Stacey Abrams Explains GOP ‘Shenanigans’ Used To Disenfranchise ‘Inactive’ Voters | All In | MSNBC

“The shenanigans used not simply to disenfranchise those who are active voters, but the way they try to dissuade and discourage those who may have chosen not to vote in recent elections,” says Stacey Abrams, “So they actually get moved out of the conversation altogether.” Aired on 8/6/2020.
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Stacey Abrams Explains GOP ‘Shenanigans’ Used To Disenfranchise ‘Inactive’ Voters | All In | MSNBC

Stacey Abrams Explains GOP ‘Shenanigans’ Used To Disenfranchise ‘Inactive’ Voters | All In | MSNBC


  1. I have a lot of respect for Ms Abrams and I would be thrilled to see her as Biden’s VP then run for President in 2024.

    1. @Ariki Royal That’s negative same ole garbage talk OK .

      Just because Joe Biden is an older centerist , doesn’t mean he doesn’t know which way the wind blows .
      Joe Bidens Tax proposal is even more Progresive than what Sanders wanted & a sign of where the party is heading .
      Negative ( non voter garbage talk ignores how far to the left our party has now moved & if younger people would just get off of the ALL OR NOTHING 🤣 Platform , We could finally reverse the Plutocracy of the GOP & Move Forward !!!!!!

    2. @Leo buddy ploutocracy is on both side, don’t be naive. My friend if Biden is elected, I bet that he won’t do it, neither democratic congress.

    3. Dan Jones Never. Nick Pacilio (puppet of Camel Harris) of Twitter bans Trump🇺🇸 but not corrupt China🤪🇨🇳 Time to BAN Twitter! Amazing, from Holland 🇱🇺 with love, Your POTUS 🇺🇸 is confronting AND handling (because he is always part of the solution, seldom part of the problem as the dRATS 💸😡 are 24/7)! What a hero; Zachary Vorhies released hundreds of documents that reveal controlfreak commie Google’s news BLACKLIST, “human raters,” and the corruption👹 and lies of the world’s most powerful company. TX to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas🤪 and Tom Fitton! All blessings to you, heros! Attack with your general POTUS the Big Enemies ‼️ of the people: a). Big Pharma b). digital Big ‘Brother’: Amazone, Apple, Twitter, Goolag and YouTube, etc. c). Big Fed and their dictatorial Central Bank(s) d). Big Fake Media (CNN, MSNBC, NYSlimes, WashCompost, AP, Times, Fb, Snoopes etc etc) e). Rulers of nonsense Regulations and laws against biz, churches, schools f). Big Unfair Deals – China 👹 and their stealing and cheating commie policies, (UN)ESCO, Nafta, etc. g). Big Pedo Networks 🐽 (Podesta, Clinton, Weiner & Hollywood, Vatican, and Deep Swamp State h). Big Intelligence Traiters Mafia of the top CIA, FBI i). Big International Evil; Commie China/Korea, Iran, Syria, the Bilderbergers and Soros, Skull&Bones, Masonry, j). Big Anti-Christian persecution for millions all over the world ✝️ ‘Resist the devil’, James4:7.

  2. Daily Reminder: Trump called Covid-19 a Democrat hoax that will magically disappear.
    The Republican party went extinct in 2016. The Trumpanzee party goes extinct in 2020.
    Biden For President 2020

  3. A true American woman. Respect. She is agueably the most important woman in America. We need more like her. Please don’t let them murder her.

  4. Listen to Stacy. Make sure you vote starting in Sept. completely fill out, and mail in your ballot early. You may not get another chance if you don’t.

    1. Be prepared for the civil war you f demorats think you’re hey are going to steal the election. You do have a good selection of guns right??

  5. DESPERATE DON IS DOING HIS WORST TO SABOTAGE THE ELECTION! He does it in various ways: unsuccessfully attempting to delay the election; repeatedly undermining public trust in the election process by falsely claiming that it’s rigged; falsely claiming that the tried-and-true practice of mail voting results in millions of fraudulent votes, except in “Red” States; undermining the USPS and claiming that it’s unable to handle a large volume of mailed votes. Trump’s efforts to delegitimize the election are unconditionally enabled by his FAKE-GOP turncoats. Fair and free elections are the foundation of a genuine democracy; if the American people lose trust in the election process the USA shall become a failed democracy. AMERICAN DEMOCRACY IS UNDER ATTACK BY TRUMP, THE FAKE-GOP, AND PUTIN!

  6. Good for you Stacy !
    Nothing could be more important in this country.
    The GOP 🚽 PARTY & Trump have turned 30 % of us into Zombie SLAVES living in an alternative reality world , but back in the real world WAY TOO MANY of the people ( Younger people especially ) listen to Frauds like Jimmy Dore who tell Progresive People to ignore All the progress we have made & just stay home ??
    VOTE BLUE & TOGETHER WE WILL FLIP THE SENATE & Put on back on the road towards Democracy !!!

  7. Trump’s strategy in November, and the strategy that’s he’s used throughout his life : CHEAT AND LIE.

  8. You guys have a very weird system. In Australia, once one turns 18 they apply to be on the electoral roll. Once there, one is there for life. The only information required is name, date of birth, residential address, as long as one meets the criteria for eligibility. There is no attention paid to which political party one may support and such information is not required. No such thing as active or inactive voter. One big difference also, is in Australia, it is not so much and individuals right to vote should they choose, voting is compulsory.

  9. “My parents would take us to protests, but they would also take us to go vote with them to cast their ballots. They wanted us to understand that both are necessary. One is about demanding what you need, and the second is about ensuring that we get it. If you don’t put those two pieces together, wrong will win.”

    This should be on billboards all across the country.

  10. Love you Stacy Abrams! If Biden doesn’t pick you as vp, I hope he puts you in his administration!

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