Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked with a hammer at the couple’s home in San Francisco by a male assailant early Friday morning, law enforcement sources tell CNN. Pelosi, 82, is expected to make a full recovery, the Democratic speaker’s office said in a statement.#CNN #News
Speaker Pelosi’s husband attacked with hammer at home

Wondering how an individual was able to get by the security they have?
@P X yes they do. That’s a lie. Gullible
Just a taste of the environment in this country if republicans for any reason end up in congress next November.
Don’t understand why President Biden stopped calling them for what they (most) are : semi-fascist.
I will go ahead and recognize they are full fledged fascists.
This will garner a lot more attention if it is discovered that the attacker was a repeat offender.
@Punching Stupid People Really Hard In The Mouth!!! Like your handle name. Do you wait till their backs are turned or do you only attack the weak and frail? In my experience people who advertise violence have little experience with it. Certainly not in a fair fights.
@Teddy Rasputin Pro boxer. I specialize in breaking jaws and collecting their teeth.
Turns out he is a mentally ill, homeless, nudist, conspiracy theorist, hemp jewelry making, Green party member, illegal Canadian immigrant and convicted felon that has been released a number of times to walk the streets of San Francisco, a Sanctuary City.
@Teddy Rasputin I don’t recall
@Teddy Rasputin U think u might know about me, I don’t watch Fox News – they lie and its a waste of my time, Same reason, I don’t watch CNN or Listen to NPR they aren’t lying quite as Much as FOX these Days but they still don’t get the Pass that MSNBC gets because they declare that bilge Rachel Maddow is broadcasting is entertainment and not news… Anybody reporting what any politician is saying can’t really trust their source to tell the truth. That’ the same reason why I don’t go to church, I don’t like it when people lie to me. FWIW I believe you in this instance, sounds like Washington doing what they’ve always done… and that doesn’t sound like bullshit to me. (Once I ignore all your ad hominem attacks you threw at me for whatever prejudices you seem to have about me -).
Doesn’t matter if this was a random house robbery or domestic terrorism, if we keep letting people go without repercussions, then this will keep getting worse.
Remember Paul got off almost killing a man while drunk driving?No repercussions on that one.
Well he is going to let go he is giong back to the home of pelosi to say hi to pelosi….
People will do what they do….
Hammurabi’s code is looking pretty good right now. If only to deter tw4ts like this guy from committing acts of violence. Americans have tolerated institutionalized lies and plenty of other things that sullied your public discourse with regards to politics and social issues. You put your freedoms way ahead of any notion of responsibility. This was not surprising. It was expected.
My gosh. What’s wrong with people? No matter what anyone thinks of another person, there is no reason to beat them with a hammer!
No one got beat. It was a staged event.
Americans, smh..
I have viewed some other channel’s covering this. the comments are frightening. There are “Jan. 6th” type people posting comments stating some of the worst things I’ve heard so far. People are gleeful this happened…some people. I don’t think it’s just a few crazies either.
@heaven I really hate those kinds of people, if there’s anyone who deserves a hammer to the brain, it’s a Qanon Trumpist Nazi.
This is what a God don’t exist America looks like sad part is no one was thinking of the warning someone made a very long time ago “if their is no God all things are permitted including murder” Which means their is no Consequences for a persons actions they can do what ever they want and get away with it…..and its gonna get worse much worse
“Now suppose that there is no God or immortality of the soul. Now tell me, why should I live righteously and do good deeds, if I die entirely on earth? … And if so, why should I not (as I can count on my intelligence and agility to avoid being caught by the law) cut the throat of another man, stealing, … ”
This theory of the superman, originally created in Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, is the result of a doubt expressed in the existence of God. The theory allows Raskolnikov, without prompting, to murder two women and potentially an unborn child. As a superior being, he should be allowed to take the lives of those who are less significant and essential. Similarly, Kirillov said: “If God exists, then everything is His will, and I can not do anything with my own outside of His will. If there is no God, then everything is my will and I must express my will. <---this was not just words this was a warning and people still do not understand
How come no one wondered/asked if the suspect has already been released on bail?
@Larry Hall Point is in California according to their laws he should be let out without paying bail, Pelosi herself helped form these ridiculous laws.
He already bonded out for 25.00 plus tt&l
That man is definitely not being released on bail.
I can’t believe the senseless replies. Substantiates the fact preponderance of sensible viewers don’t post comments and replies.
It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
@J I didn’t bother to waste my time because I knew I’d be lost and fly off the handle. 👷
@renideo On the contrary, you leftist routinely doubt the existence of radical leftist that burned down cities, attacked police, and elderly people for wearing MAGA hats because you could not personally observe it.
Did he go for some ice scream.Maybe one of the illegals they fetched in,they know how all the victims feel now.Much love from England 😁🏴
@renideo so if I beat u half to sleep with a hammer u telling me u leaving in less than 3 hrs?
@Bo Holde security would’ve shot him on the spot
Jesus! I don’t care what the motive was; it was brutal, savage and cruel! There’s never an excuse to attack an 82-year-old man! I pray he makes a full recovery, and I hope whoever did this, whatever the motive, is brought to justice!
Key phrase being “the People” which means the Majority.
Trump LOST !!!
If you don’t like our Laws you can work to change them or move…breaking them is wrong and not acceptable according to almost EVERY citizen.
@Nancy Ranft Yea trump lost, I voted for Biden. You are thinking I am a republican this is incorrect. The right vs left thing is something they do to keep people fighting about nothing issues like bathrooms and children’s sports. I’m a federal reserve is privet bank and we pay interest on our own money kind of person. My response would be the same with mitch.
Not qcrap or anything like that.
You’re right I hope he gets better to this way he can go back out and drunk drive
@Robert Bigler Sure but it’s an opportunity for mass cathartic schadenfreude. Thanks fake media.
@Nancy Ranft Because some people are just evil and will do anything to keep their power, it’s not rocket science.
No one deserves to be beaten with a hammer. Prayers for his recovery .
It just blows my mind , how in the world could someone break into this home . You would think it would be extremely protected with cameras and alarms as well as staff .
he brought the hammer into the situation, thus creating a threat to a trespasser
Maybe he should talk to his wife about policy on crime. Start right there in good old California.
Self protection.
He should have blasted the intruder.
🤔🤔,,,, Wonder,,, dmmm democrat political crooks still support Defund police?????🤔
😩😩 we all decent normal 🇺🇲 citizens are WARNING so many times!!!!🚫🚫🚫 to
Libral Deep States !!!
As a result, Mafia crook old 👵👨👩👧👦 members got consequences 😢 😪 😰😨😰😨😰😨,,,
democrat 🤯🧠 political crooks get lessoned hard way,,, !!!!!🥱🥱🥱
Although 🇺🇲 Nancy Pelosi 🏠,,, Who can be safe in democrat states ?????¿¿¿¿😰😨😰
Hope the victim will get better soon,,,
😩😩,,, Go figures,,
If U are NOT a 2digit lower IQ 🤯 🧠 moron,
It was all STAGED. Truly pathetic antics by Poison Nancy Pelosi. WHAT cartoon show will she bring us next? Gonna get crazy!
Sorry to hear that,we need law and order not what has been happening for last few years
“People will do what they do”
-Nancy Pelosi.
I don’t care about the man’s politics! He is 82 years old and this was freaking brutal! This is ridiculous!
@GoryOrator Okay, kinda funny but🖕
@Jason Cobb oh wow, is that thing loaded? Careful there, chief. We wouldn’t want anyone to “run up” on you and get hurt 😆
This is America apparently
Maybe you’re right, but I can’t help but say it, Mr. Pelosi should have exercised his 2nd amendment right and had an AR15. 😳
@Jason Cobb He did win. You bass turds cheated. Plain and simple.
Sad that this is where society is going.. allowing these fringe groups to be fed oxygen by our leaders for votes is a problem, it’s an epidemic of ignorance
@Corwin K You do realize you didn’t give me a single thing I asked for? Good job winning the argument for me though. Muted. 😂
Yes that’s liberals for you.
what doing groups? the guy was part of the Green Party, he was a nudist, He was a hemp jewelry maker, antisemitic, had an LGTBQ flag in the front of his home and posted crazy Covid conspiracies.. He was all over the place politically….I think this guys was just mentally unwell for some reason he was hated Nancy Pelosi…I just hope That the victim will be ok
@Christopher Stuart
Rioting for months over dead felons, for one
And you can lie and deny but youre not the only ones with cameras.
It’s not where society as a whole is going. But it is where America seems to be headed.
This election period reminds me of the elections period in a country in Africa. There was so much violence prior and during elections that I had to be evacuated. I would never thought this could happen in the US. Gosh, what had become of this country?
America as a whole thinks this is fine.
@Loghost Good! Im glad to provide a much needed reality check to bring your IQ from 25 all they way up to 50.
Joe Biden..that’s what’s become of the country.
@Mobilus In Mobili yeah your right. Only worse things like an aggressive and deadly invasion on a neighboring sovereign country and committing war crimes on civilians who you share ancestry with.
I never would’ve thought this would be a thing in the US either. But then I remembered who they elected as their 45th President and the general sullying of political discourse he helped institutionalize, and then I came to expect political violence. January 6th was already a clear sign.
What’s so very sad to me is that the comments about this everywhere are HAPPY this happened to this man bc he’s a democrat! What’s happened to everyone?
Shouldn’t she have some kind of security around her house or something like that.
@Z they acted this out to blame maga
@Ralph Bourke 🤣
Sounds like a jilted gay lover.
@Ralph Bourke Vile
They must be allowed cashless bail. It is only fair.
It’s SF, so they definitely will lol
WHAAUWW.!!!..this is crazy something has to be done..when do the people open their eyes and see the truth for what it is…I.m not an American and I.m amazed what happens in the USA…it looks like the USA is going back in time..
🤔🤔,,,, Wonder,,, dmmm democrat political crooks still support Defund police?????🤔
😩😩 we all decent normal 🇺🇲 citizens are WARNING so many times!!!!🚫🚫🚫 to
Libral Deep States !!!
As a result, Mafia crook old 👵👨👩👧👦 members got consequences 😢 😪 😰😨😰😨😰😨,,,
democrat 🤯🧠 political crooks get lessoned hard way,,, !!!!!🥱🥱🥱
Although 🇺🇲 Nancy Pelosi 🏠,,, Who can be safe in democrat states ?????¿¿¿¿😰😨😰
Hope the victim will get better soon,,,
😩😩,,, Go figures,,
If U are NOT a 2digit lower IQ 🤯 🧠 moron,
sadly it is and people do not understand the dangers of what is going to happen if this does not stop…..I don’t get how people want to come to America so bad your more likely to die here faster than in other countries lol
@Gunsquawk 44 No what needs to be done is people who have a background of harming or killing someone should be locked in a cell and forgotten i dont care if they starve to death they deserve the same fate they give innocent people
A film crew filming outside the Speakers home this week had things stolen out the car across the street in broad daylight from the Speakers home. Threat to intimidate the Speaker? How about the demonstrations in front the Justices of the Supreme Court which the Speaker encouraged which clearly were illegal and done to intimidate the Justices? Equal treatment under the law for all, not for some.
so Nancy Pelosi encouraged demonstrations to intimidate “the Justices”? Please….stop spreading hateful fake news. I imagine you are happy this happened to someone….or did you just forget your moral compass?
they say we don’t know his motivation but we know, don’t we…
🤔🤔,,,, Wonder,,, dmmm democrat political crooks still support Defund police?????🤔
😩😩 we all decent normal 🇺🇲 citizens are WARNING so many times!!!!🚫🚫🚫 to
Libral Deep States !!!
As a result, Mafia crook old 👵👨👩👧👦 members got consequences 😢 😪 😰😨😰😨😰😨,,,
democrat 🤯🧠 political crooks get lessoned hard way,,, !!!!!🥱🥱🥱
Although 🇺🇲 Nancy Pelosi 🏠,,, Who can be safe in democrat states ?????¿¿¿¿😰😨😰
Hope the victim will get better soon,,,
😩😩,,, Go figures,,
If U are NOT a 2digit lower IQ 🤯 🧠 moron,
Yes she left the ice scream out ,maybe it was an illegal 🎃
@joe blo David DePape (attacker) reposted a video on YouTube denouncing the investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a “farce,” according to CNN.
Joe Biden planned this attack because he knew that Nancy was next in line for the presidency.
Sen. Rand Paul’s reaction: “No one deserves to be assaulted,” Paul said on Twitter. *”Unlike Nancy Pelosi’s daughter who celebrated my assault, I condemn this attack and wish Mr. Pelosi a speedy recovery.”*
In other words, he managed to put in a petty little passive aggressive jab in there. How respectable of him 😁
I mean… They created the environment and basically the situation…..
The way I look at it, the amount of insider trading and corruption they’re involved in, the hammer was the tool of karma.
Sorry for the edit. I misspelled “Created”. That’s is all.
Not to mention the DUI he could’ve killed a family