Speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement on the House floor came a day after Republicans claimed a majority in the House in the next congressional term.
RELATED: Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces future plans
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she will step down from her leadership role, ending a 20-year reign leading House Democrats with an iron grip and breaking barriers as the first woman speaker. Her announcement on the House floor came a day after Republicans claimed a majority in the House in the next congressional term.
"The House will be in order," said Pelosi, wearing a white pant suit and her signature Mace of the Republic brooch. As she walked to the well of the floor and took the podium, she got around of applause from her colleagues.
Her decision comes after her party was able to halt an expected Republican wave in the House though Republicans will still have a majority, albeit much narrower than forecasted. Her announcement also comes weeks after a brutal attack on her husband, Paul, last month in their San Francisco home.
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#Democrats #Politics #Pelosi
Bye Felicia!
Look at the condition of the city the clown represents
At least we don’t have to hear your mouth anymore
The best day in many many years…
Which people does she speak for in San Francisco? The wealthy or the poor?
LoL….we have no country…learn Chinese..u been sold out..
Wealthy I’m sure
Made your millions on the backs of Americans
How did she protect our Constitution?
Thank you for your service Speaker Pelosi! Good luck and speedy recovery for your husband!
Liar, thief are just some of the words I would use to describe her
She isn’t any different than the Republican wankers.
I thought it was a HAMMER
Thx you Speaker Pelosi!!
You have caused irreparable harm to our nation. The policies you have supported have brought judgement on our nation. I pray that your eyes be opened to the truth and conviction be brought to your soul. For one day you will face your creator and will be held accountable for all your actions.
Thank You!!! You’ve been so inspirational to all women!! I appreciate All you’ve done and stood for!! Amazes me. My only sorrow is how, why you must now go
Not the America I know. I pray good things for you and yours and hope somehow the ugliness doesn’t color your memories as a leader too much. Don’t let him (hate) win. Thank you
I moved to SF the year she was first elected and lived there until a couple years ago. SF was a great city when I first moved out there. Today, it’s a raging dumpster fire with steer crimes and drug addicts and raving lunatics everywhere. Thanks, Nancy. Well done.
That’s not Nancy’s fault, plus there are bums in most cities, you should see Austin, and they have a republican governor that has been in office for years.
@Yvonne Pingleton
Sounds like it’s hammer time
Yet, the idiots of San Francisco keep voting for her. Who’s fault is that?
@RD History It’s a one-party town and it’s impossible to primary her. People have tried but there’s no way. She’s got the big money behind her.
destroyed her city
needs to be sued now for stock market fraud
Thank you Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I thank you for your years of important service to our country. And I will continue to send my very best thoughts to you and your husband Paul. And may I say that the courage you showed on 9/6 will be remembered by many women as a powerful reminder that ageism is a word. We are powerful and have a seat at the table now, for future generations of leaders ready to act with integrity in times of National Crisis, and not sit and watch, or
down the hall after a power sign.
Thank you.
While Nancy was there the rich got richer. The poor and middle class…got poorer. So glad she is gone.
Now that SF and California is in disaster, she’s saying ADIOS w a huge smile on her wicked face
We are all glad you are getting out.