‘State of shock’: Former Putin aide on Russian political system

Abbas Gallyamov, who was a speechwriter for Russian president Vladimir Putin, predicts Russia's elites will begin looking to replace Putin within the next several months. #CNN #News


    1. @ilm As much as people attack defense contractors, often for valid reasons, they’ve played a vital role to our country’s economy — and its survival. It’s as if some folks never heard of World War II.

      Plus, Raytheon invented the microwave. So there’s that.

    1. ” If men hold a rational philosophy, including the conviction that they possess free will, the image of a hero guides and inspires them. ”
      -Ayn Rand-

    1. @Игорь Glory to looters and child rapists? I don’t think so. So you admit that Putin has brought back the Soviet Union?

    2. It would be better if the Russians put him on trial themselves and locked him up for the rest of his life! He’d be so humiliated. This is the only way Russia can ever regain any respect from the world

    1. ” Capitalism leaves men free for self-defense , but gives no one the political means to initiate force or war . ”
      -Ayn Rand-

    2. offer Putin to leave Ukraine including the 2 break always and he can keep Crimea!!!! promise to treat the break always well for BS media in Russia.. if Putin dose not stop he may lose Crimea

    1. ” In fact, the private hoodlum has a slight edge of moral superiority [ over totalitarian governments ]: He has no power to devastate an entire nation and his victims are not legally disarmed . ”
      _Ayn Rand-

  1. Amazing to see Zelenski seemingly not saluting this commander but instead shaking his hand and giving a friendly hug with a benign smile from the officer in return. Truly human and expressing a leveled playing field indeed. Sheer beauty whatever anyone might say!

    1. @TheLumberjack1987   Well, you should be thanking Putin for his lengthy tables shouldn’t you; you now have some work…..lol….lol…If it weren’t for Putin’s tables, and with the type of intellect you possess, you’d be cleaning sewers….lol…lol

  2. I love the humor and determination of Ukrainians in these hard times. It’s sad that they understand the the west might “loose interest”. Dear Ukrainians, I have NO PROBLEM “suffering” high energy prices when the alternative is seeing Ukrainians suffer in blood. 100% support to Ukraine from Sweden 🕊️🇸🇪❤️🇺🇦

    1. @Sirsmokalot So what you’re saying is that Ukraine doesn’t have the right to defend itself or it’s territory?

    2. @Alistair Wardill well for the citizens yes 100% should have surrendered for the women and children it’s a losing battle to begin with very irresponsible of their president heroism and pride and for what millions without a home

    3. @Sirsmirkalot.. Stop talking crap about Zelensky, he is a phenomenal leader..& Putin needs to be replaced by somebody a hell of a lot better like Alexei Navalny.

    1. That’s because he’s a dictator who held onto power by force and evoking fear (not through the democratic vote of people’s love)

  3. What negotiation is there when a criminal breaks into your home shoots half your family and claims the home is his now?
    There is no negotiating in a case like this.

    1. @swaghauler Yes, mostly true. The Brits had reneged on an earlier promise to give the territory to the Jews (Balfour Declaration, 1917) and also reneged on their promise to give the Arab nationalists a united country covering most of the Middle East. Then, in the 1940’s, Jewish nationalists pursued a campaign of terrorism against the British, who finally had enough and cut their losses in 1948, leaving the Arabs and the Jews to fight it out for themselves.

  4. Basically Russia has received a field demonstration of NATO hardware and tactics and they are starting to come to grips with the fact that they are basically screwed

    1. @TheLumberjack1987 Ha, ha!

      That’s Right! 🙂

      But, what’s your Opinion?–how many U.S. Military Experts/Advisors are there in Ukraine, right now, helping guide the Ukrainian Side???

      (These “Advisors” can be both either sent covertly or overtly by our USA Government, or there on their own.)



  5. zelensky was the right man for the right job at the right time, he rose to the occasion to lead his people into war and all of ukraine rallied around him.
    his single act of refusing to leave his people when the russians we at the gates of kiev and all military experts only gave ukraine less than a week before zelensky was killed or taken back to russia in chains and paraded on russian tv as a trophy.
    he either had an unreasonable faith in his people or the idea of fleeing ukraine for safety abroad was so abhorrent to him he preferred death or captivity, but ukrainians after 2014 had been training and preparing for this exact occasion and even when it all seemed lost, and the russians had control of the airport, russian planes were attempting to land thousands of crack paratroopers to flood kiev and take control and install a puppet government that would be controlled by moscow, the ukrainians attacked and the planes noticed the fighting and aborted the landing.
    they secured the airport and foiled the russians three day lightning war plans, they had no plan “b” and ukraine gained time to organize there defenses.
    but this was all possible because zelensky refused to flee to safety and requested more weapons and ammunition for his fighters, had he fled to safety the russians would have probably captured the air port and flew in thousands of crack paratroopers and installed a puppet govenment, all that would have been left to do was mop up fragment disorganized and isolated pockets of ukrainian resistance.
    the whole of ukraine rallied around zelensky and stared to believe they could defeat the invaders, in towns and cities people got together as a community and made Molotov cocktails together and sang patriotic songs and became a unified nation under the war effort, the Molotov cocktails would have been useless against bullets and tanks but the community spirit that arose was more valuable.

    1. he is great and the man the people need… i like him so much i pray to god he leaves power when Ukraine wins.. people “to good to be true” sadly often end up going bad

  6. Imagine the contrast of morale as a soldier on each side:
    Ukraine: Fight to protect your county’s people and freedom
    Russia: Fight to protect Putin’s political career 🤡

    1. @desfletc Correct!

      Zelensky has Already said:

      “We’re Not Stopping Until We get Everything back–Crimea, Donbas, etc.–EVERYTHING! 🙂

  7. Zelensky is the best president I saw in my life and the most courageous politician in the world ! While Putin is hidden at all time in the bottom of Russia and suspects everybody, this man is on the front line with his soldiers ! I would be proud to have a president like him also in my country ! Ukraine must be such a proud nation !

  8. Truly fascinating how the world continues to grow respect and admiration towards Zelenski and the Ukrainian people, while also growing disgust and disappointment towards the cowardly posture of the majority of Russians who have supported Putin’s inhumane and brutal invasion of Ukraine.

    1. Citizens of Russia have to believe in the leadership, otherwise, if they contradict or criticise, they’ll find themselves in jail.

    2. I was impressed with ZeIensky the same week Russia invaded. It took extreme bravery to fiIm in the street and say come and get us, we are not afraid.

  9. It must be a huge morale boost to see your President near the front lines. Getting a handshake and hug nonetheless. Amazing!

    1. offer Putin to leave Ukraine including the 2 break always and he can keep Crimea!!!! promise to treat the break always well for BS media in Russia.. if Putin dose not stop he may lose Crimea

    2. @John Huxley NO DEAL!! 🙂

      Zelensky already said: “We’re Not Stopping Until We Get Crimea And ALL of Donbas, etc., Back Under Ukrainian Control!!

      “EVERYTHING!!” 🙂

  10. Disgusting to hear that they are in “shock” about loosing rather than living in a country committing war crimes.

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