Adm. James Stavridis calls Wednesday's chaos at the U.S. Capitol was insurrection against the U.S. government. Aired on 01/07/2021.
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#JamesStavridis #USCapitol #MSNBC
Stavridis: 'Of Course' This Was Insurrection Against The Government | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The cabinet should invoke the 25th Amendment today.
@David Colmanzzz zzzt
@David Colman zzz zzzt
The cabinet is full of cowards
All the photos and videos proved that Antifa is responsible for the violence, not Trump supporters!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
One of the members was shown in one photo with Pelosi.
Antifa and Biden have been supported by CCP China..
I am certain that you are referring to removing the diaper wearer. Your next loser president.
After his actions today, The 25th Amendment should be invoked, he should be immediately removed from office. NOW! This is far beyond High Treason. Every one of those sycophants who were viewed leaving the Representative chamber should be awaiting Federal Charges.
@El R. some were armed, bomvbs were found afterwards as well as firebombs, so let’s not pretend they weren’t armed, M’kay?
@Sparky Jones I was saying more of them been armed and actually killed members of congress things would be far different today. And those pipe bombs, had those went off, those idiots who brought those in would be facing the death penalty.
@El R. If they can pardon war criminals, why do you think they will procecute domestic terrorists?
@Dorientje Woller What?? Timothy McVeigh, Tsarnaev Brothers, case closed.
@Drew Smith indeed it is and unless those in power who are not a part of this coup don’t stand up right now and forcibly strong arm the power back under the better half of Americans control the insurrectionists are going to seize this country. These legit true American leaders are playing a deadly game with trump, if they think for one minute that trump is one of your normal as usual fair presidents they are truly gullible and being deceived. Trump should be seized immediately and removed as president, any delay in getting this enemy of the country out of office is a deadly mistake of judgement. Trump is literally plotting a government takeover on live television in their faces, I never saw the weakness of this country until yesterday, it was the equivalent of criminals walking into your home, taking over and making themselves at home while destroying your furnishings and going through your personal belongings while everyone in your home run and hide in fear with their guns besides them; it was a disgrace to watch, yet these gullible procrastinating leaders are listening to lying trump talk about he’s going to leave complying on January 20th, that evil man is just buying more time to stage another attack on the government of this country. America keep thinking it’s a game and this country will fall into the hands of jackals, thieves and the lawless murderous criminals led by a criminally insane dictator. Take heed America to the warning before it’s to late.
A desperate and dangerous final STUNT by a felon who is about to be indicted on multiple new charges. Bring on SDNY!
@Natalie Franco A family of Fredo’s, except Eric Trump. He’s the Shemp.
@john abruzzi How about your hypocrisy right now….seriously you follow and parrot anything this Orange mobboss says about election fraud with 61 courts saying no evidence of but you claim I just gave you bs….. Pathetic… Where’s your hard evidence
@Rabble Wolf

This isn’t his final stunt. He moved b-52 planes to the middle east. His final stunt is a war.
All the photos and videos proved that Antifa is responsible for the violence, not Trump supporters!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
One of the members was shown in one photo with Pelosi.
Antifa and Biden have been supported by CCP China..
Consider that the stars and bars of the Confederacy never successfully made it into the Capitol until 2021…
That resumes it all.
Trump did say that he could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and get away with it. In other words, laws in your country are meant for some people and not others.
Why act surprised now??!!

SPZ Aruba hahah, no ones taking to the streets to protest her death. We smoking her opp pack.

@SPZ Aruba If you are going to storm a government building with an armed mob, then, yeah. It’s America.
@MP Wow you are a hate mongering sociopath. You literally see nothing wrong with anything you said do you?
If it was black, Latino or even brown people they would of been hit with a missile. American law is the biggest joke ever
@Claude Williams would have!! HA HA
@ljf3 so why wasn’t he arrested? Oh poor little man child, just stay away. Wow that is a great punishment.
You got that right. If you still don’t see white privilege and racism after that stunt, you are part of the problem.
@M Kind they don’t want to hear the TRUTH they are allergic to the TRUTH been that way since they FREED the slaves and took murica from the native Americans please you are wasting your time
People were drafted to fight wars for this country and went willingly, Now people are tearing it apart for tRUMP!!!
@Peter Yang
Deflect much?
Those were MAGA supporters period.
They did not need antifa or BLM to attempt their coup.
They warned about their rally and march to support this attempt to overthrow the government, undermine the election and illegally keep Trump in office past January 20th all over the internet chat rooms.
You need to take a look at what you support and see the evil for what it is.
Take responsibility for your actions as they should be held accountable for theirs.
Stop blaming others for your problems.
@David Colman
@David Colman
Maybe you’re actually a BLM or antifa agent in disguise trying to get people even more mad at Trump supporters who attempted to overthrow the government and install an unelected derelict asshat?
Stupid is stupid does
All the photos and videos proved that Antifa is responsible for the violence, not Trump supporters!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
One of the members was shown in one photo with Pelosi.
Antifa and Biden have been supported by CCP China..
Abraham Lincoln “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.”
@Gwen Stone Obviously, you are low information. China is a big problem and so are the gangsters in our congress.
@Sam McCormack Sweetie run back to the cult you belong in and try educating yourself with facts. I know trump cult thinks they live in an alternative fact universe but it’s not the case.
@Dingle berries Toadstool but the Democrats do have that awful Kamala Harris, who called Mr Biden out for being a segregationist and tried to destroy him, and has also said that she believes the women who have accused Mr Biden of sexual assault. And then she agrees to be be his running mate. Hilarious.
@Rita Amp if they were professional played rioters they would have broken, stole everything, than burnt the capital down. The schitt pot calling the kettle black indirectumly.
This wasn’t about America at all this was about 1 man
When they showed Trump tell the mob to stand down he had a evil grin while doing it.
One morbidly obese man with morbidly obese ego
Pretty sad that one man can do this kinda damage . Means America has a lot of work to do to unify its citizens . Hopefully though understanding rather than brute force
Who gave that man unchecked power? The GOP. They need to pay for this too.
Thats it!
You elect a psychopath, and enable him, in ANY WAY, you will get chaos, divide, pain, and destruction.
Hi Nathalie
How’re you doing
@Silent Rage1 Delusion is strong with this one. Trump is a traitor. His supporters are traitors. Facts matter.
And guess who has to pay for their damages?
The rest of us.
Whether it’s our Coronavirus cases. Or how the other nations see our country.
@James Stuart Hey James
How,s life
Donald Trump’s very own sister and niece said he is an out-of-control monster….. And now you have proof of that fact!
@Marcia Marcum wow
You think biden is your friend? Just wait until he shuts down the country and opens the borders. We’ll all be screwed.
c rich has nothing to do with it! Stupidity does
@Courtney c Hi, there. I can’t find anyone who will tell me which cities are ‘burned down’. They all seem to still be standing.
@Courtney c His sister (older sister) was recorded without her knowledge. She has not publicly spoken out against her brother. What she said on that recording, the OP is correct, that he’s basically a monster, an ignorant, lazy, pathological liar and narcissist. Obviously she’s known him all his life. Don’t take my word for it. You can listen to it yourself.
What’s the harm in humoring him for a while, they asked.
Retrumplicans have successfully fragmented their own party
This harm
Republicans are traitors and enemies to America
now after thier attempted coup , 
350,000 dead Americans from covid19, no one cares about stupid maskless republicans getting killed , I don’t care do you , good to hear the treasonous republicans got killed and not the police , Republicans Trump supporters and trump are traitors to America, they are guilty of treason for attacking the capital, republicans = treason, Time to act with the 25th amendment , take trump out of the White House today
Black Lives Matter
put trump in jail now
TRUE TRUE TRUE! THAT”s what my relative said.
@Doug Csonka don’t you mean left far left?
Need to identify as many deplorables as possible and charge them
Yes, Let’s start with Schumer and Pelosi…..
I know for sure one of the heavies in this is named Ted Cruz. He splits his time between Texas and DC and is always out and about seeing and being seen. So he should be pretty easy to find. Not really sure why the FBI hasn’t gone to talk to him yet????
They literally walked right in…and nobody did anything.
Trump lead them there after his speech. Open and shut case.
@David Rodenborn read my comments again and you will understand every point that I have made, unless of course you are a halfwit.
@Travis when did President Trump insinuate that something violent should be done? Perhaps your TDS has created this fantasy.
@Tarquin Bright “I am British yet I have more understanding of the 1st Amendment than you do.”
It would seem you have a better understanding of it even better than former Attorney General Bill Barr who has said President Donald Trump’s conduct as a violent mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol was a “betrayal of his office and supporters. Orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable.”
His words not mine. If even his self appointed Attorney General (not someone on the left) can see it, I’m not exactly sure what you fail to understand. Bear in mind that he was the top law enforcement officer of the country not too long ago so I figure he would know a thing or two of law and order.
@Tarquin Bright – In another example of “free speech” If I falsely yell FIRE or BOMB in a movie theater or plane and folks die trampling on each other, I’m not responsible since I did not explicitly tell them to trample over each other, right? Acoording to your logic. I mean free speech and all that jazz.
@Tarquin Bright hey when does trump start his second term again?
They literally attacked their own country. Traitors
it’s not their country. I didn’t see a single American flag, only confederate, and Trump flags. They weren’t representing America, they were declaring war against America.
Not a single one of the, waving an American flag at the capitol. Just a fact.
@SURVIVAL OUTPOST CHANNEL nice deflection chub rubber! Guess that’s all you’ve got LOSER. LOL
Toh yes
Cruz and Hawley and any other objectionist to Democracy, SHOULD BE REMOVED.
@c M got it deleted huh chub rubber? LOL
@c M get your buddy to tea bag ya goober smoother.LOL
He’s been inciting violence for years, not months, by attacking, degrading, and vilifying the press.
U cts are so dumb. No wonder they had to rig the elections.
Republicans are traitors and enemies to America
now after thier attempted coup , 
350,000 dead Americans from covid19, no one cares about stupid maskless republicans getting killed , I don’t care do you , good to hear the treasonous republicans got killed and not the police , Republicans Trump supporters and trump are traitors to America, they are guilty of treason for attacking the capital, republicans = treason, Time to act with the 25th amendment , take trump out of the White House today
Black Lives Matter
put trump in jail now
trump is more a POS than an actual POS.
The press has been degrading and vilifying themselves for 2 decades, we all reap what we sow. Where is the coverage of the lady killed yesterday ? The government sat back and let 40 people be killed and a billion dollars in damages happen over the course of months without proactively helping the citizens of this country. They made very few arrests after the fact and high profile democrats bailed those domestic terrorist out. 700 cops blinded or wounded, any thing to say about the rhetoric that got them attacked ? It came from your side. Why should citizens care about the hacks in government now that spit in there faces. They went along with months of riots to keep their power and influence. Yesterday brought that trouble to the heart of their power that they love so much. Unanswered violence against innocent citizens and rampant big tech censorship is what created this division. All of it endorsed and lauded by the MSM and dnc which for all intents and purposes is the same thing. Many big tech executives are headed to the Biden administration just like FBI officials involved in russiagate fraud now work at major news outlets. Jefferson, Franklin and Addams were called bad Englishmen, and disloyal to the crown in their day.
Toh yes
And where was the coward who told this mob that he would walk with them? Hiding in his bunker.
Nursing his bone spurs and filling his yellow belly with junk food.
“Put away the MAGA flag”??????
Are you kidding???!!
They brought it to the party yesterday.
@Joshua Sweetvale Lett the black Alabama football players boycott participation in sport and Tommy Tuberville will be gone faster than Trump’s spray tan. Roll Tide. Roll on Tom.
@Joshua Sweetvale Whatever. It’s exhausting dealing with you people. I’m busy living a productive life. You might want to try it.
@Joshua Sweetvale four years ago
These MAGA people all mainly seem to be from the South, may be they should have stayed in Dixie.
“If you’re a decent American, put away your MAGA hat.”
Admiral, if these people were decent, they WOULDN’T BE Trump supporters!
@N so you are telling me you are inbred? Don’t worry it happens, not your fault. Blame your mum and brother, not your fault. Just let it go, I bet you can play the banjo well though. At least some good come out of it.
@PCBacklash _ your very welcome, glad I could help. Say hello to your uncle daddy for me, we used to be tight.
@David Colman It just is shocking that you people are even in here commenting at ALL after what took place yesterday!! Let me make something crystal clear to you!! After yesterday’s TREASONOUS ATTACKS,
never tell anyone you are a Trump supporter because, in case you haven’t clued in yet, YOU PEOPLE HAVE BECOME PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE
@N Dear don’t bother TRYING to reason with them there intelligence is the part that ran down their mommas leg and never made it to their brains , that’s WHY they’re Trump supporters and are dumb enough to ATTACK our own COUNTRY for a Con Man who cares nothing for them . Save your Breath and a possible Ulcer AND GOD BLESS YOU for
That’s right!