Speaker Nancy Pelosi: We Need To Test With A Strategy | All In | MSNBC

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the need for COVID-19 testing plan: “Testing with a strategy, testing with a timetable, with benchmarks and milestones. …This is essential, and it is such a disappointment that we have not made the decision at the executive branch.” Aired on 05/26/2020.
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi: We Need To Test With A Strategy | All In | MSNBC


    1. you libs would criticize Trump even if he literally cured COVID overnight. can’t please you people

    2. except when you realize he brought it up at his state of the union, banned travel from china, was called a racist, and piglosi tore up the speech. lol. thats the demoCRAPS for you. immune to the truth.

    3. @ChimpCube chimpcube Yes, he did one good thing re the travel ban – then did nothing else. Other countries had strong federal leadership, the US didn’t that is why you are in such a mess.
      PS the US was not the first to ban travel from China as many like to believe.

    4. @ChimpCube chimpcube he didn’t “ban” travel from China when he later let 40k people travel here! Get it straight if you want to participate! You Trolls ignore ALL the facts! Russia has the 3rd largest outbreak and death toll and Trump STILL hasn’t banned Travel with Russia!!

  1. Strategy awol since pathetic inauguration. The Trump administration is just another chapter of his life-long con.

    1. No way!! There still isn’t even enough information about what will happen to fetuses! Sperm can be Covid positive! How irresponsible!!

  2. *But according to Trump, testing shouldn’t be done because it’ll expose even more cases 😅*

    1. @Rob Perry Like Trump, you apparently fear intelligent women.
      How are things going in Bedrock?

  3. yes, focus on the need for testing and tracing and . . . but keep a watch.. keep on alert… there is a danger in the oval office .. someone contriving and amoral who feels pushed into a corner, someone dangerous. someone who could do the unthinkable. the president is a national security threat. those who are protecting him are complicit. Don’t le this be another case where we are left to pick up the pieces after the carnage.

  4. A word here; temperature checks are no more useful than a Ouija Board. With 35+% of infections being asymptomatic and the rest being presymptomatic for a week (+/-), every meat packing employee needs a test for the live virus on a regular basis (daily at first and then gradually down to weekly.). Nothing else will work. This should apply to all “close quarters” work.

  5. Testing is for humans in the white house. The rest are not important. You are disposable. Die today, tonight you are forgotten and tomorrow replaced.

  6. please, at this point all the congress need is to Remove trump.He is totally incompetent, mad, delusional.Only causing more chaos, deaths daily.

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