Steele On Biden Putting Trump On Defense In Texas: ‘This Is Gonna Be Fun’ | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele reacts to reports that the Biden campaign is looking at putting Trump's 2020 election team on defense in the state of Texas. Aired on 7/15/2020.
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Steele On Biden Putting Trump On Defense In Texas: 'This Is Gonna Be Fun' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Debra Wilhite why say goodbye or is that the smartest thing you have to say 😂 no one even knew you were here wow

    2. @quiktri1 Just saying…if you’re so unhappy here… Bye. I’m sure you take advantage of everything this country has to offer though.

    3. @Debra Wilhite Please specify these “advantages” you speak of……I ask mainly due to curiosity. Moreover, throughout my life here the only thing being taken advantage of is the “working” class.

    1. Rip Mitch either out of his seat or his majority and the GOP is done for good. The vile morons spent 70 years deciding that greed and hate were better then any reform and reaching to broaden their base and it’s pretty clear the Democrats are out for blood this cycle to take advantage of their greater support to push the reforms that would cripple the current GOP

    2. Disestablish Eggbert well that should be what happens when a party decides that being elected is easier through shady election practices rather than expanding their voter base.

    3. Beto did a good interview on Brian Tyler cohen’s channel on how Texas is changing at the macro level and the push they had to get voters registered and how even before covid they could turn the state election blue never mind the popular vote overall.

    4. ESPECIALLY here in NC – The State Supreme Court ruled it Unconstitutional the way the GOP Gerrymandered for Party Advantage!!

    1. @Teardown Dan speaking of mythbusyers did you see grant passed away, brain aneurysm. Super sad

    2. Every single Trump ad just focuses on his base so you could argue that Trumps ads actually hurt him more than help him as they alienate moderates and mobilize democrats.

    3. @Roy Rodgers yes, very sad..the world is drowning in sadness it seems..and his death is another drop another tear in the ocean of tears..

    1. Don’t give that con circus barker poc that much credit – Mussolini may have been evil but he had chops. Trump is sick dirty old perv, that’s it.

    2. @Blondie SL putin is interested in dividing the country…the orange trophy would be a great way to show the world that russia has power and that putin is a mastermind. Reality is that bunker boy is dumb enough to think hes smart…

    3. @kahit anolang Like trump actually said, Uneducated people voted for him and they love him.
      True statement right there. LOL

  1. Keep saying bad things about Mexico in Texas, keep Mexico angry with commerce and putting commercial barreers that affects texan pockets… This will be true.

  2. The people of Texas are not stupid, many forward-thinking people who understand the threat Trump poses. The legend of Texas and the Texas stereotype is for the most part folklore, the people of Texas are actually pretty level headed.

    1. So level headed the teachers are writing out their wills before they go back to school.
      ”They know that they’re under equipped and that’s why these waivers are coming out. Of course, that’s not quite as bad as some of the reports we’re getting out in Texas, which those reports are saying that teachers who are getting ready to go back to school just a couple of weeks now, um, they’re writing their wills. ”

    2. @steve steve
      Says the troll whose YouTube account is only 3 months old.
      You’re undereducated, overpaid and not an American.

    3. @MrArchangel73521
      I’m from Ohio and have a Senator that kisses Trump’s butt. Seems there’s one from every state and I hope they all lose their seats.

    4. BILLY
      the Threat he ‘ Poses ‘ ???? wtf what planet have you been on for the last 4 years ??? he decimated any Standing or Goodwill from NATO the EU
      and the USA s greatest ally the U K , he has been Putins Catamite for years and the stock joke of S Korea and S E Asia

  3. Trumps Ads running on every youtube news video 🙄 just ridiculous! no matter how many times u Skip past 6 sec..they ❤️ burning that $$$

    1. Just enjoy them. and laugh your a** off. Know that these 6 sec cost them a lot of money. Each time his ad come up it cost him money. Money that he should be put elsewhere. His fund is also drying up as Lawsuits and court fees are eating it up and he getting less and less support from his rich overlord.

    2. @Michael in Houston NO WAY will I give them ANY information about me they don’t already have!!!

    3. @RogerWilco Yeah, I don’t understand why google/youtube thinks I am a trump supporter but they barrage me with trump ads and I keep clicking on them and trolling them – I doubt they care though as they are really only after $$$.

    1. There’s a couple of channels here at YouTube that may be of interest. The Lincoln Project and Republicans Voting Against Trump.
      Thanks to all of you for voting your conscience.

    2. @Selah Good work spreading the word. When the u tube news makes me feel that getting the repubs out of power is never going to happen.
      When I feel weighed down by worry, I hunt for Republicans Voting Against Trump and it gives me hope and admiration for them.
      I always watch for Lincoln Project because they are a hoot, with strong political message.

    3. @ms 3533 That’s because trump will be off the rails between the election and inauguration day if he loses.

    1. Not all of us, not true Texans. Keep in mind, Texas has been overrun with idiots from all over the country coming here and ruining Texas.

  4. The beauty of this situation is that trump is going to have to spend millions on advertising in Texas; money that he really needs to be spending elsewhere. The reality is that trump will likely still carry Texas but at a huge cost. However, the Biden campaign ads are spot on for what is needed here – solidify support and reassure people on the fence – that could make the difference and get Biden a victory in Texas. I can see a lot of trump supporters staying home if they think he is going to lose nationally.

  5. You Would Hate t’rump IRL Part 4:
    If you were running in a class election against t’rump, he’d call your girlfriend ugly and then insult your dad in front of the whole school.

    Oh wait a minute, that should be You Would Hate Ted Cruz IRL. My bad. 😅😂🤣

    1. @Bob Miller Look around you, Bob. Do things look restored? The economy is ruined and people are dying by the thousands. Is that how you like to see America?

    2. No… Trump’s not destroying our country, the Liberals and Democrats are taking care of that.

    3. Mister Hat If you are a Democrat voting for Democrats then I am sorry to inform you but you HAVE BEEN voting for bowel movements. Get a grip, take a long hard look at Democrat run cities and see what a totally disorganised and dangerous mess they all are, then ask yourself why. And it’s not because of Trump.

    1. @ms 3533 They were out of work because of Bush. That’s why Obama and Biden got elected. They steadily reduced unemployment and rebuilt the economy until Trump ruined it.

    2. @ms 3533 22 million to now 40 million and soon there funds to be cut by this awful heartless racist government.
      Trump is a disgrace and he has cost over 133,000 innocent lives

  6. Do not drink and drive!
    Do not look at the sun during an eclipse!
    Do not join Facebook!
    Do not let your kids fly American Airlines!
    Do not fly the 737 Max!
    Do not visit Disneyland;
    Do not believe DjT** and his ‘rupublican’ sycophants!
    Do not vote Republican in 2020!

  7. Just look at Texas and you see Donald Trump and the Republican party are murdering people in this country

  8. Trump built the “greatest economy” on sand, and now that a storm has hit, everything “he” built has collapsed.
    and now their own foundation is shakey too…
    who could have seen this coming…
    Welcome to team blue Texas

    1. trump built nothing, he rode on the economy Obama left for him and now trump screwed that up as well.

    2. Absolutely, but many of trump’s supporters believe otherwise.
      By not challenging those believes it may be easier to at least convince his supporters on the building on sand part 😉

    1. Biden isn’t my first pick or even second or third! But that being said, Biden with all of his issues is still a 1,000 times better than Trump! Doesn’t say much for Trump doesn’t it! Sad…

    2. @Marilyn Reallon – “Biden with all of his issues is still a 1,000 times better than Trump!”

      And he can read! BTW – I wouldn’t buy beans from the butt-headed buffoon.

    3. @Marilyn Reallon 👍 as long as tRump gets out a Biden vote is worth it. At least Biden is human we can go from there and if he proves to be a terrible Pressidenr he’ll get the boot in 4 yrs citizens are waking up. I hope we’re not too late.

  9. I can’t get my head around some people would vote for tRump how could anyone with the mess he’s made is on an epic level

  10. Internet:
    “so let me get this straight:
    CV-19 is dangerous/contagious enough to warrant releasing inmates from prison but its NOT dangerous/contagious enough to keep our children out of schools this fall”

    1. This is normal Trumpian doublethink (holding in your head to contradictory positions at the same time and believing both of them to be true).

      It’s a hallmark of sycophantic Trump supporters.

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