The Sports Bra in Portland, Oregon features gender-neutral bathrooms, memorabilia dedicated to female teams and athletes and vegan options.
RELATED: Fisk University's first-ever women's gymnastics practice goes viral | USA TODAY
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#portland #pdx #sportsbar
And when the cameras aren’t there… the place is empty
Yes! Hope we get more like this
No U don’t
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My name -Md.rasel.
Please 1 USA job give “
Greetings from Iraq
It’ll never be that full again. lol. At the end of the day, women don’t watch womens sports nearly as much as mens watch mens sports.
Brilliant interview fantastic lesbian bartender great lesbian interview lesbian bars are not new maybe a lesbian sports bar is new now let’s take it to stage 2 the transgender bar for the transgender sports bar brilliant let’s have the transgender sports bar also gay bars gay men bars are a dozen is there a specifically gay man’s sports bar I think it would be brilliant and there should be one
lmao Oregon is a joke
Not many lesbian bars around so it’s cool to see one.
No thanks
Being from another country and moving to Portland I can say the hypocrisy is hilarious out here. Imagine a man opened a bar with the premise that he would only play men’s sports? Sound like an inclusive environment? It’s like this Hispanic girl I met here and tried to talk out of love about the state of the country, and how we need to unite more. She told me I don’t understand what I’m talking about because of my white male privilege. Imagine I judged her and decided she doesn’t understand things because she’s Hispanic and a women? So many racist sexist people out here but they don’t even understand they are racist and sexist. They think they’re something special for their racist sexist stances. It’s very strange. This bar is no exception.