States Across U.S Continue To Break Coronavirus Records | MSNBC

As caseloads, death tolls and hospitalizations continue to rise across the country, President Trump wore a mask in public for the first time. Dr. Ebony Hilton, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Virginia and Co-founder and Medical Director of Goodstock Consulting joins MSNBC’s Joshua Johnson to discuss the latest.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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States Across U.S Continue To Break Coronavirus Records | MSNBC

States Across U.S Continue To Break Coronavirus Records | MSNBC


    1. ne0n….and this first wave is just getting warmed up. Once kids in school, football stadiums start filling up, and cooler weather sets in….we are going to be at another level of death and misery. We need FULL lockdowns reinstated before it is too late!


    3. @Pirate91
      Moron, why are spreading fear?

      COVID per country – per capita

      Media Lie # 1
      “Trump does nothing”

      Trumps Daily SARS-nCOV19 action plan and schedule

      Media Lie # 2
      “It’s not China”

      The SARS-nCOV-19 virus has been linked to wild bats, originating in the Wuhan province in China.
      Biologist have been reporting this for years. We need limited trade relations with counties (see China) that allow their population to eat uncooked wild monkey, rats, bats and exotic birds. These all carry flu viruses that have infected us for decades.


      Media Lie # 3
      “This is Trumps virus”

      17 years of Epidemics

      2003 – SARS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2006 – H5N1 Avian (bird flu)
      2009 – H1N1 Swine flu
      2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2014 – Ebola
      2016 – Zika virus
      2020 – nCoV 2019 novel coronavirus not seen in humans

      Media lie #4
      “Infection rates are out of control”

      Current status of SARS-nCov-19 in the United States

      Here’s Trumps daily schedule and SARS-nCOV19 action plan on line.

      Media Lie #5
      “Obama was competent and proactive on the H1N1 pandemic in 2009.”

      There were three epidemics during Obama’s tenure.

      2009 – H1N1 Swine flu (pandemic)
      2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2014 – Ebola

      How many died from Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009?
      203,000 +

      How many Americans died?
      12,500 – 30,000 +

      The swine-flu pandemic of 2009 may have killed up to 203,000 people worldwide—10 times higher than the first estimates based on the number of cases confirmed by lab tests, according to a new analysis by an international group of scientists. Nov 26, 2013

      CDC Source:

    1. @sal been Sal, nope, I am a registered Republican (since 1988) and consider myself as conservative, so I believe I have escaped your belief that I have “a mental disorder”. Now, help me understand just why do you believe anything the Trump says is true? I am referring to one of your previous comments about 99% of COVID-19 cases are considered harmless. You do know that is an out right lie, don’t you? So, why do you repeat another Trump lie?

    1. I think of disney cause it’s the only place in Florida that will really make you wear a mask 😂 it’s Sade but true the only strict place is theme parks

  1. So Disney and all the theme parks that are opening….shows you how much they care about the coronavirus. The greed for money supersedes all logic!

    1. Eric Rouse Yup, Trump in 2020 will be a period to completely forget in this country’s proud history.
      I cringe every time that uneducated moron spews vile propaganda.

    2. @birdlynn hubbard Fred Trump, Sr. was an out and out racist who was interested in the KKK more likely to join it. His son Trumppie is a chip off the old block – an out and out racist anti-Black, anti-Asian, and anti-Latino. That is why he said those guys from the Virginia Fascist Group marching there were really nice guys. Trumper is totally unbelievably racist to his core. His two sons are naturally chips off their dad`s block. Trump is only after the job tile and can`t stand the idea of losing even though he is 100% incompetent to do the job as President. He would act the same way if he was re-elected – never doing anything to help the situation in America.

    3. I guess the trip specials Disney has are great. They are once in a lifetime saving opportunities—your betting your life on it.

    1. @mksrookies idk what numbers you’re looking at. But sure, leave it to a racist pos like you to look into feelings rather than facts. #BLM always.

    1. @MrPurpleHoops – Logan LMFAO That insult.. so good I felt insulted. 🤣 If I can remember it, I will use it.

    2. @Elaine Walls Thanks, but I’m just making shiz up. My brain is wily. Have fun with the slang tho.

    3. @Elaine Walls But seriously dude, it ain’t my fault nobody will touch that senile Bob the builder wannabe.

    1. R Thomas He’s a psychopath. They’re selfish people that don’t even have feelings for anyone. He doesn’t care about family. He will actually have to be near death to understand his own ignorance.

    2. You mask messiahs need to stop believing the mask will cure everything! It won’t & the focus on masks is killing you!

    3. Sal The FACT is that suicides, car deaths, heart attacks, etc. are all counted separately and placed in their own category. When you compare the COVID 19 deaths and figure these are the number of deaths after only 7 months and the others are for an entire 12 months. COVID 19 will far exceed the other categories after 12 months. Arguing there is no problem is not going to make it go away.

    1. Maybe it will not only cure what physically ails us but might emotionally and financially help us like the way FDR put people back to work in the 1930s unlike Trumpsky in the 2020s.

  2. Total lack of leadership from tRump and one-term Ron (Desantis). Many more people will die that didn’t need to die. These knuckle dragging, corrupt leaders need to GO! VOTE!!!


  3. Trump in April: China tried to hide the extent of their outbreak. Bad China!!
    Trump in June: We need to slow or stop testing so the numbers don’t look so bad for me!

    1. @Whiten Lite For the third time, one party does a lot more of all those things than the other party. But that’s not enough to tell you that both parties are not the same, is it.

    2. @Shawn Carter Go and put your foil hat on, take your medication and go and lie down. Someone will be along to take you away soon.

    3. @surely you joke, mein failüre Of course that’s not enough. That wouldn’t be acceptable in any other situation. But I guess since the majority of the people apparently thinks similar to how you do, it’s no surprise that the standard of living has fallen significantly in the last 50 years. In most other first world countries this would be highly unacceptable. But let me try to apply your logic to one…. Well these both of these two people sexually assaulted someone, but one person isn’t that bad because he did it far less times. Oh… here’s another one. Well both these people are highly corrupted, but since 1 person has slightly fewer ticks on his record than other that makes them completely different people. I’m not sorry that I have a higher standard when it comes to voting. If the majority of the people did the U.S. wouldn’t be as bad off as it is right now.

    4. @Leonie Romanes Personally I don’t see the difference between the two major parties nominee, but more power to you I guess.

    1. @Richard Thomas Unfortunately, you are right on. Sad state of affairs. Trump said he wanted the virus to “wash over” the county, I guess that’s why he is so optimistic. It is. All the deaths are “acceptable losses” to keep the economy going.

    1. @ponypower8 It’s so refreshing that you acknowledged the fact that people can indeed be racist against whites too. Thank you. And I agree with you. It’ll be mostly white people.

    2. @T Electronix But he’s been “responsibly” putting other people lives at risk, so it’s OK.

    1. @Thomas Warden right now the average is under 50 years of age.
      Do a little more research
      18 to 35 years of age

    2. @Neil H.G. Never been My Friend !! No Interest in Disney !!! Im just a Country boy !!! But Ive done alot of Skinny Dippn with some of the Hottest Southern women u ever laid eys on !!!

    3. @William H democrats respect the freedom of choice. When were you pregnant and had to make a choice of continuing a pregnancy or choosing to abort? You have no idea the struggle a woman has to make. Let women decide what their bodies can handle just like you get to buy tons of viagra.

    1. Walter White -You are aware that air is comprised mostly of Nitrogen, right? BTW, Have you ever asked whether your surgeon or nurse could remove their mask, as they may not be getting sufficient oxygen? Masks are just safety equipment, like seatbelts. Buckle up and enjoy your short life.

    2. Walter White -Just curious..What methodology would you use to determine a real virus from a fake virus?

    3. And the worst president to tell American citizens during a pandemic it’s OK to go to bars and beaches again (without masks/social distancing), and/or to tell them if you drink Lysol or bleach it will “cure” Covid-19, and/or to call Covid-19 a racist name (Kung Flu), etc….

    4. Beware commenter “Walter White”, who’s been identified as a paid troll (some other commenter said this; not sure if it’s believable, but…). When people “reply” to his comments he gets paid for it! 🙁

    1. @mksrookies No they don’t. Clearly you don’t know the difference between private companies and government institutions. Private companies are under no obligation to allow your BS, snowflake.

    1. @Prince Groove: A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial, a denial
      A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial?

  4. The USA = We have to take this seriously. Duh , you think? Asian countries in February = This is serious and let’s do EVERYTHING we can do to control it

    1. When you say “The USA”, you’re really just talking about Trump–who didn’t even acknowledge Covid-19 was a serious problem until March (when it was already running wild in the US), and even after that just mocked it with racist taunts like “Kung Flu”. States and/or cites started reopening, people gathering in large groups (restaurants, beaches) without masks, etc.–thanks to Trump’s non-leadership. The US and Brazil (notably) have really let down their citizens with their “response” of denial combined with half-assed suggestions (in Trump’s case, drinking bleach or disinfectant to combat the virus). I think/hope/pray that Trump will be gone after the upcoming November elections, and his replacement (hopefully) will be able to clean up the awful mess Trump left behind (via a complete lockdown?), so the US can finally get healthy again. Then, we can ALL focus on the climate crisis of global warming… 🙁

  5. It is official. The USA is a 3rd world country.

    Only Brazil and Mexico come close equal Trump’s inept handling of covid-19.

    1. @s Also, it would tremendously if America had a President who would unite us all and work to get the needed medical and government personnel together to help the sick and dying instead of giving speeches designed to divide us along racial and political party lines in this President`s one-sided do-anything race to get re-elected as the President when he has DONE NOTHING TO ACTUALLY HELP US either because he really doesn`t care about anyone else except for him and maybe his family (Melania and their kid?) OR he frankly lacks the intelligence or ingenuity many Americans are equipped for to deal with multiple crises. THIS IS WHY TRUMPSKY PUTIN`S PUPPET IS “AFFECTIONATELY KNOWN AS AN INEPT ILLOGICAL ONLY INTERESTED IN HIS TITLE RATHER THAN TO USE HIS TITLE TO DO SOME ACTUAL WORK TO BRING THIS COUNTRY TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!)

    2. The same wish for you for getting rid of Jair, I am an expat living in Sao Paulo. Good luck Boa Sorte to us all!

  6. Trump’s “11th hour conversion” to wearing a face mask is simply TOO LITTLE and TOO LATE.

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