State Party Hung Up On Campaigns During Conference Call | MSNBC

NBC News reports that Iowa Democrats hung up on campaigns during a conference call intended for updates about results. Aired on 02/03/20.
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State Party Hung Up On Campaigns During Conference Call | MSNBC

State Party Hung Up On Campaigns During Conference Call | MSNBC


    1. Jeff Davis Yes, I followed it closely. All the emotions are totally overblown. That‘s just such a big deal now because of the media circus, and all the TV stations not knowing how to fill their time slots reserved for the event. But except for the media: having the results a day later – so what?

      Anyway it is perfectly clear that an untested piece of software will not work properly if not tested and improved repeatedly before real use. Have seen this a dozen times. The US should calm down a bit.

    1. @George Dunn it’s your party have in trouble Homeland Security just offered to help the DNC with their server and they rejected so who’s crooked here

    2. George you just keep following the Democratic party down these rabbit holes you have fun with that one day you’ll wake up and realize how misled you were

  1. Let’s not forget that in 2012, Iowa called Mitt the winner but 6 days later had to admit they were wrong and it was Santorum who actually won.
    So, tell me again…why do they keep getting the “honor” of going first? 🤔

    1. Yep, they screw Democrats and Republicans alike. And frankly, they don’t matter anymore to Republicans.

    2. Who cares who went first God you could count the votes for every one of them on one hand and still have a few fingers left. Haha Haha oh this is priceless. Lol

    3. @Ro G it adds more confusion to an already over complicated and outdated system. One thing that I agree with Warren is, this voting system has to be changed

  2. vote counting should have been done manually from the start. If Party leaders don’t grasp that computers and phones are not secure, then those leaders should retire in shame.

    1. @C 546799 yeah, that’s what is being reported, as well, Biden is also an investor in Shadow’s app, and he has requested the party delay revealing results. There are paper ballots, plus video, plus Bernie’s campaign also used their own app, so they an delay, but they are going to have to reveal, and Bernie’s results show he won by double digits, then Warren, then Mayor Pete and Biden in last.

    2. @Gwendolyn Williams
      Donald Trump has become the third president ever to be impeached, but he’s not too worried about it. And according to the polling, he need not be.

      Since the House deposed the most damning of witnesses in its impeachment investigation in October, Trump’s Gallup approval rating has risen by 10 points, from 39% to a personal record of 49%. And it seems that Gallup is no anomaly. In the past year, Trump’s approval average calculated by RealClearPolitics has increased from under 41% to around 45%. The last time his approval average performed this consistently well was during his first 100 days in office, a grace period artificially boosting the favorability of all presidents in recent history.

      Especially in partisan circles, one could be forgiven for believing that Trump is seeing a post-impeachment bump similar to that which President Bill Clinton experienced more than two decades ago.

      But that’s not all. The low turnout at last night’s disastrous Iowa Democratic caucuses illustrates that impeachment, as an important event, is really just a media creation. Voters care more about Trump’s extraordinary successes than they do about the sideshow in the Senate chamber.

  3. Establishment Democrats trying to control the outcome of the first caucus, can’t handle the fact that Bernie is the candidate of the people.

    1. @Tyler Maugle tired of typing out the same thought on messages that clearly are trying to ferment divisiveness among democrats

  4. Terminate everyone in the Iowa Democratic party in charge of this process. I know, how bout an investigation. Better yet, Iowa doesn’t get to go first anymore! We are sick of this malarkey!

    1. @South London Metal Detector no, they will blame Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Who cares if his supporters are working class Americans! They haven’t mattered in decades

  5. Rachel, you are one of the few journalist I trust. I don’t trust MSNBC, but I trust YOU. You’ve got to follow this. The DNC is up to something here. This STINKS!! 😠

    1. Do you trust because of he 7 figure salary? I can’t stand her lying corporate media face. Russia! Russia! Russia!

    2. @juicer67 I live in the Seattle area and I’m sick of subsiding Billionaires with my sales tax pennies. Moving to Oregon

    1. @Patrick Peterson
      Amen Pat,
      Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but……..sometimes the people in the Permanent Political Class consider the man or woman chosen by the people to be mere ‘Christmas Help’ and what about the machinations within the bowels of the FBI regarding the FISA mess?

      From where I sit it looks like high ranking members of the CIA/FBI/NSA and the State Dept were/are trying to stage a coup. Should we ignore it?

    2. It was the Iowa democrat party that chose this app.  Even DHS offered to vet this app and was declined…intentional maybe?  Either way, the caucus goers can’t be too excited…corruption vs incompetence, or both!

    3. @Drew Vanheistel Now, Now……TDS is a very painful disease. Let us all pray for them.


    1. @Fair Dinkum It’s not dementia, really. Russians discovered microwaves and imposed it upon it’s people. This way, indoctrination of communism was made easy. Microwaves was used to send signals from a stationary station. It was simpler to communicate and manipulate the entire population. 1953, they begin using it in the USA. However, Trump was born with it. I’m trying to figure out if it was implanted in him and how. Resently, I have learned that the human body does have a magnetic net covering the whole body containing crystals. This make possible the resonance of sound, and registration resembling a phone. Someone may have infected Trump at birth. People who contact Trump is able to hear manipulating indoctrination; therefore, it’s.easy to follow him and manipulate Trump to its own end. Americans understand it as Mental Health issues.

      Please forward this.

    2. @THE COLD TRUTH HURTS BUT IT’S THE TRUTHIt’s not dementia, really. Russians discovered microwaves and imposed it upon it’s people. This way, indoctrination of communism was made easy. Microwaves was used to send signals from a stationary station. It was simpler to communicate and manipulate the entire population. 1953, they begin using it in the USA. However, Trump was born with it. I’m trying to figure out if it was implanted in him and how. Resently, I have learned that the human body does have a magnetic net covering the whole body containing crystals. This make possible the resonance of sound, and registration resembling a phone. Someone may have infected Trump at birth. People who contact Trump is able to hear manipulating indoctrination; therefore, it’s.easy to follow him and manipulate Trump to its own end. Americans understand it as Mental Health issues.

      Please forward this.

    3. @Fair Dinkum

      I believe in genetics. Do you believe in genetics? Long ago, the people in GB that had a deep desire to be free moved to the New World. The oxen and the oxen-minded serfs like you they left behind.

      In 1775 no-nothings like you in GB laughed at the upstart farmers in the colonies.
      In 1776 the laughter stopped.

  6. Get rid of this outdated system. It’s a National Election! End all primaries, have 1 vote, all 50 States, middle of December, for President. This Primary crap is a fertile breeding ground for corruption. One Man/Woman, one vote!

  7. In the DNC’s defense, salting the Earth is an age-old tactic when one loses badly. Or is trying to undermine somebody else’s victory.

  8. It’s all going to be rigged, doesn’t matter what we do or whose doing the counting.. Trump and the Republicans will be taking care of the results..

  9. Democrats – we have the policies that people want and deserve, but our gross incompetence just bumbles everything.

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