State Republican Leader Believes Capitol Attack By Trump Mob Is A Hoax | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares video of Republican Michigan State Senate Leader Mike Shirkey calling the riot at the Capitol a hoax that did not involve supporters of Donald Trump, another example of state Republicans not being able to move on from Trump's 2020 election loss. Aired on 02/10/2021.
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#StateRepublicanLeader #Trump #MSNBC

State Republican Leader Believes Capitol Attack By Trump Mob Is A Hoax | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. OMG – the intellectual standard of American politicians, particularly of the Republican Party, is absolutely dismal.

    1. There’s congress telling you how they get things done. According to studies from the nih our congress and senate are largely bought out by big pharmaceutical. So much so they gave them immunity from prosecution in 89 from all their lawsuits over deaths they were causing. Since then kids went from taking 11 vaccines by the time their 18 to between 50 and 70. That number is continuing to climb. They’re using the pandemic to add to it. They’ve done studies over the last 30 years proving 100 percent of people can want something. They only care about the 1%. Look up a documentary called the corporation to understand how this works on a larger scale.

    2. If you want to understand how these people think you need to watch that. They don’t know morality. They don’t care about the environment. They don’t care about blacks, or Mexicans. They only care about money.

    1. There’s congress telling you how they get things done. According to studies from the nih our congress and senate are largely bought out by big pharmaceutical. So much so they gave them immunity from prosecution in 89 from all their lawsuits over deaths they were causing. Since then kids went from taking 11 vaccines by the time their 18 to between 50 and 70. That number is continuing to climb. They’re using the pandemic to add to it. They’ve done studies over the last 30 years proving 100 percent of people can want something. They only care about the 1%. Look up a documentary called the corporation to understand how this works on a larger scale.

    2. @queen samara Msm says the allegation are baseless. This is simply not true. They say fraud is rare. They chested Ron Paul. He’s been in politics since around 1957. He’ll tell you that’s not true. If main stream politicians say it’s common, and the media is saying words like “baseless” when there are legitimate concerns you should try to see past your own biases to realize our elections are not secure. They haven’t been for a long time. That’s why one of Biden’s top appointees literally said they’re all staged in 2014. Because they are.

    3. The thought/idea that the country ever “needed” donnie to “make America great ” within any known context ; that is/was a hoax AND numerous individuals associated with that fraud are , were complicit in promoting it!!!!!!!!

  2. Another question…. how Is a hoax if we all witnessed his insanity we all heard what he was doing he knew exactly what he’s doing that’s not a hoax they need to shut the F up.😒

    1. Know I’m late with this but…

      Yeah one of the first GQP memo talking points about the insurrectionist, is that they were actually BLM and Antifa posing as trump cultist to… make trump look bad?

      The memo just says blame the evil leftist doesn’t have to list a reason for the cultist to believe it…

    1. @Susan C Diphtheria, polio, measles, flu,. scarlet fever , smallpox, typhoid, cholera, chicken pox, shingles, pneumonia, whooping cough, tuberculosis, tetanus, rabies, and .diseases and infections thst killed millions of children.
      We were the first to get the Salk vaccine. No one ever heard of autism. My son and I received every vaccine available and he’s just fine and alive.
      I believe in science. Interesting how Trump denied science but had absolutely no problem accepting scientific based medical care.

    2. @Mad Max. I really wish you ppl would leave Jesus out of this madness. You are either a hypocrite or very misguided in your walk with Christ. God doesn’t just care about abortions or homosexuality as you religious ppl continually harp about. Look at how you address the world as someone who stands for “Jesus.” You address them with hate and contempt. It’s easier for you to condemn them rather than explain John 3:16🤦🏾‍♀️. I’ll leave you with Matthew 7:1-2, or better yet read the whole chapter

    1. We are watching the Republican Party tear itself apart like an ouroboros. The traditional conservatives versus the Whackadoodle looney Trump cultists. Looking great for the Democrats for the next decade at least. The Republican Party will be split in two and unviable in any election.

  3. He only regrets that other people now know how exceptionally stupid he is. He need not worry. He’s got plenty company.

    1. He lies in his constituency, whilst trying to hide that from the nation. And they ask why WE can’t, “move on”??? Senator Shirkey needs to be put on the Witness Stand at trump’s trial! The reason for the Insurrection was the, “The Steal.” A seditious lie! Without that, they have NOTHING! The GOP will NOT risk a Perjury or Conspiracy charge on the stand, let alone a BILLION DOLLAR lawsuit, from Voting Machine Manufacturers! Explode the MYTH of, “the steal,” from the GOP’s own mouths! Let the cult SEE what they, “sacrificed,” their freedom and criminal records for!

    2. EXACTLY! You nailed it! “Oh crap! Now people know I am a moron! What do I do?” Just resign man, let someone else take the wheel.

  4. We all literally saw what happened. Over 200 of them were arrested and they’ve all said Trump told them to do it! Republicans are genuinely ruining this country by continuing to lie and gaslight!

    1. @MAGA 2020 if you don’t know, I’m happy to explain it to you and yes if you are a Maga supporter You are most likely harboring some racist views and sentiments about the ”others” coming or already living in America and if you can admit that, then it’s easy to know what I’m talking about..if not…we have to go back to 1865 and you will need the right books to learn what I know and why I made the statement. Once you have the knowledge it’s easy to see the truth if you can handle it🧐

    2. @KEVIN Barry Only clear to a moron, who knows nothing of the Republican party. Who wants to project what they want the republican party stands for to fit a narrative they tell themselves.

  5. I’m sure Shirkey still believes he wasn’t adopted and dropped on his head multiple times as a child…and on purpose. SMH

  6. Maybe the officers who were injured in the riot should start suing for damages. A few lawsuits might make it more real.

    1. @bthrashed Imagine having a productive and respectful debate between different viewpoints without resorting to hissy fits and name calling.

      I M A G I N E

    2. @JACCE B. Since you believe I can’t add why not. also include Trump first stimulus package of $1,200.00 to Joe Biden George campaign promises when he was already promising the $2,000.00 dollars stimulus package relief? 😬

    3. @smart knucklehead Maybe you should consider how long Trump had to get those $2000 check to you and why you ended up with just $600. Biden has only been president for 3 weeks. The republicans are the ones holding things up. Biden has had the $1400 checks in the works for all of those 3 weeks and once again the republicans are holding it up.

    4. I would sue,the guy saying it’s a hoax. Could you imagine the same people that stormed the Capitol, now will say it’s a hoax? Republicans are out of their Beyotch mind.

    5. @kerry nicholls I’m sure they care about losing an eye, or fingers or any of the other severe injuries 140 officers suffered.

    1. while all this is going we forgotten about Joe Biden lied while campaign in Georgia for Senator Jon Ossoff and Senator Rev. Raphael Warnock about Americans receiving immediately $2,000 relief checks. 😬

    2. @smart knucklehead Or could it be you are the only person so stupid he doesn’t know the relative importance of campaign promises and of sedition? Or shall we start with “Mexico will pay for the wall”? But – oh wait – you are just yet another short-lived Trump sock puppet – account created 5th Dec 2020.

    1. We as voters are so used to political corruption that we are not surprised by this level of Insanity.
      Catholic Corruption is making the USA just like Mexico.
      disgusting. mcg-truth blog GOPers (gaupers)

    2. because in order to get enough votes… they had to pull in the uninformed xenophobes that feel victimized… this is just the culmonation of that bond between corporatist big business republicans and ignorant white southern racists.

    1. I can’t believe you care, were you upset at the riots all summer? Those lasted 120 days, killed looted and burned all summer, where was your outrage then, or are you just another hypocrite?

    2. @TheHopetown I’m outraged by ALL of the violence throughout all the last 4 years, from the lies and misinformation. Regardless of who think who did or said what. People DIED AND ARE.STILL DYING Bcause PEOPLE in POWER Don’t CARE!!!! U can make this about party affiliation in that helps u sleep better that’s on U. 🙏😷✌

    3. U got a flag posted , did u serve and if so thank you 4 ur service, but if
      U believe what happened on Jan6 was OK!!!. Then U got LIFE and BS. .CONFUSED!!!

    1. @Billy Pardew Is that like the “Riddle of the Steel” or what? Arnold/Conan would be impressed anybody remembered.

    1. @Sheila Nixon If Republicans had accepted Obama’s win in November 2008 and worked with him instead scandalizing everything from spicy mustard to imaginary death panels, there never would have been a Trump presidency and they would be a viable party right now.

      At every fork they’ve taken the most disingenuous path and they’ve finally run out of road. From here on out that path they were walking is simply treason.

    2. @Sheila Nixon Of course, Sheila, but then Trump would already NOW be buried to the neck in civil and criminal lawsuits, where his good ‘friends’ wouldn’t be part of the jury. He chose to gamble Full Monty to avoid this fate. So now he seems to be a standard cornered rat – only another way around. 👍🐀😊🍿

    3. @Lodewijk Langeweg Fool. Anybody can write whatever garbage they want on Wikipedia. Get off the internet and take your meds.

    1. What us afflicting that man is a lapse of independent thinking due to a lack of morality and misplaced loyalty to a corrupt man who has corrupted and possibly destroyed a political party. He needs to retire.

    2. I’ve been alive long enough to know that there is neither a ceiling nor floor on human intelligence.

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