1. 😂 so true. Animals are just as afraid of us as we are of them. Perhaps more-so. We are the deadliest animals on the planet. We don’t just kill for food, we kill for sport or to create new habitat. If we were a food source for any creature, that animal would be wiped off the face of the earth.

    2. Bear: “Oh no, I got caught dumpster diving! This is so embarrassing, I better scram before someone recognizes me…”

    3. ​@Semechki for Putin Heh, yeah, maybe the bear ran because it was afraid it was gonna get detention

  1. Running away might’ve been the worst possible response on his part. He got very lucky that it didn’t decide to chase him because he looked like escaping prey

    1. Thank you for your wildlife expertise, but those are black bears, and they don’t have a habit of chasing down people. Not giving them room to run out of the dumpster on the other hand, is absolutely terrible advice to recommend.

    2. That’s not black bear behavior. Don’t assume that what you learned about big cats applies across the board to all large predators. Bears don’t determine what to chase based on what runs away, as they’re not built for high speed chases in general.

    3. all animals run away when startled like that, including that bear. though in general, the rule with dangerous animals is that it’s fine to back away, even quite quickly, the key is just to not turn your back to them. moving away not too slowly while facing them universally communicates deescalation, but does not look like weakness (though it does signal that you do not claim that area and cede it to the animal). all sorts of animals back away from potential fights like that, even from weaker animals that they just don’t want to bother with, and it happens in all sorts of interspecies encounters. most animals avoid fights in most cases.

  2. They are friendly to humans if you dont pose a threat folks, especially here on the East Coast.

    1. That’s like saying a gang member that doesn’t shoot you dead just for walking past him in a store is friendly.

    2. @brunetteordie Wrong again. You have to be doing something seriously wrong to warrant a black bear attack.

    3. ​@Thiosemicarbizide Benzoyl Alcohol They can be hungry, rabid or you could always through no fault of your own find yourself between a momma and cub that wandered off.

    4. I don’t know if I’d say friendly. More like less aggressive but still worthy of caution and respect

  3. Every few years we get an adolescent black bear in our neighborhood raiding trash cans. They migrate along big power lines paths. Most of them are just as afraid of us as we are of them. One family left the garage door open and they found a bear raiding the bird food sacks.

  4. Joel is a great human being! I am so happy for him. This should have been his 2nd MVP but he will win this again.

  5. At the end he said “no one was scared..”. Took me a minute to realize he was talking about the kids! What a selfless man!

  6. Brilliance is often shocking- that bear was a master of breaking – entering and hiding. Beyond elementary level

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