Judge Raymond Dearie, the special master overseeing the seizure of documents from Mar-a-Lago, signaled to lawyers for former President Donald Trump that if they don't make a case that any of the documents were declassified, he would determine that they're classified. CNN's Jessica Schneider reports. #cnn #jessicaschneider #thesituationroom
Special master questions Trump claims about declassifying documents

The Special Master should question any and all Trump claims.
Every day I wonder what stupid thing trump or his “lawyers” are going to do and they never let me down
@jason fuchs is that why 99% of your posts on here involve hate? Can’t live by your own rules huh hypocrite?
@Jack L. I literally love being hate. Or is that a problem when idiots can not deal? Seriously
That’s because you watch the Nooz, and worse, you believe what you hear.
Judge: Donald, stand back and stand by, the special master is about to make you cry.
Aint gonna lie — that is some sweet poetry

That one has the potential for a future rap classic. Just needs a few more rhymes and a little more time.
First Judge with common sense so far in this whole thing….
@TheBrothergreen i have no words on why this is low quiality
I sure miss cheap gas, no inflation, my 401K growing, a booming economy, secure borders, low crime and no new foreign wars! TRUMP 2024

@jason fuchs 1st Infantry Division is out of Ft. Riley, KS. I was 11B, 13F and 35F with 3rd and 2nd Battalions/75th Ranger Regiment. And I was at Ft. Benning, Ft. Lewis and Ft. Huachuca. So WHEN did 1st Infantry change duty stations to Germany?
@jason fuchs and why didn’t you earn your Sapper Hero?
@jason fuchs Whatever your army experience, the entry requirements didn’t include clear thinking or the English language. Bye bye sad puppy
The law & order candidate sure knows how to keep the courts busy.
He’s still creating jobs…for his lawyers
Classified or declassified doesn’t matter. He STOLE all of them. You’re arguing about something that’s only part of the CRIME HE COMMITTED.
Were empty classified packets also found? What’s up with those? Did he sell info or is he holding onto it to blackmail this country if he doesn’t get his way? This is frightening.
@Burt Sidefish but here’s the issue , he lies , he shreds documents and blurts out secrets , do you really think that it shouldn’t be investigated as to what happened?
One thing Trump and I have in common is we both have the exact same amount of power to declassify those documents: zero
@druid139 I always imagined his bunk buddy being called Bubba. Bubba, the 280 pound 6 feet 2 inches bunch of muscle which loves people who think there are ‘good people on both sides of the aisle’
The difference between Trump and Hitler is, Hitler didn’t wear a diaper.
AMEN, Cris T!!
@druid139 “He takes the class out of everything.” LOL!!
I’m suspecting that Judge Dearie is someone who sensible folks all around the World will come to hold dear.
Folks, like me, who need to see ACCOUNTABILITY finally bite down on trump’s behind.
As a last resort, Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers contacted the Impossible Missions Force to see if they could get him to just keep his mouth SHUT. For the first time in their entire history the team chose not to accept the mission because they knew it was hopelessly impossible.
Is that a real thing? Really asking.
@Kevin Offutt is a Girl Have you ever seen the MI movies or TV show? It is all fictional but relevant in this case!
declassified or not , that has nothing to do with the charges laid out in the search warrant and affidavit. Those documents don’t belong to him. Period.
Exactly. He stole documents that don’t belong to him.
He just admitted he had them in his possession.
When has China Donnie ever assumed stuff belongs to other people? Remember that old lady in Atlantic City that he kicked out onto the street to build his failed casino? Or the farmer in Scotland who resisted his golf course?
Calling Trump out for his lies. Loving it!
Random Haminid – It’s not just him – it’s all the spineless politicians surrounding him.
Just another one of his lies – wouldn’t hold my breath. Regards.
The only reason trump wanted a special master was to slow things down but Judge Dearie don’t play that way. He’s my favorite judge of the week! He’s going to end up sending this back to Cannon and she’ll be the one on the hook for telling trump “sucks to be you”. She deserves nothing more.
He’s slr ad slowed thing by two months. All he needs is a month more and it will after the elections. After that he can declare his candidacy and slow it down by two more years and if he wins he can delay it further until he leaves office…
Trump: How it is legal for ‘MY’ judge to rule against me?
Lawyer: That’s not how it works…
Trump: (Makes hand gesture) – You’re fired.
Good for Dearie! It’s about time someone refused to give in to trump’s demands without question. I also find it amusing that his legal team had a hand in picking Dearie. Is this what they call poetic justice?
Yup. As the old saying goes, be careful what you ask for…..
Call it what you want Jean – poetic justice…karma…chickens coming home to roost,etc. I guess it just depends upon what part of the country you’re from. Just whatever makes you
The guy that doesn’t like to pay taxes, sure loves to waste them
China Don: “Oh sure I’ll release my taxes but only after the audit is finished in 2040 or something like that”
They better not say that in court. That the documents are declassified without proof. TIME TO PAY THE PIPER.!
Oh yeah, baby.

I don’t understand when he can say it in public so many times that the documents are declassified, it shouldn’t matter if he say it in court or not, he made it public, his lawyers made it public and we have videos of those fake news channel that they said that to prove. Of course they won’t say it in court, but that is just a way for him has a slim chance to get away with it and people can say whatever lies they want in public so many times to try to con the world without any consequence????
Trump “I want a special master to remove all declassified documents and return them to me.”
Special Master “Okay, can you tell me which docs are declassified so I know what to look for?”
Trump “No, because that will harm my legal defense!”
Special Master “Then how do you expect me to finish the job?”
Trump “…Finish?”
Even if he declassified them, it would be akin to the CEO of a company leaving with hard copies of trade secrets after losing the job. Your work, the products of that work, and the products of the organization are not yours to do with as you please after the end of your employment. Every sheet of paper, literally the paper is the property of the people of the United States.
Lol . GD
“special master”.
There’s the Time Magazine for one. Why’d they take that?
Finally someone who takes their job seriously.
If the documents were legitimately declassified, they would have shouted it from the rooftops day one!!!!