1. @Justin Case people who vote tru p tend to be arrogant ,close minded , every trump supporter is a Know it all and are over confident

    1. @Sierra Guru how dare you said that about fearless leader!! Don’t you know that he’s a “stable genius”!! He knows more about everything than anyone in history!!

    2. I have heard that child rapist democrats have publicly accused Trump of creating the corona virus, but I simply cannot find in search? Does someone have a link to it?

    3. @democrats are pedos Don Junior and Mike Flynn’s kids are still working on that one. Just setup a Google alert for “batshit crazy Trump fake news” and you’ll be notified when they’ve finished polishing their turd. You might get a few thousand false positives if you don’t give it a date range too though.

    4. @Damian La quay No daring required. He’s generally the only one who sees Trump as a stable genius, even though they talk about each other in the third person. The rest of us are pretty sure his grey matter is functionally the equivalent of an overripe banana.

    1. @7charlierox God bless Mr. Trump!! M.A.G.A.!!! I hope he wins the elections and continúes as president for good for all.

  1. Am I losing my mind here? They don’t know where these people got the virus from? They didn’t travel? They took people from The Diamond Princess ship to Travis Air Force Base and then you find out people have coronavirus near the base. Is this such a mystery?

    By the way for those of you complaining about how crazy Donald Trump is and corrupt but yet have done nothing to stop him for four years you are the problem! What’s the point of democracy if you don’t engage with how your government runs? Government works for you if they’re not doing their jobs it’s your job to correct them. Boycott, protests, call your representatives, write letters to Representatives, donate to activist, motivate others to take action, vote in November if you’re even allowed to do so at that point. Democracy is not a once every four years sing. You can vote all you want but if you don’t hold the people you vote for accountable then you’ll get as much as you put into it.

    1. @Jarl S ..it is true. Coronavirus has been around for thousands of years. It appears in some form or another and 3% of people who get it will die. But it is nothing to panic about. Shutting down cities and airports is pure mass hysteria.

    2. @Sondra Dupree I’m not panicing. But lets look at this rationally. If 3% die – this means that a city of 1 million will have 30 000 deaths “extra” (remember people will still die from all the usual stuff).

      But, it seems that 15% of those who get the virus get so sick that they develop severe respiratory problems. I.e. they need to be put in hospitals or at least get some intensive care. This will overload health services – meaning that there are less resources to handle other medical issues. This will increase deaths in those groups.

      Add on top of this that with such a large percentage of the population severely sick (the 15%) – they will no longer be able to perform their jobs – which in turn will affect services, transportation, sanitation, hospital staff etc. etc.
      So the overall ramifications can be pretty severe. That is why the stock markets are reacting like they are doing.

      So – you will have to weigh this up against the cost of closing down airports or perhaps entire cities.

    3. @Jarl S .no there wont be 30,000 deaths because that is based upon the population of one million getting CVirus which wont happen. About 7% of the population will get the cvirus which is 70,000 of those people, of which 3% will die . Which is how many deaths Jarl S ?

    4. @Jarl S ..oh and by the way everything else you wrote is just pure hysteria . I cant be bothered explaining why. But you wont get CV, I can guarantee.

  2. “It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn.” – George Washington

    1. @Trevor McKenna-Williams The topic is not lust. Noone is rejecting there are pedos on both sides. BUT the doctrine of pedophilia is ONLY on the left. Which is why there is a significant high number of leftists and democrats who are pedos compared to on the right.

  3. In Monmouth County, NJ there is a suspected case of coronavirus. Testing done on this patient and waiting for results.
    Would be first case here. Here we go.

    1. @Annette Medina yes we do, it is a concern that some feel it is a hoax. Speaking of snowflakes, wouldn’t admit the truth, right here in this comment section. Time to grow up.

    2. @spottydawgful Don’t put words in my mouth, whack-job. I’m no more concerned about it than I would be Pnuemonia or Bronchitis, which cause more deaths than Coronavirus.

  4. I am just waiting for that miracle, you know, when the virus just magically disappears. The Doctor made sense, but this virus can spread from asymptomatic carriers, so just staying away from people who are coughing and sneezing isn’t enough prevention

    1. @Debbie M I actually ended up getting the swine flu back in 2009, i was 10. I had to stay home from school for about a week

    2. Coronavirus will not “disappear” it’s a common cold virus, that’s been around for decades. It has different strains.

    3. @Zob Rombie I got it too, but I wasn’t as young as you! My hubby got it and so did one of his coworkers. His coworker was found unresponsive, ended up being in a coma for almost 2 months, then in rehab for a couple months after he woke up. Had to use a cane the rest of his life because of his brain not getting enough oxygen. He ended up having a bone marrow cancer that was unknown at the time he got swine flu, but that’s why it nearly killed him. Well, it did kill him, but he was resuscitated. He lived a few more years and died much too young from side effects of a medication that caused kidneys to fail.

    1. Stephen Wayda
      That’s an interesting fantasy, however there is no proof of such obfuscation. I think you’ve been watching too much Fox News.

  5. There’s no way to know how many have been infected since the US hasn’t begun widespread testing. So far, less than 500 people tested for this virus.

    1. andrea Perry it’s easier to blame trump, than face the terror that is reality right? Rather blame trump than think right?

    1. Nathan Baker considering other countries have responded in more containment ways than the US, I’d say it’s already spread. Why don’t you google the search trend for “urgent care near me” and you’ll see a lot of high hot spots where the virus could be having an outbreak. To think we can contain it now is just plain ignorance. The cdc even says it’s likely to spread within the communities. Even the cdc said there’s no question of if but when. So, back to my statement. Saying it could spread is a denial on reality considering what we have seen in almost every country that’s reporting cases. And you have to remember: the number of infected will be a lot more than what’s reported because many people won’t go to the hospital unless it’s too bad they can’t take it at home anymore.

    2. The video title is not just that the virus “could spread,” but rather that it *”could widely spread through US”.* Obviously it will spread, and is still spreading right now. But will it spread *widely* throughout the entire country? Nobody knows that. It is possible, and maybe even likely, but not definite. Therefore, the word “could” is appropriate in this context.

    3. @Nathan Baker Could and will are understatements. It’s already spreading. We aren’t testing because if we did we would find hundreds and possibly thousands of infected. USA is doing ZERO testing, The government would rather people remain ignorant rather than knowing the truth to avoid the economy collapsing.

    4. Yes, it’s already spreading, as I’ve already said in this comment thread. The question is whether it will spread *WIDELY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES.*  That is the context for the use of “could” in the video title. Nobody can know with certainty that the virus will spread widely throughout the entire country.

  6. Unbelievable that this virus has been going on for two months and we can’t even test for it in America? Wtf?

    1. @Bernard Wilson okay so that’s what you believe, me I think Bernie Sanders will drop that a few days after he finds out that he lost to Donald J Trump

    2. @notbohnhere butcantleave well he is partially right, you see by April viruses can’t surviveand so therefore of course the coronavirus wouldn’t be able to survive and hopefully within a few months the vaccine that they’re working on would be available to the general public.

    3. @notbohnhere butcantleave please give us a break we know you’re just spreading propaganda. So please just stop wasting our time, anything that comes out of China is a lie!!!

    1. @Stephen Wayda I was with ya’ right up until the last sentence. Science followed by looney tunes conspiracy theory.

  7. DR: “im sorry I just got word from the president that this is making him look bad so we have to pretend non of this is happening.”

    1. He put the frikken VP in charge of this and is putting all available resources behind it. What, exactly, is your TDS/CNN addled mind have in mind for handling this? Idiot.

    2. @Let’s Play Slots Yes he was also acussed of sexual adult on that hooker and she ended up having to pay him LOL hes my hero

  8. The fact they these to unknown cases live in different counties tells you a lot, this is spreading but we just don’t know who has it

  9. As soon as I heard them say that one of them infected is a Elementary school employee… I’m like 😑😔 that isn’t good at all

    1. Yup. And with said infected person showing no symptoms and is able to spread it from person to person easily. Its done. Way too late to do anything now.

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