Reacting to the death of Daunte Wright in Minnesota, St. Louis’ first Black female mayor, Tishaura Jones, says she’s had “the talk” about police encounters with her 13-year old son. “As a mother of a Black son, I know all too often how fearful mothers can be when their sons leave their house.” Aired on 04/14/2021.
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#DaunteWright #TishauraJones #MSNBC
St. Louis Mayor-Elect Reflects On Similarities Between Brooklyn Center And Ferguson In 2014
Their going to have to take the guns away from the cops and just let them have billy clubs like in London!
Nothey have guns they just dont shoot theyre drunken weapon wielding people or the subject traffic stops
@Protoman#482 what you said absolutely makes no sense.
@Protoman#482 are you trying to say that guns do nothing? Only the crazy person behind the gun with the finger on the trigger is the problem?
@Protoman#482 nope, only specially trained UK police are able to carry guns of any sort! There are guns around, however nothing like you Americans have to put up with! And policeing methods are very, very different btw
Yeah, our most violent sector at 14% would just love the
PO-lice be unarmed. Mo free shopping, comin’ right up!
Black Lives Matter
Please explain that to the Gangster Disciples, Black P Stones, and all the other gangs in Chicago, they desperately need to know that Black lives matter. LMFAO!
Over 800 shot since January there this year
@The Alpengeist So your response to someone showing solidarity due to the situation is to bring up something unrelated and point to it and laugh? What a miserable turd you are.
The life of every person regardless of race matters.
Your son is very much not safe.. I highly doubt that every cop there is going to recognize him as the mayor’s son.
I’m so grateful St. Louis has elected a Black mayor. Thank you for this interview. However, MSNBC please be mindful of your viewers who are sensitive to looking directly at flashing lights. This was difficult to watch because of that. Thanks.
Just because he is black makes him a good mayor of St. Louis?
St.Louis great town with alot of history the Gateway to the west is a town that’s has deep rooted traditions and a great ball club a smart fan base knowledge of the game !
brilliantly said, ty both. my son was 6.
Nah.just black guys doing black guy things.
Police and gun reform must happen together, every gun should be registered to a certified owner.
If you need an AR-15 to shoot a deer then you need to stop hunting and get directions to the local Kroger.
@Glock Man who wants mangled cuts of meat
@Mark Scott I asked you how, just admit if you can’t answer.
@Glock Man cuz they would rattle around the body ar rounds are extremely powerful
@Mark Scott wrong, some states still outlaw then for deer hunting not because they are powerfull but because they are not powerful enough to take a deer down. .30-06 most would say is the norm for deer hunting is way more powerful.
Now ammo manufacturers are making a more powerful load for deer hunting.
But when you say because it’s so powerful it’s totally opposite.
Google is your friend it will take 30 seconds to show you are wrong.
@Glock Man deer isn’t the only animal u can hunt ,
Michael Brown was another dangerous thug.
Seems to me, the dangerous thugs are the ones with the guns and the badges.
@Wesley Fulton That only because you a dangerous thug. Call yo gang banger
brudda boy next time you mugged, homie. See how dat all work out.
Shouldn’t she spend more time worrying about all the crime and violence in her own city? Why isn’t she honoring David Dorn, a black man who got killed when he tried to protect businesses from being looted. Why isn’t anybody saying his name?
America, time and again over the centuries, you have shown the world that Unity wins over hate, over separation, over fear, as we “Form a more Perfect Union.”
I haven’t heard one Democrat official talk about what could happen if you resist arrest and that charges are challenged in the courthouse. There is a 99% chance your son will be safe if he doesn’t resist arrest and a 50% chance he will be safe if he resist arrest. Choose your message wisely.
We will never hear from a Democrat who brings law and order to the conversation. They all live in their emotional center in their small ‘warm fuzzy, touchy feelie’ world with their heads looking out their own navels. Look at every Democrat run city. They are in ashes and the dumas Mayors can’t figure out that the animals rampaging at night are the cause. It’s like they’re all living in a Lewis Carroll book! Never seen a weirder time in America.
Transform the police not the culture?
How smart is it that people burn their own neighborhoods and businesses.
This lady knows nothing about deer hunting.
Shes wicked hot.
It’s crazy to me how strong she promote single motherhood. She claimed to co parent well with her son’s father yet she’s the one teaching her son how to react to the police alone? Why not acknowledge Daunte Wright’s father and his pain of losing his son like you did for the mother?
I judge mayors based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Michael Brown was a really bad guy though.