa?
@Gary Streeter If you have any credible evidence at all, show it to me. I would love to see it.
No, I’m talking about the half a million Americans who have died because Trump said Covid was a hoax. You are traitors AND murderers now. You are a part of that. How will god judge you I wonder…
@thomas marsha
What’s hilarious is idiots keep calling it the covid relief bill
@Paul Not true! Go to Snopes or Fact Check and you will find a listing of all the amounts and how they were allocated. Sure, there’s a little pork in there but most of it is related to Covid and the related economic fallout. Don’t believe what you hear on Fox, look up the information yourself. You will be surprised.
@Jerry Gallo Paul is listening to misinformation, which is truly sad. Does Paul even know what 9% of anything is?. He should look at the entire breakdown of the bill, and if he can “understand ” it, perhaps he can go back to “his sources “, and have them issue a correction addendum to the “poor souls” that believe anything they hear.
The 34% of Americans who don’t agree with the biden bill should give their names to whome ever and demand that no cheques be sent to their households,if the relief bill is something they are so against they should reject it by demanding their households be excempt from such a monstrous intrusion to their lives so all those whom oppose l the bill let them inform the revelant authorities immediately you want nothing to do with it including cheques..let’s see if principle or reality kicks in.
Been thinking the same thing.
@elroy the great Sure it is.
elroy the great mishandled so much they have extra every year to cover the good handling of most of the red states. Every year for decades my state pays more out then we receive in Fed dollars, while states like Mississippi and Kentucky receive much more then they pay out. As far as stimulus money, yeah they get more because of population, do your homework. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt.
@elroy the great Why do you continue to speak and remove all doubt of your stupidity? Let’s eliminate Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina from receiving federal aid. In two years they will become full blown welfare states. Oh wait, they are now, my bad.
@Hekat Sees lmao no it’s not
Because they prob got a lil of the top for it
It was 7 trillion and the Republicans Never mentioned it
All corporate employees doing nothing is how they get paid
Don’t forget they turned a blind eye to Trumps corruption as president too.
@Donald Chump I want Trump back now! Biden is ruining America!
Everything goes in cycles. The Democrats build a vibrant economy and then the Republicans do what they do best, cut taxes and de-regulate industries, both of which only benefit the wealthy. It happened after Reagan (GOP poster boy) and after George W. Bush.
My thoughts exactly – Clinton cleaned up first Bush’s mess and left a surplus; the second Bush gave that surplus to rich within the first 6 weeks and after that just pull the country into misery and unprecedented unemployment; Obama cleaned that mess and then enters the trump pretty much destroys every aspect of good in America; almost stole the election (still trying to destroy democracy in the country). Now it’s up to Biden and Kamala pull us out of the gutter; they already started mending international relations and now country’s health and economy. Trump will live forever in infamy and that’s his own doing.
@elroy the great What would Clinton be thanking Gingrich for?
@Larry Johnson no need to own your fault.
Where is Barney Frank and Chris Dodd?
@elroy the great You poor thang. Ignorance can be cured through education, stupidity, not so much. You are a special kinda stupid aren’t you.
Trump: “I want to see Biden in prison.”
Biden: “What on Earth gives Trump the idea that I’ll come visit him in prison?”
@Lore Bay There is the undeniable hypocrisy of Evangelical Christians, people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who now embrace a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a pornstar who he had an affair while Trump was married to his third wife, who had to just given birth to their son.
Paid trolls don’t work Sundays?@Lore Bay
@Lore Bay I’m not RUSSIAN to conclusions, but I think Trump is a puppet.
Just PUTIN it out there. You don’t like it; CRIMEA river.
@Ann van de Kew I’m in tears at your last post. Immensely creative
Biden looks at America and sees people who need help and reassurance. Trump looks at America and thinks, “How can these people help my bank account and reassure me that I’m the greatest person who ever lived?”
@Crazy Jacobins if u were even a little concerned when the Trump tax ballooned the deficit, then that would lend a little credibility to ur argument but now u just sounds like a trumpist, hypocrite
@Megan Hyatt I’ll bet you kept the tax cuts and enjoyed the years America was booming until the China virus and even than we were better off than with Sniffer Joe !
Get on your knees & bow to your masters
@Tony Smith Biden says get on your knees and forgets why your there VP Harris says that’s how I got here !
@Floyd Spencer ahahaha you know that!!!
The Republicants.. we can’t have a stimulus, we can’t have health care, you can’t have a decent living wage…
All the republicants care about is the
That’s the racist bigots in DNC not freedom caucus Patriots! Rino’s will join DNC also!!
The Loyal Republican legislators say, “You can’t have a stimulus. You can’t have health care. You can’t have a decent living wage.” We’ve got what you want, but we will not let you have it.”
But assault weapons are a right to them.
@Lin Dee what’s an assault weapon?
Democrats working hard to help and Rpubliturds working hard to stop them.
@Maria Vazquez You are the sad one and a traitor to your own people.
So true, but Rep don’t like to work only lie, so they will not get far.
Remember this when you VOTE!
Am just happy someone is Trying to help and help children for one
Back to deranged
Bush’s “economic slowdown”!!?? It was a financial disaster that devastated the country. Typical Republican politics.
Yes, Then they leave it to the Democrats to clean it up
Republicans never balance the budget. Spend like crazy while taking substance from families in need.
AND THEY ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL!! STUFF THE POOR PEOPLE!! AND, OR THE HARD WORKING TAX PAYERS WHO’VE ALWAYS CARRIED THE COUNTRY!! AS LONG AS THE MOST WEALTHY GET EVEN WEALTHIER!! THE HUNGRY REPUBLICANS R CONTENT!! ANNND AT LEAST 95 PC OF THEM HAVE NNNNEVER DONE A DAYS WORK IN THEIR LIVES, AND THE ONLY REASON THEY HAVE ANY MONEY, IS IT WAS GIFTED TO THEM, ALLLL THEIR LOUSY LIVES!! AND TTTHEN THEY INHERITED THE REST FROM THEIR PARENTS WHO IN TURN, WERE BORN TO GREAT WEALTH!!, ANNND DID NOTHING TO EARN THEIR MONEY EITHER!! SUCH ‘PEOPLE’ WOULD DROP DEAD IF THEY EVER HAD TO DO EVEN HALF A DAYS HARD WORK!! I’VE NNNEVER BEEN JEAULOUS OF THEM THO!! BECAUSE THEY’RE THE VERY PEOPLE WHO DON’T KNOW WHAT EARNING 1 SINGLE DAYS PAY EVEN MEANS!!! And!! the pleasure we, the actual working people in the USA get, when we get home every day, put our tired feet up..And know the beautiful feeling of knowing WE paid for our families feed on the table!! and, know that when we use OUR electricity/ All our utilities!!WE paid for our lights being on in our Own hard earned and or, rented homes!! AND THAT’S A FEELING OF IMMENSE PRIDE WE HAVE every day of our lives! it’s WE THE working class people who can truly hold our heads up high folks!! All the while, regardless of what they say…The born wealthy people r ALWAYS LOOKING DOWN THEIR NOSES AT US!! U KNOW!!?? WE’RE THE WORKERS the born rich pay $6.25 9 an hour!! AND, without customers tipping us? we’d bloody well starve!! our ‘poltry wages r topped up by tips…AND 90 PC of the people who tip us? r only battlers who struggle thru life themselves!! just to pick another country at random…In Australia the minimum wage is about $17/8!! AND THE customers don’t have to tip like here!! Many do tho as they know that working class people don’t earn much!! ANNND!! UNLESS WE ALL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!?? Working class people’s wages and livelihoods, will never change!! lastly..the richest people in the USA r the BIGGEST DOLE BLUDGERS IN THE WORLD!! AS THEY PAY O OR, A pittance in taxes!! which in turn, comes from the coffers of the Federa,l AND ALL OUR 50 STATE’S COFFERS!! I’VE ALWAYS SAID THAT!! ANND I ALWAYS WILL TOO!! MY PHONE’S PLAYING UP TOO!! HENCE ALL THE CAP LOCKS!! All the best too my fellow Tax payers!!
All the best to u and Your loved ones too!!
Nina – The GOTPers *all* knew *#45
was guilty,* last January.
’s criminality.*
They even *admitted it.*
Senator Alexander *admitted it.*
Senator Collins *admitted it.*
Senator Gardner *admitted it.*
Senator Murkowski *admitted it.*
Senator Portman *admitted it.*
Senator Romney *admitted it* …but *ONLY he* had the b@lls to defy deceit *and vote AGAINST #45
As for *the rest* of the jellyfish GOTPers, well…
@CynAnne1 Libs are always good for laughs, not a brain cell between you
Who ever identify them selfs as republicans should give the relief money back..
They want States to return the Stimulus. The Republican States anyway. Fine by me

This President is Saving Their Pathetic Lives and they’re to Stupid to know that 

Relief money hahah. It’s our money fool
@CAUGHT Redhanded
If it’s yours then why does someone else control it dumbazz
People got to start thinking b4 typing fool
@Robin Sessoms you’re the stupid ones Hope you like communism
Day after day of new Dow record highs, and a president who isn’t (nor should) take credit for it.
Isn’t that refreshing?
At least he’s sane. it just took us 4 years to get rid of an unhinged raving Lunatic and a Petulant child.
Biden isn’t exactly sleeping and he’s not playing golf. Biden won’t sleep when AMERICANS need help. I’ll never vote Repubican again.