The Iowa Democratic Party released another statement on delayed results: "We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results … The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will simply take time to further report the results." Aired on 02/03/20.
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State Democratic Party Finds 'Inconsistencies' In Reporting Of Caucus Results | MSNBC
Here we go, we the people. Take notes on this and fight harder.
Trump claims victory in Iowa,how many lies.I honestly did not know he was allowed to contest our elections .
@des beinke Bernie’s got this. At this point onward, it’s temper tantrums cross country. Don’t worry about Trump. He’s “competing” alone. (Which pretty much is bad news for the GOPcult but the whigs stopped being a party too, so….)
And these idiots want to run the country.@TheAileZX2
“Inconsistencies” as in the corrupt DNC’s preferred candidate isn’t leading.
The DNC has nothing whatsoever to do with the caucuses. The DNC does not run any elections or control any voters’ hands.
@Jordan – I have an idea, lets spend 20 million dollars and 2 years of our top agencies investigating the matter. That definitely won’t be a complete waste of time and taxpayer money, right?
DNC leaders arrested:
Absolutely! Bernie2020 or 3rd party! Bernie2020!!!

omi god yes. We know. And Epstein committed suicide. Got it.
sounds like corruption
Absolutely! Bernie or 3rd party! Bernie2020!!!

No, it sounds like the software was not tested well enough. Why look for a conspiracy when it was obviously bad beta testing.
@Deborah Freedman
Turns out ruth and deborah are full of sh!t
In other words, Bernie won, Biden lost – and the DNC is trying to figure out what went wrong.
@DoppelCooper 1st time trump was scared. Second time trump knows benie is a PROVEN failed leader. He got cheated and came back for more.. with no new ways to protect himself or his voters will. He endorsed Hillary and the DNC didnt change. Superdelegates will still pick who they are told
@galaxy s it’s intellectually lazy to have that take on what happened in 16. Bernie was legally obligated to back the nominee bc of the party shenanigans. He’s not a billionaire oligarch that can just buy off the corrupt party bosses like Trump did and Bloomberg is currently in the act of. This is all pretty obvious stuff for those who can think critically.
@DoppelCooper what?
@galaxy s CRITICAL THINKING google it.
This just sounds like Hillary didn’t meet her meddling deadline and didn’t get it done on time
Long story short, someone beside Biden is leading and DNC needs time to fudge the numbers.
DNC failed Math 8 !
The DNC does not run the caucuses.
The DNC knew with high certainty that Bernie would win tonight, so delaying the results tonight that Bernie had won in a big way was the best that the DNC could do to dampen the boost Bernie would have gotten. When it gets hot and heavy in Vermont, the fact that Bernie had won will have much less of a beneficial effect on his campaign. This smells so rotten with the stench of DNC rigging, as in 2016. The DNC, and their media cohorts, will not allow any threat to their status quo lock on power to exist.
Bull! This is not the first time software was not tested well enough. That’s all it was. Insufficiently tested software.
BERNIE won! Hillary & Obama are triyng to cheat again …. this time they want Joe biden to win which most believe lost really bad tonight
In all likelihood, Biden came in at fourth place in Iowa. They’re totally panicking about it.
Looks like the corrupt DNC is attempting to derail Bernie Sanders again
DNC vote Michael Avenatti 2020 Restore Integrity
@loyalzerg the oppressed people of Venezuela will sure let you know it is.
@omi god oh stop defending the indefensible. Your party rigged the 2016 primaries against Bernie.
Here learn something:
Bernie won so hard that they’re rigging the results to make it look like the others had at least respectable showings, which they did not.
Hoodilydaddle Exactly whats happening!
Bernie was leading in some precincts, and didn’t even qualify in others. We won’t know until the official count is released.
Absolutely!!! Bernie2020 or 3rd party! Bernie2020!!!

They’re doing “quality control.” In other words, they’re trying to rig the results in Biden’s favor because too many people voted for Bernie.
People wrote in Trumps name , and he won lol
@Dusty Nickels Right – so Bernie, not Biden, who’s brain melts whenever a camera hits “Record”
Haha that’s tough lol
@Dusty Nickels Bernie is the most viable candidate to defeat Trump.
Absolutely!!! Bernie Sanders supporters showed up & showed out!!! Now the DNC is probably wiping out their votes. Bernie or 3rd party! Bernie2020!!!

And the Democratic cheating has started.
They delayed the results to minimize Bernie’s win in Iowa, so it has less impact and fewer people see it
trugangsta4real I hope it turns into the streissand effect and even more people get informed.
how will less people see it? every spotlight is on Iowa now to see the results.
@trugangsta4real didn’t the estatus quote prefered Killary, I mean, Hillary over Trump?
Wellwellwell. This is the way I want to see the Socialist Democrat Party. Fight fighy fight. Muttley the dog laugh for you all.
@OrishangO ! Of course they did
Bernie was leading, until Hillary started giving people threatening glances. Now there are “inconsistencies.”
This isn’t America but a circus, clown car and jokers… .. .
Crazy how as soon as the DNC’s favorite candidate isn’t getting good results all of the votes just magically disappear
The DNC has nothing to do with how the caucuses are run.
@omi god Sure…Until you know, we got the information that a Super PAC hired the company named “Shadow” LITERALLY….And Pete chipped in. Sound shady.
@omi god So you really think the DNC has no relationship to the Iowa Democratic Party, the folks actually running the vote. Got it.
Absolutely!!! I’m willing to bet my Life savings that Bernie Sanders actually mopped the floor with all the ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATES Now the DNC is probably wiping out the Bernie votes as we speak! Bernie or 3rd party! Bernie2020!!!

Democrats always find “inconsistencies” when they lose, never when they win.
Yeah…Bernie was polling high at the early precincts: “inconsistent” with what the DNC wanted to report.
“Inconsistencies” meaning the vote goes against the narrative
that’s like saying there are ‘inconsistencies’ with Hillary Clinton…
She still owns the DNC…. she bought it back in 2016
All this crap is to get her back into the race….