Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) gives an update on the dam that broke in Midland, Michigan and who should be held responsible. She said, “I hope the company is going to be held … liable to for this. They had plenty of warnings.” Aired on 05/21/2020.
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Stabenow On Dam Break In MI: 'I Hope The Company Is Going To Be Held Liable' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
I see t’rump’s Infrastructure plans have gone well since he got elected.
Mexico’s paying for it.
It’s someone else’s fault. It’s gotta be. It’s totally a fluke that everything he touches turns to crap…and all his people get stuck in jail…
Trump has no heart. He has no compassion. He only has an assumption of powers he doesn’t have. He has nothing else. He is incapable of dealing with anyone and should be locked up in an asylum as the dangerous mental defect that he is.
It’s totally disquisting seeing all those brain dead Trump supporters outside the Ford Rawsonville plant.
I guess they will still support Trump if he turns out to be the Devil, himself!
he has no coincence! 
sent my vote for Biden yesterday in the Mail!
The state was warned these dams could break. The governor chose to do nothing.
@Charles Lewis Maybe so, but neither your nor I were there, and dealing with the problems. You also don’t know that the Governor did nothing. Governing is never as simple as that. The damns were privately run and according to what I have heard about it the company let them deteriorate, and mismanaged them. Besides I get the feeling that no matter what the government in Michigan did it wouldn’t be enough for you.
Jeez…I’m so sorry to see this.
The only person thumper hurts by not giving federal aid is the voters who WILL remember that.
Can you say Blackmail
No favors here.
Trump is doing to the people of Michigan what he did to the people of Ukraine. That’s the lesson Susan Collins taught Donald Trump.
Wow thTs sad and the dumb orange
guy coming to visit and dangle help he is garbage
Well, I’m certainly glad infrastructure week is on the horizon.
Donny boy came to a Ford plant in Michigan today…. he left but his stench still lingers
God Bless Michigan!

Perhaps another few dozens of F35 will fix this kind of problem
Would anyone even be surprised if Trump said he was gonna nuke Michigan?
” If, you don`t do what I say No Money for you…” We know the Voters heard that…
Is this what happens when we “roll back regulations?” Cuz it seems like exactly what happens when companies have no guiderails.
Curious timing
dis-invite him. if he turns up anyway arrest him for trespass…
Humm, the do me a favor though president wants MI to do him a favor And They should, by voting for Biden. Relieve trump of these responsibilities, he has no clue when it comes to being a leader.